Shocked and disgusted!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2005
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Just Gone To The Said Thread To See 4 Myself...And It Is Certainly A Wind-up. (Should that have been Wind-Up)?, Anyway, It's Pretty Exhausting Typing In Magenta And Treating Every Word Like A Proper Noun....That's better.. Anyone who is daft enough to take on a horse or pony without a single shred of knowledge should treated with a pinch of salt. You have to be careful with the internet - It could be that she's not a 15 stone teenager, but instead some hairy bloke with too much time on his hands and not enough friends.

As a hairy bloke, I object.

Paddy Irish

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24 February 2011
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[ You have to be careful with the internet - It could be that she's not a 15 stone teenager, but instead some hairy bloke with too much time on his hands and not enough friends.[/QUOTE]

I thought that's what a troll was - big hairy bloke - sometimes lives under a bridge waiting for poor unsuspecting goatlets and kiddieos? :eek:

Mrs B

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3 May 2010
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"I thought that's what a troll was - big hairy bloke - sometimes lives under a bridge waiting for poor unsuspecting goatlets and kiddieos?"

Andy's a troll?! :eek: But he's barefoot, so how will we hear him trip-trapping over the bridge? Oh it's ok - just remembered it's the goats that do the trip-trapping... So he should be able to sneak up on them easily...
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Well-Known Member
27 March 2011
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As a hairy bloke, I object.

lol as someone with too much time on my hands, I object!

OP I just read the thread you pointed out. I must be honest, with my heartless head on, a lot of the replies made me laugh :D. But if the OPs for real I guess i do feel a bit bad, although they did get some decent answers too. It is too easy on the internet to be a smart ar$e and not think of the person reading it on the other end, but in time one does develop a bit of a 6th troll sense. No one likes to waste their time for someone elses amusement. Probably the best thing to do is just ignore a suspect post, but sometimes the temptations just too great :D


Well-Known Member
3 April 2011
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How hilarious, now I know exactly who you are!! Ellie dear you really shouldn't take the forum so seriously!!

I swear kitsune you know EVERYONE within a couple of hours.

they should get you on the hunt for bin laden!!

Am slightly amazed by the irony that 'paddy irish' cant spell leprechaun


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21 November 2008
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The thing is - South Wales is a very small place - especially when you have told people where you keep your horse and what your horse looks like! Oh and it always pays to know local yard owners and showjumpers :)


Well-Known Member
13 October 2010
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Ahh thank you Aimeetb, he is my total pride and joy and I love him sooo very much. :eek: He is called Bailey and he was 14 on friday. He is a dutch bred belgian WB! He has a smashing tempament and gives me a lovely whinny most nights when I walk on the yard. Last night he had a skip full of poo hanging from his face and just stood there when the handle of the skip bucket got caught in the browband of his bridle. Horses like that are worth their weight in gold. :)

Oh bless Bailey!! Absolutely agree, nothing better than a real genuine horse, testiment to how they are handled i find, you must do a good job! xx


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21 November 2008
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Well I don't think anyone else, bar one member would know who she was anyway. I don't mean I know who she is - as in she's a regular user, just I know who she is from South Wales!


Well-Known Member
29 April 2008
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These forums are a slice of the real world. Not everyone in the real world sugar coats and coos all the time. We have a lot of no-nonsense, clever horse people here who shoot from the hip and don't take tripe - and that's the way we like it.

There are forums which cater more to your needs and likes, might be an idea to find one that suits you better?

Hope that helps.

Totally agree Kitsune. Inexperienced or not, some of the questions people post beggar belief and makes you think what sort of numpties own horses. There are also a few people who come on here with the sole purpose of causing a riot. Sometimes a bit of common sense is all that's needed.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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i always get confused, which is north and which is south?

One's up and one's down. Can be confusing if hanging upside down though.

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Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
Vancouver, BC
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I enjoy this forum and all the different personalities on it. I'm sorry that some of the more acerbic posters have been banned and left us for the 'forum which shall remain nameless'. The people who have been members longer (note: I didn't say "Old Nags") tend to be a wealth of knowledge and don't suffer fools gladly.

Perhaps I'm more tolerant of it because I know someone in RL who is quite like this. She is brusque and wants to get down to business without the niceties. That's just the way she is. I would prefer it if she were nicer, but I wouldn't want to lose out on her knowledge because she has a different way of interacting with others.

I don't think there's anything to be shocked and disgusted about. I have read threads on here where many users agreed that there is too much moderation here.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2006
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm HHO, a few really nice people who actually know what they are talking about, a few genuine novices, and the rest of the forum is full of bulls**ters, copycat quoters, wanabees and beeatches. It entertains me for hours LMAO
I made a similar post when I first came here OP, and was similarly shot down, and told to 'do one'. I was new, and obviously I live in a different world to people who think that some of the behaviour is normal hahaha People just dont talk to each other in person in quite the same way. I am a member of LOTS of forums, but HHO is certainly different.
However, I hope you stick around and learn to ignore the vast volumes of complete childish twaddle on here theres good stuff too you just have to filter it out ;)
Im still here...filtering....laughing....its the whole horse 'world' not just HHO ;)
Gosh that's well put and made me lol to boot!

OP this is right, also there are pretty strong cliques on here who will back up certain posters no matter what they post, nor how unnecessarily rudely. And will happily derail a thread to 10 pages in gleefully backing each other up. One of their number could post that black is white, they'll always be backed up. You will often also find yourself chastised for not respecting the awesome and incredible knowledge of a forum member who's decided to post on your thread (personally I need evidence before a rude and obscure one liner designed to attract attention convinces me I should bow or curtsey).

Stick around for a bit and the clique(s) will stand out, so you can weed out the sound advice from the attention seeking. And it's still a good place to get a sensible answer to pretty much any question, there are a lot of really nice, knowledgeable, helpful and moreover NORMAL (as much as we horse people can be that :D) people on here.