'Do you come here often?'
When I did an agility taster day with my old dog (he did really well until he got tired/bored, removed a pole and started parading around with it in his mouth) the trainer (who also does IGP) was using place boxes/mats, similar to what we would do to train retrieves and jumps, the dog is rewarded for staying in/on the place, feeding in or on the place, even if line pressure is applied to try and pull the dog out/off the place, the dog must stay until told otherwise, go back and feed or reward or whatever. And randomly interspersing with explosive release and reward so that they do not want to stay there forever
timing is the major problem as we are predictable humans, we usually always do the same thing at the same time, in the same order, and the dog learns this.
This is trained separately, before we even went near the jumps, then box to box or mat to mat, small elements then put together.
This is trained separately, before we even went near the jumps, then box to box or mat to mat, small elements then put together.