Well-Known Member
The trouble here is none of us saw the incident and the explanation is not 100% clear. I have only witnessed a blind panic once that resulted in going through fences etc once in a ridden horse. It was a new livery who was very inexperienced with a young, unschooled pony. She was riding in a fenced outdoor arena and tried to canter whilst being very unbalanced, the pony reacted and the rider screamed and screamed and screamed (you get the picture), the rider fell off whilst continuing to scream and the pony ran/half jumped/crashed through the wooden arena fence and then through two more wire fences eventually stopping when her reins became tangled around a fence post on another fence. Obviously the pony was very traumatised and took a while to calm down. Long story short, I bought the pony as the owner decided to sell and once her cuts had healed, went back to basics with her as these had obviously been overlooked. She turned out to be amazing, a stalwart riding school pony, loved by clients who learned so much on her over the 15 years we had her and never once panicked again.