
Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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Nobody is trying to supress your opinion, however I base my own opinion on the things that I have seen and the facts that are presented to me. What I think we are all questioning is the legitimacy of this website and that people who are not familiar with the abattoir are being sucked into believing that they are hell holes when in fact that is not the case. I don't think anyone disagrees that all slaughter should be humane and suffering of all animals should be stopped, however I think you are misled if you believe that shutting down abattoirs will help that cause.

This is a discussion - it wouldn't be if we didn't have differing opinions!


Well-Known Member
4 June 2003
whether it be natural, by injection, at home or at a slaughter house death is not nice. for my horses all i wish is that they have no knowledge of it - thats my duty as their owner to ensure that when needed i do the correct thing (what ever it be you can be garanteed afterwards there will be a little crumbled heep in tears - i may be a scientist and say it like it is but any death is sad - just let it be painless for their sake!)


Well-Known Member
17 October 2006
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I too have been to the abattoir many times for research purposes, Taunton and Romford and I have never seen them fail to provide a quick painfree, un-stressed death. One of the guys who actually deals with the live horses and carries out the killing is in fact a horse man himself who loves horses and I have often seen him giving them a cuddle and a stroke. They follow him into the part of the abattoir where they are shot without a problem, and in there they cannot see the other horse carcasses. The area where they are shot is wahed out with a pressure hose inbetween every horse. There is also a vet present.

I wouldn't send my own horses to an abattoir and would prefer to have them pts at home, however abattoirs are very necessary and the horses do not suffer. Without them we would have a HUGE problem with unwanted horses. If you are against horses going to abattoirs then you should not sell your horse as there is no guarantee that they will not end up there eventually. It is not very nice but true.

I don't want to offend anyone but would like for them to make an informed decision before signing the petition. I will definately NOT be signing.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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well said - that is the whole point - and something I keep coming back to again and again - is that we have the chance to end our animals suffering before pain/age/illness becomes a burden. Our animals are lucky. Humans do not have the same 'rights' in this as animals. When terminally ill we are still under the sway of law and doctors prolonging agony and pain.

Once death has removed the soul of a person or animal what remains is merely a shell that contained the soul. It is not the person or animal, merely the object that contained the soul.

Therefore after death the 'body' can in the case of horses go for meat and in the case of humans, organs can be used for other people to live.

We might not like eating horsemeat in this country but plenty of people that are starving in Africa would be glad of the food tbh.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2006
Problem is... an injection isnt always that nice either.. Ive seen problems with this and horses staggering about and all sorts
To me, at that point, the horse then KNOWS there is a major problem - so is that in itself a kindness?

I understand what people are saying about the horse not knowing that death is coming in a slaughterhouse. But surely if theres a problem with an injection then they would know? :/ Something straight to the brain has to be quicker? I dont want my horse to be looking at me if the vet messes up an injection and him knowing that something is majorly wrong!

Happyhack - I do agree with a lot of your points. I would never send my horse to a slaughterhouse either and reading the original link had me in tears. The problem is, there are a massive amount of horses out there without people like us and its then that Im intrigued as to the best way to deal with these horsies.

Its such a tough subject

And p.s. thanks to the people who pointed out the difference between the slaughterhouses and "knacker men" for me.


Well-Known Member
25 September 2005
somewhere in pasty land
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I could never ever send my horse to slaughter. i could not live with myself not knowing where his body had gone to

[/ QUOTE ]

Unfortunatly not every body has a choice!!.A very good friend of mine lost her intermediate event horse in the cross country phase and although she had a nice spot for him to be buried in at home he had to go to the knackerman because he died on the course.She wasent asked how she wanted to dispose of the carcass!!.


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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Whilst I have only had to have two of mine pts, they were both shot by the hunt.

They were dead before they hit the ground - a good huntsman never misses - they take time to make sure the horse is relaxed and the gun is exactly where it should be.

Mine were both shot at home, Anna was loaded on their lorry and give a huge bucket of feed, she thought she was going to a show and had no panic. Breeze had a snapped leg and could not be moved. She was shot in her field, again with her mouth full and ears forward, they then winched her onto the lorry. This part I did not stay to see. The hunt were so very kind and compassionate.

If I had to, I would consider loading my horse and taking them to a hunt kennel, but prefer the hunt to come to me. Friends who have gone to the kennel said their horses were not frightened and went peacefully.

Once a horse or indeed any of my animals are dead, for me that it is it. The spirit is gone and all that is left is flesh. Breeze had hunted all her life, and went to the hounds she had last run with.

Personally there should be more slaughter houses to avoid transporting animals long distances, something I am very strongly against. Kill it, then move it.