Well-Known Member
It always makes me laugh when someone trots out the Bear bating,cock fighting, argument, oblivious to the fact that they were not banned for any animal welfare reason,but to control gambling amongst the working classes.Mind you ,when you come to think of it the fox hunting ban had precious little to do with animal welfare. I think I will give your anti hare coursing a miss ,too. Not because I support it, but because ,having listend to the likes of john Prescott and other "socialists"it seems to me that it is all about inventing a class struggle where none exists ,rather than any concern for animals.I agree with Mr Cowell. We British led the way in banning the slave trade and in banning slavery in the Empire, we led the way in banning bear baiting and cock fighting, and we led the way in banning hunting and hare coursing. We must continue to make progress and not let our civilisation take a backward step. For those who agree with me regarding hare coursing in particular, go to -