this is just about the most arrogant piece I have read in a long time.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2017
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To think that anything on the internet is ever just yours is misunderstood what social media is isn't it?
And I think we've all seen by now that there are professional codes of conduct regarding use of social media so she's fundamentally wrong about being able to write whatever she wants without consequence. 🤷🤷
I can picture the post now if she ever finds this thread 🤯


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Hi all,

A friend shared this thread with me, as I am the person who’s private post about being blocked by Natalie has been screenshotted to her page

Just wanted to say it’s refreshing to read comments from fellow equestrians who can see through her crazy and unprofessional behaviour. I am in the process of speaking with rvcs and have logged an official complaint will keep you all posted ☺️

Historically it would be unusual to say dw you'll be safer here but, well hi :D


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I hadn't heard of Tattle but it looks interesting. I have obviously been spending not enough time on S.M 🤣
ETS I have just checked and I got a reply from HRH 😍 Irony is definitely not her strong point.


23 September 2020
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I've spotted IHWs post - love it! I sort of feel worried for her as I think it will go horribly wrong for her personally very soon. She is asking for it though. I wonder if her family have tried to rein her in a bit?
Her mother is just as bad she’ll be agreeing with everything posted, Honestly they are vile people. From what I hear her aunt who helps with the horses and her dad are actually lovely people. I’ve heard them at shows shouting and swearing at each other (Natalie and her mum) they really are not nice people. Well known in the area, most people know her well for riding in the road screaming and shouting and waving her arms around for traffic to slow down it’s no wonder her horses are nervous wrecks on the road. She is a nasty nasty piece of work. I’ll never forget how she treated someone who’s horse hit his head in the stable and was bleeding heavily, dying in front of her. The owner called Natalie who didn’t answer as was on a call, so she called round all practices in the area and did get hold of a vet. When Natalie called back 10/15 mins later the horse had actually died in front of the owner but owner said dont worry I managed to get hold of ‘X’ and they are coming. She went absolutely mad on the phone and sacked her as a client because she had called another vet. Honestly she is really not liked around here she’s bat s**t


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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There seems to be a pattern:

1. Write something very controversial and deliberately inflammatory on social media page

2. Receive some backlash, mostly politely disagreeing and questioning

3. Block, delete or rudely respond to and often mock the people who don't conform to the echo chamber

4. Write follow-up post looking for sympathy and an ego-boost, playing the victim

If she were just any other loud-mouthed, outspoken horse person with some questionable opinions, it wouldn't change how many people feel about some of her posts, but the context would be very different were she not a vet. Her words carry a lot of weight as someone with her occupation.

I don't think that a vet should be referring to PTS as 'killing', or writing such scathing, generalising assumptions about the moral compasses of those who choose to have elderly pets PTS. It is apart from anything else, completely unprofessional.

She is a narcissist! Listen to HG Tudor on YouTube, it all fits.


Well-Known Member
3 November 2008
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A little warning about Tattle - when I've come across it it often seems to be full of people who are genuinely unhinged. There are multiple threads dedicated to a beauty journalist called Sali Hughes and I actually have no clue how so many people are so full of hate for someone they don't know. I came across them when google searching for something she'd recommended and was really shocked at the bile being spouted. It's bizarre, but frankly it's also a bit dangerous (firmly on the internet trolling side of things) so proceed with caution.

Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
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A little warning about Tattle - when I've come across it it often seems to be full of people who are genuinely unhinged. There are multiple threads dedicated to a beauty journalist called Sali Hughes and I actually have no clue how so many people are so full of hate for someone they don't know. I came across them when google searching for something she'd recommended and was really shocked at the bile being spouted. It's bizarre, but frankly it's also a bit dangerous (firmly on the internet trolling side of things) so proceed with caution.
Oh my! Thanks a million for the heads up Apercrumbie, not that they seem to want the likes of me anyway. 😊


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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They have however been the source of much of the depher CIC evidence/receipts in the last few days so they did go up in my estimations.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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depher = britains kindest plumber= scamming/using photos of dead people to get money etc. BBC ran the story. He claimed someone else must have done the posts but yesterday tattle brought up that one of them was his kids and he probably couldn't mistake who they were. . .



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15 December 2019
In My Head
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I follow along with the Tattle equestrian influencers thread but don't contribute as I can't make an account, apart from indirectly when someone screenshotted one of my posts from here and posted it there. There's definitely so real reaching going on imo but it's also raised my awareness of problematic influencer accounts which you might not work out from the echo chambers they create. I do think there are important convos there about horse welfare and ethics of child influencer accounts.

I also follow a non horsey Tattle thread about an academic who is on the same level as South Coast Vet. Narcissistic and dangerous to vulnerable people. I won't follow the account directly but do like to keep aware of what's happening via Tattle.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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The tattle eq influencer threads save me from having to follow accounts I consider unethical, or engage with content I find dull. It means I can filter out dull content without missing the good stuff. On that level it’s useful, and I think that some of what goes on there, challenging some accounts is genuinely important (welfare of children and animals).

It’s also nice when they really get behind influencers (e.g. during grassroots) but - as in all places - some of them seem to be absolute muppets and others go out of their way to be negative about everyone. I cba with that.

cauda equina

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2 February 2014
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Damn! Just tried to join Tattle as it looked rather interesting.....they won't have me without an introduction code or something 😭

How very dare they, do they not know who I am!!!! 🤔😂
Put a hex on them Mrs J!
A little warning about Tattle - when I've come across it it often seems to be full of people who are genuinely unhinged. There are multiple threads dedicated to a beauty journalist called Sali Hughes and I actually have no clue how so many people are so full of hate for someone they don't know. I came across them when google searching for something she'd recommended and was really shocked at the bile being spouted. It's bizarre, but frankly it's also a bit dangerous (firmly on the internet trolling side of things) so proceed with caution.
Maybe someone will stumble across this thread and think OMG this HHO is beyond toxic! what has the poor woman done to deserve this level of vitriol?

At least we've kept it to the one thread tho


Well-Known Member
1 December 2011
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I stumbled across tattle after someone on fb posted about them bitching about her so I went to have a look and found that she had been mentioned about twice months previously!
I only follow the equestrian thread and some of the posts I find are a bit ott and they do tend to fixate on a certain influencer a lot but, as JFTDWS said above, they can be really supportive and some accounts do need to be discussed for welfare reasons.
I want to add that I'm not a member I just follow the equestrian threads.