this forum has become a joke


Well-Known Member
25 November 2007
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Agree and disagree.

I do think there is a bit of rose coloured glasses going on.

Alot of older forum members left for reasons other than the state or not of this forum, through their own actions. But yes, a few have because they don't like the dynamics of the board anymore.

The world would be a very boring place if it stood still and we were all the same.

You don't have to be a professional rider/horse person to have experience or an opinion and it's very narrow minded to think so.

Things change and move on. Do people really think the forum was 100% happy, everybody best buddies, no one disagreed, no forceful opinions 2 or 3 years ago? It wasn't and it never will be. It's a forum with different people, not robots.

There are some posters that I don't bother reading, some threads I don't bother reading or stop reading, but I don't get myself that worked up over a forum.

I agree with JHoward too.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2007
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I loved this forum when i first joined but slowly i’ve watched it go down hill. Its all judgemental, with everyone jumping on the bandwagon. Replies as quite nasty but what is the need :(

Kids can’t have fun at shows anymore without being branded spoilt and their parents are horrible - god forbid they enter more than 2 classes. Parelli people can no longer ask for advice without getting a mouthful. Who cares how they enjoy their horse, if they want to do parelli, respect their decision. People can’t ask for help rehoming a horse with issues without being jumped on that they are the worst and inconsiderate owner on earth. If you don’t spell anything perfect or grammars a little out, your post is laughed at and not taken seriously. You breed a foal and you’re over breeding and questioned. You buy a horse when you haven’t got £5000 in the bank for back up, and you’re irresponsible and stupid.

That’s to name but a few that i’ve seen. This used to be a community of horse lovers who supported each other

LOL, I've been here since 2007, and back then without Fatty to protect you you'd have been jumped on much worse than you get now if you posted most of that stuff.

Are you sure you aren't thinking of another forum you used to be on. :confused:

And LMAO at Lexie. :D


Well-Known Member
26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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I am one of the older posters on here, have been around horses as long as I can remember but my actual experience is not as broad as some peoples and I have never stabled in a livery yard or bred a foal
So it has been good to watch ''what happens'' in a wider field

I try to be helpful in areas I know

Things which do irritate me include new threads on same topic without people using the search facility first which would answer their question.

I have had my head bitten off, and I was upset but clearly a complete difference of opinion as to what is important and someone told me to keep my nose out of other peoples business.
I resisted the temptation to PM!!

If there are topics on what responsibility people should take with older horses--I am definitely of the opinion we should not pass them to an uncertain fate. It is extremely sad to see horses over 20yo for sale or at auction.
The stand taken by the Shetland Pony Society sales is a good guide

''Any ponies over the age of eighteen years must have a Vet's certificate, dated the day before the Sale, stating that the pony is fit to travel. The pony must only be vetted the day immediately prior to the Sale. If no such certificate is received by the Auctioneer, the pony must not be permitted to go forward for sale.
No ponies over 20 years of age will be accepted for sale''


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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I must admit I found the post about kids and their ponies doing multiple classes at shows a bit strange. Agreed, the pothunters who enter all the lower height classes below their own are to be pitied, but I used to enter 3 jumping classes, three in-hand and an equitation class at each show I went to - and it was a 4 mile each way hack (which horsey insisting on cantering most of ,both ways). If the animal is fit and up to the job, then what is the problem? I used to make sure there was water available and took a "packed lunch" for her and in between classes she was tied up in the shade and untacked. In "the good old days" kids ponies WERE worked hard, none of this namby pamby attitude we have now after they have trotted for 2 minutes. Everyone hacked to shows because hardly anyone had transport. Now we rug up natives because WE feel cold outside of our centrally heated houses, and feed them large quantities of unnecessary and unsuitable food. No wonder laminitis and obesity are major problems. You just never used to see it 30 years ago. Like kids fed junk food and high calorie diets we see ponies with behavioural issues and then they are condemned as rogues etc etc. We all knew ponies who were little monkeys, able to suss out a riders ability and test them out, but we just bounced and got back on. Now those ponies would be labelled dangerous.

Absolutely agree - modern fluffiness - hate it!

I used to hack my pony 45 mins to a show - do several jumping classes and clear round to warm up. Pony wasn't ridden hard ALL day - just a quick 5 /10 min pop over a warm up jump and the jumping so what does that equate to 10 x jumps max x 3 rounds + jump offs at poss 6 x jumps (OK faster) x 3 if you went clear in the first round - hardly a massive effort for a fit pony. Oh and then 45 min hack home! Sometimes, shock horror I even did the WH pony - that is if I could be bothered to plait up and scrub white pony!!! Going off now to find that thread referred to above!


Well-Known Member
26 December 2009
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I kind of agree to an extent, there are some really heated discussions on here, and obviously not everyone will agree with everything.
But on the other hand just after I first joined, I was involved in a horrific accident and there were so so many people on here that aided my recovery. I had so much care, support, and kicks up the arse from here, and I have said before, I would never have got through it all without some on here.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2007
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LOL, I've been here since 2007, and back then without Fatty to protect you you'd have been jumped on much worse than you get now if you posted most of that stuff.

Are you sure you aren't thinking of another forum you used to be on. :confused:

And LMAO at Lexie. :D

Totally agree.

Blimey, a while ago most of you would've got eaten alive. Forum members are pussycats these days.


Well-Known Member
30 January 2007
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LOL, I've been here since 2007, and back then without Fatty to protect you you'd have been jumped on much worse than you get now if you posted most of that stuff.

Are you sure you aren't thinking of another forum you used to be on. :confused:

And LMAO at Lexie. :D

^^^^ this

and i can still hear it LOL


Well-Known Member
3 June 2009
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If there are topics on what responsibility people should take with older horses--I am definitely of the opinion we should not pass them to an uncertain fate. It is extremely sad to see horses over 20yo for sale or at auction.
The stand taken by the Shetland Pony Society sales is a good guide

''Any ponies over the age of eighteen years must have a Vet's certificate, dated the day before the Sale, stating that the pony is fit to travel. The pony must only be vetted the day immediately prior to the Sale. If no such certificate is received by the Auctioneer, the pony must not be permitted to go forward for sale.
No ponies over 20 years of age will be accepted for sale''

Absolutely agree.


Well-Known Member
23 June 2009
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Yes in my limited thread reading it seems much less nasty on here than when I joined. I obviously don't read the contentious threads these days.

I've also had the dubious pleasure of reading some really nasty and personal attacks on other forums, compared to some others it's positively lovely on here.
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Well-Known Member
14 January 2011
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I'm pretty new to here, but Im learning quick when to post & when not too as I've been pounced on a few times for naff all!!! There's tons of times when I've wrote replies then decided not to post them as I don't want to get involved in an argument!!! I've noticed how people can't just answer questions - they throw in their (perfect) way of doing things & then just slag you off!!!!


2 June 2011
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Hmmm I know what everyone is feeling. I try to help in the limited knowledge I have and be open about what's said to me.:eek::D

To anyone I've replyed too- I hope I wasn't bossy/ opioninated! And I think any advise to be taken with a pinch of salt as all ponies are induvidual and what works for one doesn't always work for another. That said it's always nice to hear when someone gets a situation sorted or makes some progress and anyhow I've given up on my spelling and grammer- if they couldn't find it at school I sure as h*** can't fix it on my own! lol!



Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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Sometimes I think I wouldn't mind being pounced on. Usually when I post a query tumbleweed starts blowing through the forum and I get very few replies. Maybe my troubles aren't interesting enough!
Or usually I manage to kill a thread (apologies in advance if I manage to kill this one!)


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
South Glos
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I agree! And sooooooo many experts when infact how many posters are proffesional horse people who work with horses for a living, not all that many I imagine.

But how do we know that these people really are "professionals" or have numerous qualifications. They could just be Walter Mitty hiding behind their HHO name.

Just read all the "advice" and if it seems sensible give it some thought and maybe try it but surely for anything serious you'd always consult a real life professional and not just a random name on a forum.
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Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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Sometimes I think I wouldn't mind being pounced on. Usually when I post a query tumbleweed starts blowing through the forum and I get very few replies. Maybe my troubles aren't interesting enough!
Or usually I manage to kill a thread (apologies in advance if I manage to kill this one!)

I beg to differ, it's me who kills the threads ;P Now sit back and watch it go out with a fizzle!!!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
23 March 2011
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I have been a member on here for the best part of a year, and if I posted all of my equine exploits in that time I am sure I would have been banished from the forum or been thrashed with the nearest beech branch.

I do tend to sit back and read with intrest and post occasionally, but tbh in the main i am worried about getting pounced on.

I am a great believer in, if you put 10 horsey people in a room ask for their opinion you will get at least 20 different opinions.....which can make things very interesting and also very frustrating.

The forum to me, should be somewhere you can ask for advice, share experiences etc...maybe the moderators should do their bit when things get a bit heated??

Also, one final point is that some people are very brave sat behind their laptops, desktops and internet enabled phones - on any forum I always think you should answer as if the person was infront of you. Especially as the typed word can come across very differently to the spoken word!


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Lisamd - one of the people you met was me (I had the hat!). Not revealing who I am has less to do with not standing by what I write - I don't really hide my identity after all - but more that we were in a really public place and I've been threatened more than once (in RL!) by people as a result of this forum...but the people I was with, I met all of them via here. If there hadn't been so many random people about I would have exposed my identity to you ;)


Well-Known Member
1 December 2009
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The forum will only take the tone that the TFC permits. When people on one thread were openly bullying to one person I reported them all on that thread -the thread was allowed to continue and I was told off for repeated use of the report button on that thread. The thread was appalling!

I'm no fluffy bunny but I deplore bullying of any kind and felt a responsibility to stand up against it when I saw it. Now I think what's the point?


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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I loved this forum when i first joined but slowly i’ve watched it go down hill. Its all judgemental, with everyone jumping on the bandwagon. Replies as quite nasty but what is the need :(

Kids can’t have fun at shows anymore without being branded spoilt and their parents are horrible - god forbid they enter more than 2 classes. Parelli people can no longer ask for advice without getting a mouthful. Who cares how they enjoy their horse, if they want to do parelli, respect their decision. People can’t ask for help rehoming a horse with issues without being jumped on that they are the worst and inconsiderate owner on earth. If you don’t spell anything perfect or grammars a little out, your post is laughed at and not taken seriously. You breed a foal and you’re over breeding and questioned. You buy a horse when you haven’t got £5000 in the bank for back up, and you’re irresponsible and stupid.

That’s to name but a few that i’ve seen. This used to be a community of horse lovers who supported each other and now, TBH i think twice before i type out a thread in case i’m going to get pounced on. I expect to get pounced on now but i’m far beyond caring. I’ve done most of above and all the haters would love to hate me but i want the old forum back where new members were welcomed with open arms and when you ask for advice, no matter how you typed it or where, you got lovely people with friendly replies. I've taken a back seat and i shall now watch from a distance and keep my mouth shut.

Relax dear, it's only a forum.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
Central scotland
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I think its sad that folks dont post for fear of being jumped on.
I am older but fairly new to the forum, have my grooms diploma and level 2 sports coach, been around horses for 40 years.
If i think i can contribute positively, i will, you can then choose to file it or bin it, all the same to me.:D
What i have noticed is lack of tolerance for differing styles of horsmanship, and much of the time all sides are saying treat each horse as an individual, but they must know you are boss !!!
does nobody else see the irony in that ?
I have been on the receiving end of flack and probably gave some as well :eek: i think when people feel passionately about things, sometimes it can be difficult to live and let live, just because youve seen 1 or 2 people following differing styles of training and struggling with it,doesnt mean the whole systems crap :)
TBH i think most riders are way to hard on themselves anyway, always struggling to get it right, worrying that they are stuffing it up or going to stuff it up ! The last thing they need is to come on to ANY forum to have someone grind the heel in. I do think most posters are generally helpful and some give really excellent riding tips and helpful advice, i cant help wonder how many more "gems" like that are out there but lack the confidence to post in the event they encounter someone who not only disagrees with the post but decides to trash them.
Sometimes its easier to agree to disagree, as long as no person or horse is being hurt in the process .


Well-Known Member
18 January 2009
east anglia
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i posted a similar comment a few months ago and recieved no end of agro stating people are only telling the truth and i was to get over it its people who cant take opinions thats the trouble lol. I have only recently posted again and still to be honest take a back seat. it is not everybody there are many nice, helpfull people but sadly they are taking more of a back seat

Lady La La

Well-Known Member
1 September 2010
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Makes me laugh how the people that are too scared to post because of nasty people jumping on the band waggon all seem to be jumping on this particular band waggon and posting about how sh**e the forum is since the 'old posters' left.

... Who are these mysterious old posters that get mentioned year after year - because I've been around a lot longer than this particular user name admits to, and these old posters get mentioned eeeeeevery time somebody reads something they don't like on a thread. I'd like to meet them one day, they must be great :)

*Plays Lexie's violin*


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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The forum will only take the tone that the TFC permits. When people on one thread were openly bullying to one person I reported them all on that thread -the thread was allowed to continue and I was told off for repeated use of the report button on that thread. The thread was appalling!

I'm no fluffy bunny but I deplore bullying of any kind and felt a responsibility to stand up against it when I saw it. Now I think what's the point?

I completely agree. TFC is not interested in bullying, or in people previously having been lifetime banned, returning. Someone who recently left this forum (requested that she was removed) actually left due to this, and not the obnoxious posters themselves. The lack of support from TFC was the final straw.

Problem is, without painstakingly reading through every single post on a thread and understanding the personal axes being ground, it is probably very difficult for a moderator to actually see that bullying is going on. It is usually very subtle (for obvious reasons) and rarely takes the form of brazen name calling or insults. It tends to be more passive aggressive. This is very difficult for a moderator to pick up on without spending literally hours studying threads.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
Central scotland
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Hi wagtail, if this is going on then posters who feel bullied need to take some responsibility for themselves, surely they can block the people they feel are "out to get them" on every post or thread they enter.
Ive never done it but believe there is some kind of block button where you dont need to read what someone posts if you block them ..... Or am i making that up ? lol


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Hi wagtail, if this is going on then posters who feel bullied need to take some responsibility for themselves, surely they can block the people they feel are "out to get them" on every post or thread they enter.
Ive never done it but believe there is some kind of block button where you dont need to read what someone posts if you block them ..... Or am i making that up ? lol

Yes, there is an 'ignore' option. However, the option only allows the user not to see anything posted by those they block. However, those they block can still see what they write and also, when they are quoted, then the blocker also sees what they have written. I think that the ignore button is a good thing, but that it should work two ways to be truly effective. If you find someone offensive and block them, then why should they be allowed to view anything that you write?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2006
It's not just H&H, everywhere on the 'net has become a mine-field of flamers, trolls, grammar nazis and whatever other jumped up so and so is out there.
I'e been online since around 1992, and I've stopped using the 'net these days I'm so sick of the BS. I'm only using my own site, email and checking H&H news these days



Well-Known Member
18 May 2011
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I was a member on here a couple of years ago (under a different username) and can't really see it's any different now than it was then.

I like the fact that there is a wealth of different experiences and opinions from members, but not so likeable is the 'pack mentality' some members have if some other member doesn't share their or their 'cronies' opinion.
Some people really like to dish out snide remarks but get really offended if they are given similar treatment.

I feel one problem (for me anyway) is that the membership on here is so big that some posts and replies get lost, and nothing is so offputting than typing out a long reply to someones query and then have it ignored, which to me is worse than having your opinion challenged, after all that's what a forum is for...rational discussion.

It can be easy to misconstrue comments as well, that's why I like to use the 'emoticons (although they aren't very good ones :p) as they can help get the tone of a comment across in the spirit it was intended.

I'm a member of several 'horsy' forums and a moderator on one of them.
If it ever got to the point on one of them when I felt I was unable to post for fear of the reception my post may get I'd just stop coming on...simples :rolleyes: