The Further Decline of the Hunting Fraternity...


Well-Known Member
27 December 2005
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quote/ She also made the conditions in which farmers could sit back and think to themselves "we've never had it so good" /quote

Presumably you're saying that tongue in cheek....................or do you actually mean it????


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"In that case, get yourself up to the Ledbury... That mad hatter that insists on being outside the Feathers EVERY Boxing day always kicks ponies up the bum and rattles a tambourine in their faces, one year she even put pins down for the hounds...such an animals lover."
If I saw that I would stop them, no matter who was doing it.

"1. Have you ever been hunting ?"
You don't have to do something to know it is wrong. I have never killed anyone and don't intend to do it to see if it a bad thing to do.
"7. Do you think the Queen is an admirable head of state for this country ?"
No, the monarchy is an outdated idea that should be stopped as soon as possible.


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17 March 2007
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"lets face it, you guys are so ashamed you're always hidden behind balaclavas"
I thought we weren't going to generalise again.
I have never hidden away from anyone by wearing a hood, hat or balaclava.
Yes, some Anti's wear them but so do some Pro's
"A***** T******* with balaclava and iron bar at the Crawley and Horsham hunt." (Name covered up by me, no need to cover old ground)


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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"1. Have you ever been hunting ?"
You don't have to do something to know it is wrong. I have never killed anyone and don't intend to do it to see if it a bad thing to do.

But you know the facts regarding murder, you have to know the full facts of something to have an opinion on it. Foxes have to be culled, people don't have to be murdered so the two are incomparable. It would be closer to compare it with those on death row, they have to be killed but which method is more humane? That is surely more important.

"7. Do you think the Queen is an admirable head of state for this country ?"
No, the monarchy is an outdated idea that should be stopped as soon as possible.

Now you see, I'd rather she ruled the country, I'm sure she'd do a better job than those idiots in Parliament - yes I'm including Labour, Tories, Lib Dems e.t.c All politicians are liers no matter which party they belong to.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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"lets face it, you guys are so ashamed you're always hidden behind balaclavas"
I thought we weren't going to generalise again.
I have never hidden away from anyone by wearing a hood, hat or balaclava.
Yes, some Anti's wear them but so do some Pro's
"A***** T******* with balaclava and iron bar at the Crawley and Horsham hunt." (Name covered up by me, no need to cover old ground)

I'm not generalising, I didn't say all antis...I said all Sabs... They are the same species but a different breed :smirk:

I wear one in the winter...not because I want to be hidden but because it keeps me warm! They do have a purpose other than being sold to sabs you know...


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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P.s If I walked into your back garden (a bunch of us in camo and balaclavas) would you grab an iron bar or a baseball bat? Trespassing in fields is no different to trespassing in your garden because our fields are our garden, they're our property and ours to protect.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"But you know the facts regarding murder, you have to know the full facts of something to have an opinion on it."
But I can know the full facts about hunting without ever doing it, see my point.

"Now you see, I'd rather she ruled the country"
Now is that because she and her family are well known hunters and she would probably not have banned any form of hunting?

"All politicians are liers no matter which party they belong to."
Generalisations again? (I agree with you though)


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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But I can know the full facts about hunting without ever doing it, see my point.

But how can you comment on something that you don't know the full facts aout....see my point?

Now is that because she and her family are well known hunters and she would probably not have banned any form of hunting?

Being honest....hell ye!

"All politicians are liers no matter which party they belong to."
Generalisations again? (I agree with you though)

Yes it is...I'll give you a task...find me one that isn't :grin:


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"I'm not generalising, I didn't say all antis...I said all Sabs"
You actually said "you guys"

"I have never hidden away from anyone by wearing a hood, hat or balaclava"
I never said I'd never worn them, just never to hide from anyone.

"If I walked into your back garden (a bunch of us in camo and balaclavas) would you grab an iron bar or a baseball bat?"
No I wouldn't.

"Trespassing in fields is no different to trespassing in your garden because our fields are our garden, they're our property and ours to protect."
Trespass is a civil offence, you cannot arrest anyone for it, you cannot attack people for it and you have to ask them to leave and get a refusal before using minimal force to escort them off the property. 2 people escorting is usually considered excesive force, always beter to leave alone and call the police to deal with it.
Oh, BTW, "A***** T******* with balaclava and iron bar" was pictured on the road, not his own property or in his garden .


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"But how can you comment on something that you don't know the full facts aout....see my point?"
Once agin you assume I don't know the facts.
I was not born and bred in the city, I am a counrty boy who has lived and worked on farms that don't allow hunting or shooting, the owners spend that little bit extra to keep any possible preditors out.
I've heard all the "my land is too big", "my chickens got slaughtered" "it ate my lamb" but as i have said before there are ways to protect what is yours without killing them.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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"I'm not generalising, I didn't say all antis...I said all Sabs"
You actually said "you guys"

But I was referring to picking on kids out hunting, in which case you're likely to be a sab and not an anti.

"If I walked into your back garden (a bunch of us in camo and balaclavas) would you grab an iron bar or a baseball bat?"
No I wouldn't.

You're trusting, I for sure would in that situation.

Perhaps he was protecting a friends farm/land. Being a terrierman he's bound to have alot of farming friends.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
In limbo...
I was not trying to create a situation in which I got to hear answers i wanted, I was merely trying to find out to what extent your generilisation of using force spread.
To say that someone might hunt with an injury is not rediculous, i no many people hunting with broken ribs, arms, collar bones etc.
Must be nice farms in wish the farmers can afford to spend extra on pest control. Most farmers in know would prefer spending their money on their animals and allow the hunts to control the pests, whilst also providing a service in removing their dead stock.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"I was merely trying to find out to what extent your generilisation of using force spread."
I haven't used any generalisations about using force, I will use the appropriate amount of force needed to protect myself from anybody, no matter who they are.

"whilst also providing a service in removing their dead stock."
Yes, we've seen the programme.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Hunting continues and always will. Your little crusade has not worked. Unlucky. Now be silent. Thankyou."

OK, will

Wow...if only the man in my life was so obedient...Hercules whats your secret :smirk:


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Scared? :) Come down! You're more than welcome, I'll recommend a few meets where the Bara Brith is top notch and you can see modern hunting first hand!

Don't forget the cawl either sm! Happy Cubbing everyone.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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I was not born and bred in the city, I am a counrty boy who has lived and worked on farms that don't allow hunting or shooting, the owners spend that little bit extra to keep any possible preditors out.
I've heard all the "my land is too big", "my chickens got slaughtered" "it ate my lamb" but as i have said before there are ways to protect what is yours without killing them.

Ah ha!
I know you!
You've made those claims before else where and not under the pseudonym Wrighty.
You couldn't offer a decent practical example of how these pillars of farming you claimed to have worked for went about protecting their livestock from predation.

My cousins a sheep farmer farms approx 11OOacres of mostly chalk downland and marginal grassland. Been a sheep farmer all of his adult life, 35 years Has approx 20miles of field boundary consisting of stock fencing, hedges and a bit of post and rail.

Losses lambs to foxes, badgers, and out of control dogs. Has lamas out with his flocks but still losses lambs.
Any practical solutions as I'm sure he would be delighted to reduce his losses to predation given the current sales price of good lambs


Well-Known Member
4 August 2006
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<<Sorry. I thought you said.....
"Its not my fault that we - the Labour Government - have finally laid to rest your hunting with hounds by classing it as an illegal pursuit. ">>

The Royal 'we' ! Anything I say on this forum is purely my own opinion and is not endorsed by the Government or the Labour party.

<<So are you a member of the government or not?>>

I have said what I have said.

<<Always a little problem with the truth.>>

Not talking about the Countryside Alliance are you? I quite agree. Liars the lot of 'em!

<<1. Have you ever been hunting ?>>

I have observed hunting in action, yes. I have also witnessed a Fox being caught by the Hounds. It was this that convinced me most of all that the status quo should not continue (hunting, not the band) Before you start the "very unlikey to have seen such a thing" speech, remember that we discussed this to exhaustion on the BBC boards.

<<2. What did Margaret Beckett do to get promoted ?>>

To Foreign Secretary, you mean? Because, sadly, Mrs. Beckett has now left the Government. I suspect that Tony realised that wherever he placed Mrs. Beckett and in the posts she held in the Callaghan administartion, she always performed a first class job. From Education, to Development, to Leader of the House, Trade and Industry (first woman to hold the post) Environment (where she was hugely successful) and finally the Foreign office. It was widely recognised that Mrs. Beckett was a "safe pair of hands" Whitehall new it, Downing Street new it and most importantly, the country new it.

<<3. Do you think farming should exist in this country ?>>

Well of course it should. Farming is hugely important not only to the economy but for the independence of the UK. It also has an important role to play in education.

<<4. Why do you think meetings between the BDS and LACS concerning Baronsdown have unpublished minutes. ?>>

That is a question you would need to ask them. I have no idea whatsoever.

<<5. Do you think in general we should spy on our neighbours ?>>

I do not think that it is advisable in "general" to advocate a policy of spying on one's neighbours. However, if you believe that your neighbour may be breaking the law, or inflicting cruelty (for instance) on his/her children, spouse or pets, then gathering evidence and alerting the appropriate authorities might be advisable.

<<6. Do you think there should be more tax on agricultural land.?>>

I would prefer lower taxes, where possible, as these tend to create the conditions for stability (take the past 10 years as an example!) However, taxation has to be levied on a case by case basis, I would have thought. I have little knowledge of current Treasury policy, particularly in relation to Agriculture and so would be reluctant to comment specifically.

<<7. Do you think the Queen is an admirable head of state for this country ?>>

Yes, HM Queen, is in many respects an admirable head of state. Her families tendancies towards the Hunting Fraternity are disappointing. However, the Queen, I believe, restricts herself to shooting Pheasant and Grouse which inevitably end up in the pot.




Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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I have no idea whatsoever.

You have never posted a truer word!

You have no idea about anything to do with the countryside, farming,hunting, conservation, et al.Its all third hand LACS and AA and Labour Party, Google searched drivel.

Originality was never your forte' was it. Always paid second fiddle.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"I know you!
You've made those claims before else where and not under the pseudonym Wrighty"
Wrong, always been Wrighty, I have no need to hide. Do some looking and you will find.