The Further Decline of the Hunting Fraternity...


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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"If I pulled your hair out would it hurt you?"
Would be difficult, it has already been mentioned that I am a "slaphead hippy".
"I shall put a poll up for you...." No need for polls, just answer this 1 simple question
If pulling horses mane and tails hurts (I am assuming it does seeing you're compairing it to pulling human hair) the horses, why would you inflict that pain on something you love? (I am assuming you love your horses)

I love myself yet I still wax my legs and other rather senstitive areas, I pluck my eyebrows which is not pleasant... Doesn't mean its cruel... Ever had your chest or b,s &c done and you'll know how painfull it is!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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"Why do antis believe EVERYTHING they read? "

We dont !

Well, we dont believe everything pros say, anyway.

Quite, I'll compare you antis with JRT's...selective hearing :smirk: but in your case selective reading :p


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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"Not all antis, I have agreed with antis before - ask Southgate. "

Scratches head... now when was that.... ??

It was regarding areas in England as whether hunting with hounds was the best method...or was it Endy? I can't remember...I've slept since then :p


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"I love myself yet I still wax my legs and other rather senstitive areas, I pluck my eyebrows which is not pleasant... Doesn't mean its cruel... Ever had your chest or b,s &c done and you'll know how painfull it is!"

Do I really need to comment on this bit? Come on honestly?

OK, I will, just in case some people were wondering about any part of it.

"I love myself yet I still wax my legs and other rather senstitive areas, I pluck my eyebrows which is not pleasant..."

You make that choice yourself, you do it to yourself or you have the verbal skills to say you don't want it done and you can decide to stop when evey you want. Your horse and/or other animals who we (as in humans) hurt do not have that choice, we force it onto them and they don't have the option of asking us to stop.

"Ever had your chest or b,s &c done and you'll know how painfull it is!"
FYI I had my chest waxed for charity and no-one is going anywhere near my S or C with any wax, all my choice though.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Very true but you make your choice as to what food you like and eat. I choose for my horse, he may not like oats but thats what he gets...I choose to pull his mane to keep it neat and tidy and plait it for hunting :smirk:

If he really wanted to, he could boot me to kingdom come but he doesn't, yet I know its unpleasant for him.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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If he really wanted to, he could boot me to kingdom come

You couldn't turn him loose on the likes of Wrighty, Southgate, and Blairite could you.

I'd pay good money to witness that. I could post the video up on U Tube for very one to have a giggle at.


Active Member
10 July 2007
Father Ted's house
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Dear Mr. Faggus, wouldn't we make a handsome couple? Lets invite that nice Mr. Wrighty to the wedding. He can bring his friend the Queen and we can all eat non-politically-correct-but-hey,-if-its shot-by-the-queen-its-kosher pheasant sandwiches with the beaks, sorry, crusts cut off.

P.s Is Mr.W's objection to pulling/trimming of horses manes/tail really a barely concealed fear of any form of hair loss? ;)


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"He can bring his friend the Queen"
I want rid of the queen and her inbred hunting family (Not implying that hunters are inbred, just the queen and her family), I think you're thinking of someone else that actually likes her.

"Is Mr.W's objection to pulling/trimming of horses manes/tail really a barely concealed fear of any form of hair loss?"
No hair loss fear her, it's happening and can do nothing about it. I am concerned that some people hurt their own horses. (I am still assuming that it hurts the horse as it was compaired to pulling human hair, which has happened to me in the past before I had short hair)

"we can all eat non-politically-correct-but-hey,-if-its shot-by-the-queen-its-kosher pheasant sandwiches"
We all can't, I don't eat meat. Keep up.

I don't think the queen killing it would make it kosher, pheasant would be kosher if killed by Shechitah (Killed by cutting its throat with a sharp knife).
I will let you off not knowing this as I am assuming that neither anyone Pro in this forum, or anyone you know who hunts is Jewish.


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10 July 2007
Father Ted's house
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Oh dear Mr.Wrighty, such treason. Tut tut, you're an anarchist aren't you? I fear that if I invite you we'll have Jonny Rotten's vocals echoing around the church. Maybe I'm misreading you, perhaps you are a revolutionary; a touch of French in you perhaps? I can picture you following the hunt on a bicycle, incognito in your stripy jumper and beret with strings of garlic around your neck....

This hair pulling business. I'm concerned. Who pulled your hair? Did this happen frequently? Have you had counseling? And were they by chance pulling your leg at the same time....


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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Oh, I get it, wit again. Some people on this forum are getting quite good at it, you might need a bit more practice.

It's good to see you're keeping up the tradition of racial stereotyping, I've seen pictures of french people and non were anything like you describe them as.

No witty comments about your lack of knowledge on kosher food or are you just embarressed?


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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If you're so hard up for amusement maybe I should let your dog bite me as well......

Well if you're offering ..................

I must warn you that he's a dirty fighter! There'd be none of this offering a well protected arm. He just goes in low and mean, and grabs what ever is available. :shocked: :grin:


Well-Known Member
4 August 2006
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<<So, on one hand you say you are member of the government and on the other you are not!
I think it is wrong to lie>>

Wurzel ole bean. Do pay attention old boy. You do like to go around in circles. As where 'we' prefer to get on with the matter in hand and deal with them in the usual resolute and efficient way.

<<I asked why she got promoted. What did she do exactly ?>>

Well, I have already answered that. The record of Mrs. Beckett rather speaks for itself, does it not? A Formidable politician wherever she was placed. One point of interest will be when there was a slight delay in payments from the RPA. Mrs. Beckett personally intervened and ensured that the chief executive was removed from post and that the matter was dealt with in the most responsible way.

<<Interesting ! So why are there less farms producing less every year since 1997 ?>>

I do not recognise these figures. Could you provide a reliable source for this most spurious of claims?

<<I think you should comment on LACS and Baronsdown.>>

Why? I have no knowledge of the meeting.

<<You are a hunting expert?>>

No, I am not an expert. I suspect that that also applies to you and Saggy Brain.

<<So you agree with spying on your neighbour>>

I would refer you to my previous comments:

"I do not think that it is advisable in "general" to advocate a policy of spying on one's neighbours. However, if you believe that your neighbour may be breaking the law, or inflicting cruelty (for instance) on his/her children, spouse or pets, then gathering evidence and alerting the appropriate authorities might be advisable"

<<I you agee with higher direct taxes on agricultural land ?>>

And I said: "I would prefer lower taxes, where possible, as these tend to create the conditions for stability (take the past 10 years as an example!) However, taxation has to be levied on a case by case basis, I would have thought. I have little knowledge of current Treasury policy, particularly in relation to Agriculture and so would be reluctant to comment specifically"

<<What about her views on hunting ? Acceptable or not?>>

Once again, I have already stated: "Yes, HM Queen, is in many respects an admirable head of state. Her families tendancies towards the Hunting Fraternity are disappointing. However, the Queen, I believe, restricts herself to shooting Pheasant and Grouse which inevitably end up in the pot."

I have not said that because the birds end up in the pot, it is an ideal situation. But I would prefer that HM went to Sandringham and shot a Pheasant for the pot, than buy a shrink wrapped one from Tesco et al.

Wrighty, are you by any chance a poster who previously went by the name "Wig" ? You do not seem fierce enough to be Alex Skryabin!

Further to that Wurzel, you will know that there has been a confirmed case of Foot&Mouth in Surrey. It seems to me that lessons have been learnt since the last outbreak and operational activity is very much underway in order to contain, control and eradicate this most distressing of diseases. The PM and Environment Secretary, the Steadfast Hillary Benn have both returned early from their holidays to attend CoBRA, the Governments emergency committee. The PM has been in video conference with various ministers to keep a handle on the situation. He has also ordered an initial report to be on his desk in the next 48 hours, as well as ordering an independent inquiry and review in Bio-security at Pirbright. Measures are in place, so lets have none of the usual talk of incompetence and a lack of action. These are the actions of a responsible government, committed to farming and the rural communities, now and for the long term.




Well-Known Member
4 August 2006
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<<Wake up and smell the roses>>

If only you would take this advice old girl!


How ever do you think them up?!




Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"Wrighty, are you by any chance a poster who previously went by the name "Wig" ? You do not seem fierce enough to be Alex Skryabin!"
I have previuosly stated that I have not posted as anyone else, in the last few months I have posted 116 posts, all as wrighty because that is who I am.

I am still waiting for proof from Soggy.


Well-Known Member
4 August 2006
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"Wrighty, are you by any chance a poster who previously went by the name "Wig" ? You do not seem fierce enough to be Alex Skryabin!"
I have previuosly stated that I have not posted as anyone else, in the last few months I have posted 116 posts, all as wrighty because that is who I am.

I am still waiting for proof from Soggy.

Sorry Wrighty,

Didn't mean to offend - I was referring to the old BBC science and nature boards where some of us used to wage war on each other LOL!




Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
Robbers Bridge, Exmore Forest
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"One point of interest will be when there was a slight delay in payments from the RPA. Mrs. Beckett personally intervened and ensured that the chief executive was removed from post and that the matter was dealt with in the most responsible way. "

Do you think this looks like responsible management ? Jul 2007 22:12:52:540

I think this government certainly knows how to take the piss !!

maybe it would be a good idea for us all to become state employees, like you, and then none of us have to really try...

Then Britain would be truly great !!

"<<Interesting ! So why are there less farms producing less every year since 1997 ?>>

I do not recognise these figures. Could you provide a reliable source for this most spurious of claims?"

Sure. here you go. of Holdings

Where you will also see that imports are going up.

And there is the propaganda.

Even they are struggling to hide the truth !!


Well-Known Member
25 July 2007
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You make that choice yourself, you do it to yourself or you have the verbal skills to say you don't want it done and you can decide to stop when evey you want. Your horse and/or other animals who we (as in humans) hurt do not have that choice, we force it onto them and they don't have the option of asking us to stop.

This is ridiculous. Most ppls horses benefit massively from their care. Their feed is restricted to prevent them getting laminitus, we spend millions each year on vets bills etc etc. When the time comes they are put to sleep to avoind agonising deaths. Horses are pampered animals.

It's not cruel to pull a horse's mane.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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Once again I ask, if it hurts the horse, why do it? Feeding it,paying for vets and putting it to sleep when the time comes are all fine BUT why do somethibg that hurts it?


Active Member
26 July 2007
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I find this thread a great source of amusement; however I do find it difficult to respect an individual's view if that indiividual seems incapable of grasping the concept of sentence construction and rudimentary application of punctuation.

It would appear that the pro-hunting element have the upper hand there.

To declare my hand, I have followed the hunt both on foot and also, in Ireland, as a mounted member of the field.

Whilst I try to appreciate the views of others, it's always going to be difficult to be objective about such an emotive theme.

Having seen the ghastly mask of a fox killed by poison, I'd rather see them despatched by a pack of hounds any day of the week.

The insurmountable fact remains that land-owners want foxes controlled and through a ban on fox hunting peope are condoning the use of gas, poison and shooting as alternatives.

For me, looking at the fiscal benefits to agricultural areas, employment provided both directly and indirectly by the hunts and the way that, on the whole, old and less robust foxes are taken then for me, this argument is a no-brainer.

Incidentally, a third of the world does not have enough to eat.