Thoughts on Badders XC...


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12 October 2009
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QR - have to say that I thought Tony Warr's horse was the most incredible honest and genuine horse there as felt he didn't always have a lot of help (but equally did not get hindered by his jockey as some others were) and yet he just kept on jumping whatever came his way (reminds me of a couple of the brazilian horses at Sydney!). Think the youngsters (especially Emily Llewellyn and Camilla Speirs) definitely showed some of the old hands how it should be done!


Well-Known Member
18 September 2009
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So gutted for Francis as his round was foot perfect up to that point, and he really deserves to do well. I loved watching Opposition Buzz, he made it look like a pony club course. And just to make blackhorse09 jealous I have ridden and jumped him (I used to work for his owner), and he is fantastic, but blooming difficult on the flat! I also loved Camilla Spiers Portersize just a jiff, that little horse just pinged round, again making it look rather easy! Huge well done must go to Sian Wynne-Morris, to go clear inside the time on her first attempt is no mean feat. Louise Skelton was frankly scary to watch. And I was not impressed by Matthew Wright's attitude when he finished the XC (I not a fan of him at the best of times, and he did nothing to change my view!).


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6 December 2006
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For the first time I watched on TV, for the last ten years I have been there to watch. You get a very different perspective seeing most of a horses round and not just one or two jumps. There didn't seem to be very many flowing rounds, as said already lots of horses leaving legs, and I thought lots of sticky jumps where riders were helped hugely by brave/athletic/scopey/honest horses.

I think Emily LLewellyn stood out as a class rider. I thought Ruth Edge was riding a brilliant round on Two Thyme before their fall, I thought that was a real shame, as of course was Francis Whittington's fall. I love watching Opposition Buzz and thought they had a lovely round, he looks like a lot of fun (if not a bit of a handful!!).

Tony Warr seems to have a lovely bond with his horse, and I loved the conversation he was having with him on the way round! What an honest and brave horse, I really liked watching them. They both looked to really enjoy it.

apparently they didn't show any of his second round because horse looked utterly cooked towards the end but he kept going, this is 2nd hand though as i wasn't there, will be interesting to hear from those who were.

I wondered why they hadn't shown any of NG's second ride as I was interested to see after his previous win.


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12 March 2008
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Does anyone know why Matthew Wright didn't seem happy at the finish? He seemed pleased with his horse, so I just wondered.

Thought there were some lovely rounds - particularly the neat jumping Pardon Me, Lenamore and Spring Along. Agree that Tony Warr's horse was wonderful. But lots of mistakes by both horses and riders, which is always surprising but perhaps shouldn't be at this level.


Well-Known Member
20 August 2009
I loved watching Opposition Buzz, he made it look like a pony club course. And just to make blackhorse09 jealous I have ridden and jumped him (I used to work for his owner), and he is fantastic, but blooming difficult on the flat!

I'd pretend not to be jealous but I'm a rubbish actress! He doesn't seem like he'd be an easy horse on the flat but with a jump like that I'd forgive most things. It's great to see the horses enjoying themselves so much!

Agree about Tony Warr, his chestnut was an absolute trooper and all the verbal encouragement he gave him was good to hear- I swear they understand some of what we say.


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29 April 2006
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Absolutely devastated for Francis and Percy - just couldnt believe it, their round was just pure class. A massive change of luck is in order for them, it's long is just so bloomin' unfair sometimes.

Other than Francis, also thought Emily Llewellyn's round especially on Pardon Me was lovely and so neat, as was Camilla Speirs with Just a Jiff. Springalong and Opposition Buzz just made it look like pony club and were having a ball!

Overall thought Badminton definitely made for interesting telly! Definitely not a dressage competition this year and perhaps caused more problems than it should have done/or than people expect from XC these days. Looking forward to the SJing tomorrow!


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25 August 2006
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Chapel Amble may be a very honest mare, but she didn't have any help from the rider. After the water, he looked to be patting her neck, but have just been informed by someone that was there that he was actually hitting her!!!! Is this any way to thank your horse.


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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Interesting course.

Not impressed by MW's attitude at the end - not the first time I have seen his toys leave the pram.

Very impressed by Free Easy - what an amazing horse. Lenamore looked great for his age, as did Toddy !

Sad to see Kristina Cook getting a soaking - but nice to see her smile and react to the sympathetic crowd.

Very amused by listening to Karin Donckers verbal encouragement - makes me smile !

A little scared by Louise Skelton's ride - I am not a top rider by any stretch, but she is meant to be a 4* level eventer. Did her horse have any back teeth left ?

Sad to hear about Desert Island. I wondered about the extended delay, I hope it wasn't too traumatic for the horse, and thoughts are with the rider/connections.
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Well-Known Member
2 June 2009
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I saw that!!!

I saw a few riders who had had sticky jumps hitting the horses whilst moving away from the fence. It may be just me but i would of thought a 'pat' may be in order to stay 'well done, you still went'? I always thought hitting it on landing would send the wrong message as they did actually jump the fence???

well thats just my thoughts.


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1 April 2002
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if anyone wants to post condolences to Francis about his terrible luck, there's a thread on the National Forum of, a friend started it and i've just posted. After all his determination to get to Badders after his v recent illness it's such a shame he didn't have just a little bit of luck when he needed it. Seeing him hugging Percy nearly made me cry. :( :(


Well-Known Member
21 January 2009
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Seeing him hugging Percy nearly made me cry. :( :(

A much better attitude than some other riders thats for sure. It was lovely to see him hug the horse and i felt his disapointment, some great riding until his moment of bad luck :(


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23 November 2004
Northern Ireland
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did not see everyone unfortunately, but, perhaps the horses are as fit as they were in the days of long format, but not the riders.....just a thought.....just a jiff was wonderful to watch as always, mark kyle gave his horse a wonderful ride, so showed that he is not just a drunk and disorderley sorta of a person, but as a very very biased person could I say well done in capital letters to all the irish competitors who started the cross country and may I say showed what cross country riding is about, and huge commiserations to Patricia Ryan who had to withdraw after the dressage, obviously wanted to give Michael more of a chance. so good luck to the Irish tomorrow (including the trot-up) and also Nicola Wilson and buzzy (just becouse she is a really nice person!)


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22 January 2005
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I thought it was the best badminton for a long time questions everywhere. Also good example of safty at the double of corners when the pins gave way. Must admit Andrew N riding the grey didnt float my boat he never stopped kicking the poor tired horse. Loved Caroline ryan bells horse too.


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3 May 2007
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Tony Warr - what a legend, My best bit was as he approached the Vicarage Vee, while most riders flapped around Tony Warr shouted "GO!" and the horse jumped lovely!!!

Poor Francis Wittington my heart melted when he hugged his horse!!!


Well-Known Member
20 August 2009
Francis giving Percival a hug after his fall was one of the moments that has stuck with me from today's cross country, that and Tina's very sporting performance at the Lake. They set a great example to us young 'uns and amateurs! Nice to have positive images, hopefully they won't be overshadowed by some of the less admirable horsemanship/ sportsmanship.


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2 November 2007
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i thought the course was good, to me, it really looked quite tricky in places even for the top top pro's!! The ground stayed fab and held till the last horse! I felt we got to see some really stunning riding( the young girl emily L) and some really awful shocking riding! It really tested the horses riders and give the leader board after the dressage a jolly good shake up!!! I was dissapointed to hear WFP complaining about the course design ect (corners) when they jumped ok for a good few, n then saddened that he had to withdrw seacooke due to being under parr,so mike tucker said(not sure if he meant the horse or william tbh)!!! Also heart goes out to those involved with the horse who had the accident at huntsmans,very sad!!


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7 June 2007
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There was one rider who was incredibly untidy - arms flapping, long reins and legs everywhere... they ran out at a big wooden corner, out of a hollow? very bad riding imo. Just found out it was louise skelton - awful riding imo.

Sam watson gave his horse a really good ride, Mark todds didnt really inspire me tbh, and karin donkers - did not like her style at all, she was shouting at the horse and seemed really amateurish (I talk to my horse, not shout at it!), and i thought springalong jumped the best round of the day who finished (otherwise would have been francis!)

I felt, uninspired by the xc really, i know it was tough but no real rider frightners, and tbh, i actually found it boring :eek:

Condolences to louisa and co.


Well-Known Member
31 January 2008
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Did anyone else really giggle when Tina Cook said 'the water was really cold but the humiliation kept me warm'?!


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1 December 2008
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There was one rider who was incredibly untidy - arms flapping, long reins and legs everywhere... they ran out at a big wooden corner, out of a hollow? very bad riding imo. Just found out it was louise skelton - awful riding imo.

Sam watson gave his horse a really good ride, Mark todds didnt really inspire me tbh, and karin donkers - did not like her style at all, she was shouting at the horse and seemed really amateurish (I talk to my horse, not shout at it!), and i thought springalong jumped the best round of the day who finished (otherwise would have been francis!)

Condolences to louisa and co.

Couldn't agree more about Sam, finished a lovely round inside the time, well judged! Louise Skelton really got on my nerves regarding her riding, even my "non horsey" dad said that he didn't know how the horses managed to get around with her bobbing along on top!


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1 April 2002
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i thought Toddy's ride was absolutely brilliant, that horse showed his greenness a few times and T balanced it just right to give him real confidence, and didn't rush him at all.
as for riders hitting horse after a dodgy jump (comments above), i'm all for tons of praise etc, BUT if the horse didn't respond correctly to an aid (ignored a driving aid, say) and a sticky jump resulted, a smack afterwards as a reminder can get them going forward enough again for the next jump to be better - as someone far more experienced than me said, "you don't school round a 4* course". verbal praise is fine, but a quick smack can save the day if the horse hasn't got its mind on the job or on the rider... sometimes the horse got himself into trouble and then got out of it, it isn't always rider error first, is what i mean... hope that makes sense! not saying that it's okay to repeatedly hit a good horse who is trying its heart out for you, though, i'm thinking of 1 rider in particular!
having thought more about it, class rounds of the day: Daisy and Springalong, and Caroline and Lenamore, both of whom looked so neat, classy, never looked like hanging a leg (unlike loads of others.) Nicola and Buzz too, I think they're the only ones who made it look small and easy!
also, Tony Warr and Coolgrange Merger, WHAT a lovely bit of trusting, non-controlling forward riding, and what a great horse. i loved watching that, it was like watching Heinrich Romeike and Marius in action, the same sort of freedom, trust and generosity.
If I could have any horse there though, it'd be Sir Percival, in a heartbeat. or, a clone of him, because I wouldn't want to take the ride away from Francis!
Anyone else's choices?


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5 September 2009
North Dorset
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Is it true that Louise holds a BHSII and is an BE accredited trainer?? That round (those rounds?) won't do her any favours!! Although, saying that IMHO the horses are too big for her and didn't make her life as easy as some. (Does she also have something wrong with her leg due to a previous accident - just something I heard?)


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18 July 2006
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How can anyone be uninspired by watching 4* xc and find it boring?????? Sorry I can't see that one?!

My heart goes out to Francis and Louisa

I thought the course walked quite strong compared to when I walked it last year so I was suprised some riders thought it was soft. I am glad the old fashioned corners are back in town as the make for more accurate riding. At first when I walked them I thought there were very 3*esque but it just proves how after the sucken road the horses that had a bad time thru there were really affected and lacked confidence and straightness at the corners.

Some fantastic partnerships and yes there will always be some who are untidy but its 4* for crying out loud and everyone is worthy to be there.

My favourites were Spring Along, Opposition Buzz and Sir Percival, pure class and massive congrats to Bill Levett who hasn't ridden at Badders since 2004 and has only ridden Matt Priors Political Trump a handful of times. Two brilliantly piloted rounds.


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7 June 2007
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I love camila spiers horse, would have it please :D

Otherwise opposition buzz - he made it look like a PN and looked as though he enjoyed everybit of it! :D his expression never changed from "cool, that was fun, whats next?" :)

Maybe boring is the wrong word, I just didnt find it as "fun" to watch as last years.
my opinion is my opinion ;)


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5 September 2009
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Just thought I'd also say, as Iam a fan of the small horses I'd take Little Tiger (just my type) and Just a Jiff too - fab rounds for the little ones!! Saying that TW and CGM, although at 17.3hh?? was also a lovely combination to watch and I'd happily make room for him at home!!
Buzz and NW were ace, Paul is on form and I really do wish him loads of luck tomorrow!!


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2 May 2006
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FW was class - but I did wonder whether he run out of puff/energy due to his recent illness. Feel really sorry for him as he must be very close to a team place and he's a top jockey.

Spring Along, Opposition Buzz, Lenamore looked awesome.

Imperial Cavalier seemed to lose a bit of confidence in the middle of the course - I thought Mary showed all her experience to pull it back together. Love this horse!

Didn't appreciate Karin Donckers' riding - kicked and slapped her first horse in the quarry for her own error.

Emily Llewelyn looked a class act - such mature riding.

Its going to be interesting who gets chosen for WEG - today seemed to throw the door open to some new names.


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23 November 2004
Northern Ireland
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still reading the thread, obviously says everyone, loved lenamore and why isn't commanche getting more coverage, (he is one of the ones I missed), really sad about Francis, (but still not forgiven him for stable managers office at Weston, that was back when he was a bad boy)........


Well-Known Member
25 August 2006
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But hitting a horse as you are riding away at full gallop is not going to have any effect except looking bad. The horse got the jockey through the water, not the other way around. But then as someone who's Badminton debut ended with a dunking, all his own fault, and who threw hit toys out of the pram and blamed the horse, what else do you expect!!