Well-Known Member
Gone a bit of topic from Simon Cowell then. 
Seems like hes getting a bit big for his boots at the moment!
Seems like hes getting a bit big for his boots at the moment!
Sue Ellen your generalisation is perfectly sensible and almost certainly true. The counter to it is to find a celebrity will equal impact who will talk for you every time a Simon Cowell talks against you.
Unfortunately Otis Reading won't do - it was his Dad I was in love with at 15 !
Combat-Claire, this one is a catch 22. It is, of course, impossible for me to name the hunts that I know are hunting fox without endangering lives. Come and visit me in person with references from your hunt and I will send you out with a hunt hunting fox. Until then, please stop accusing me of lying, I do not lie.
I have told you before that I am not intolerant, and I happen to believe the Police have better things to do with their time than catch illegal fox hunters. I'd rather it was burglars in Court and they haven't enough time to chase both.
it seems like you have "evidence" and are not prepared to use it , if you are afraid to why ? or is it the same as most of the other evidence the antis have come up with , just supposition and what they thought the saw .
as far as being intolerant , you are , if i want to kill foxes by any legal means then i should be allowed to , if you want to kill a horse by riding it , then you should be allowed to .
back to the topic .
if coell wants to stick his awe in to my life then i say we should ban all tv shows like his as they give a lot of feckless people the dream they are a superstars
Not being sarcastic - merely pointing out that if you set yourself as the expert in fox hunting (and as such, one who chooses not to take part), then you should get your facts right. and I had a fab image of Otis Reading too...
I truly have no problem with your drag hunting - I do have difficulty with your very aggressive attitude to everyone who you perceive as disagreeing with you - it makes for very uncomfortable reading.
You accuse me of lying. You offer me no way of proving that I am not without naming names on a public forum to people whose identity I have no idea of.
Come and see for yourself and until then stop accusing me of lying, I do NOT lie.
Your name is relevant because you don't even want people to know who you are yet you are happy to accuse me, anonymously, of being a liar. I think the least you owe me if you are going to be so rude is to tell me the name of my accuser.
you seem to have a complex about lying as i said you are afraid to use the evidence you have , that hasnt stopped antis in the past , btw they must be the people i know then seeing as we are in the same county