Well-Known Member
This is a newly broken horse who first bronced after being kicked to make her go. She may well not be used to being kicked, I have certainly never felt it a good idea to kick any horse, never mind a very green one. I would not think that overreacting to a kick, getting entangled in tack and panicking warrants being pts before even being assessed by somebody used to bringing on young horses. She may be more sensitive and reactive than the OP is used to but I feel sorry for this young horse thrust into a strange environment without the reassurance of a rider she had had time to learn to trust. Look at it another way: from her point of view what reason did she have not to panic if she had never been desensitised to stuff falling off her or wrapping itself around her legs for instance? Some horses will not panic at anything much granted but most will if the circumstances are stressful enough. Some people are lucky and never find themselves in a catastrophic situation with a young horse, some are experienced enough to ensure it is unlikely to happen and other times the hits the fan and the horse pays the price.