Thoughts on Badders XC...


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31 July 2005
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Chapel Amble may be a very honest mare, but she didn't have any help from the rider. After the water, he looked to be patting her neck, but have just been informed by someone that was there that he was actually hitting her!!!! Is this any way to thank your horse.

:D:D:D:D:DSo what has Nick done to upset you? Or are you a friend of the old rider of the horse?:p:p:p:p:p


Well-Known Member
25 February 2010
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Missed a bit in the middle, but from what I saw I thought:

Some lovely riding, and some not so good (although I am no expert!!)

Emily Lewelyn rode 2 class rounds. Very nice. Obviously knows the pair of them well.

Louise Skelton was appauling, very unimpressed, felt sorry for the poor horses.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2007
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I missed the end stopped watching at 4pm. Did i miss anything?

Fair doos to Tony Warr what a gem of a horse. He really tried hard that horse.


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27 May 2009
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just got back aussi.
alex huan tians fall there was pretty nasty although didn't see everything sadly but looked horrid
tina didn't deserve a fall although was riding a little backwards
and LS is absolutley tiny shes smaller than me and im 5'5 and thoes two horses are big - cant help feel shes a bit over-horsed at times
there were a number of people who stood out for me
- Elizabeth Power i think it is - absolutley STUNNING round rode beautifully imo
- Jeanette on both her horses - rode boldy and bravley at each fence - very well ridden
- Little Tiger and Phoebe Buckley - she is absolutley tiny - jumped supberbley
- Camilla Speirs - beautiful round imo


Well-Known Member
20 August 2009
Horses I'd love to take home/ clone...

Little Tiger, Lenamore & Averbury because I love my oversized grey ponies!!

Also Sir Percival, Opposition Buzz, Commanche & Barry's Best... not that I want much or anything.


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19 August 2008
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Barry's Best for me is possibly the best horse I saw- he's generous and forgiving and honest and completely stunning.


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15 November 2007
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I thought...

Imperial Cavalier is some horse to make those mistakes and still get himself out of the sh!t and stay upright (with some help from Mary!).

Overall, last year many riders made the course look easy and watching was a bit dull, today was the opposite. The last few fences aside, the whole thing seemed to be testing the riders and exciting to watch.

One rider looked like she wasn't fit enough to be riding at this level and was relying on a great horse to look after her.

I liked how so many riders seemed really thrilled with their horses at the finish, Nick whatshisname, with the brilliant mare near the beginning, brought a tear to my eye he looked so proud of her.

That's what stuck out for me.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2006
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:D:D:D:D:DSo what has Nick done to upset you? Or are you a friend of the old rider of the horse?:p:p:p:p:p

Nothing, but just very surprised that everyone thinks he's such a great rider, when he clearly is a very messy rider who has bad hands.


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11 July 2004
Notts, UK
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Really feel for Francis Whittington, he deserved a clear, was riding so well, lovely flowing round, xc the way it is meant to be ridder.

A couple of poorly ridden rounds imo, Louise Skelton springs to mind, looked really untidy and not happy at that level. Also some superb horsemanship.

Agree on both points. FW's horse was going so, so well........such a genuine chap, they really didn't deserve that kind of luck :(

Louise Skelton's round was awful(sorry), but she looked out of her depth.

Overall I was maybe expecting more, to feel more 'up' after watching the coverage, but yeah, seemed to be a bit of an anti climax.

RIP Desert Island


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2 May 2006
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Yes he has really messy hands, BUT he has a secure lower leg and has a fairly still upper body. He kicked forwards and didn't do that bad a job. I think you are being unnecessarily harsh. 4 star ain't easy!


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11 July 2004
Notts, UK
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also, Tony Warr and Coolgrange Merger, WHAT a lovely bit of trusting, non-controlling forward riding, and what a great horse

What an honest horse he was eh? They obviously trust each other enormously, which, for me, is what Badminton should be all about.

I'd take CM home in an heartbeat, really liked him alot.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2009
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just got back aussi.
alex huan tians fall there was pretty nasty although didn't see everything sadly but looked horrid
tina didn't deserve a fall although was riding a little backwards
and LS is absolutley tiny shes smaller than me and im 5'5 and thoes two horses are big - cant help feel shes a bit over-horsed at times
there were a number of people who stood out for me
- Elizabeth Power i think it is - absolutley STUNNING round rode beautifully imo
- Jeanette on both her horses - rode boldy and bravley at each fence - very well ridden
- Little Tiger and Phoebe Buckley - she is absolutley tiny - jumped supberbley
- Camilla Speirs - beautiful round imo

I too thought Elizabeth Power was fantastic. Not an easy ride though the water but she and her horse never looked as if they wouldn't get round, she was so positive and rock solid in her position.

Who was the Irish Captain going round on the grey? He rode beautifully and looked after his horse.

The german lady on Free Easy was also outstanding. He wasn't an easy ride at all and yet she looked completely unfazed and in control

And lovely to see Mark Todd riding with all his skill, experience and amazing balance on a young horse.

I loved the coverage! Have to say I watched three hours of it so have done very few of my chores but so definitely worth it!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2008
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I only managed to watch a few rounds between preparing for my art exam and the ones that stuck out for me were Emily Llewellyn and Nicola Wilson, I'd be interested to know why WFP didn't run his second horse when they could of been in a very good position after, but there's always a reason for these things!


Well-Known Member
29 November 2006
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Emily Lewellyn is one for the future I think. She rode beautifully. I am pleased Mark Todd is back too.

Paul Tapner rode a cracking round.

I felt so sorry for Francis but my gut feeling is he felt he let the horse down by falling off! But both were ok and that is what matters.

Who was the guy who was riding the horse that had been round 8 times? (I am rubbish at names LOL!) I thought he was fab. I also thought the vet was great.

I think most of them are great tbh. I couldnt do it! LOL!


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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How can anyone be uninspired by watching 4* xc and find it boring?????? Sorry I can't see that one?!

My heart goes out to Francis and Louisa

I thought the course walked quite strong compared to when I walked it last year so I was suprised some riders thought it was soft. I am glad the old fashioned corners are back in town as the make for more accurate riding. At first when I walked them I thought there were very 3*esque but it just proves how after the sucken road the horses that had a bad time thru there were really affected and lacked confidence and straightness at the corners.

Some fantastic partnerships and yes there will always be some who are untidy but its 4* for crying out loud and everyone is worthy to be there.

My favourites were Spring Along, Opposition Buzz and Sir Percival, pure class and massive congrats to Bill Levett who hasn't ridden at Badders since 2004 and has only ridden Matt Priors Political Trump a handful of times. Two brilliantly piloted rounds.

Can't say it better than this really!

Felt v sorry for Sarah Bullimore - they bought her into the outside broadcast van with someone (possibly from the ground jury) to watch a replay of her in the lake and she was looking pretty gutted to get that 20.

I heard nothing about the reason they didn't show NGs second ride being that it looked over-tired - before the XC they highlight people to follow closely and that horse wasn't on the list, and if someone else was having a more interesting ride or was higher up the leader-board then they follow them in preference. They were also having a few technical issues with cameras cutting out due to the weather so TBH I think it was just coincidence that they didn't follow him - there were a few rapid switches of shot to prevent the loss of feed showing up, and you saw nothing of Louisa Lockwood and Desert Island because the feed went as they were about to cut to them going through Huntsman's Close, which is probably for the best :(

I actually thought Nick rode one of the best rounds I've seen him do. I loved the fact that the issues were all over the place and that there was a massive shake-up after the dressage, makes it really exciting! Really felt for poor Francis though, he did not deserve that silly trip.

I'm rooting for Bill to win though.....


Well-Known Member
27 June 2004
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Truthfully I was very disappointed, far too many skinnies on the course, most riders looked to be riding defensively, gave up watching half way through and then watched the last few go.

So many horses dropping legs, which from watching seems to be all the checking going into the fences to be so accurate with the skinnies, whatever happened to jumping out of a stride? The flags seem to be getting closer and closer together and whilst one or two accuracy fences on a course are good, there just seemed to be far too many, I really thought the course was going to be far more old fashioned from what was written.

Must add Im in a foul mood today anyway.


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1 April 2002
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James Robinson did a great job under a lot of pressure, i saw his saddle cloth start slipping early on though and was so busy worrying about it (hoping the saddle wouldn't slip back) that i could barely watch!
those criticising Louise Skelton's riding - first of all, she always rides like that, it's just it usually works and today it didn't! also, she's very very small and light so although the v defensive seat doesn't always look pretty, imho she does a lot less damage than certain larger riders who do the same thing but no-one criticises...


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11 February 2010
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I was there, we walked the whole course, pausing to watch riders at different fences, I am so glad that I didn't see any of the falls though, I didn't know that a horse had died, very sorry to hear it, my heart goes out to his connections.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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I really enjoyed the course this year. Accurate riding was rewarded, although some (FW, RE, etc) had rotten luck.

Tina just didn't seem to want to be there IMO - the way she went out of the arena at the start and over the first few fences was soooo laissez faire!

The girl that face planted at the Hexagon Hedges - I think she was damn lucky to walk away with herself and horse intact. I was waiting for her to be flagged down and stopped if I am honest; she was the only rider that I wanted to pull up.

Louise Skelton IS tiny, and although most of you seem to hate her riding, she wasn't appalling, her rides were not point and shoot animals, and yes it could have been tidier but hey, the girl has guts!

Mary King had lady luck on her shoulder during the first round - wow! BUT, she was going incredibly well until she was held and I wonder whether IC just lost focus - I am sure he gave her an incredible scare, I know my heart was in my mouth over rather a few fences.

Tony Warr - wow! I mean yes, it was glaringly obvious that he doesn't ride 10 horses a day, but what a partnership they have, all credit to them.

Alexander Peternell - my God, the man only took up eventing 6 years ago!!! He had a bloody brilliant attitude, was sooo happy to be there, I loved watching him and his smile and whoops! Funniest thing is to think his wife is a GP dressage rider, the horse is owned by Jenny Loriston-Clarke yet his dressage absolutely sucked!

I could go on and bore you all more but I shall depart instead :D


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18 May 2007
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Kerilli - I spent ages thinking that saddle cloth had slipped, but when he came through the finish you could see it hadn't, it was just stupendously ugly!! Scotty or Toddy or someone commented on it and on how if he picked up a minor placing maybe he'd have the sense to use some of the prize money to buy a decent one!!


Well-Known Member
2 November 2007
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i thought nick g's round was ok, didnt stick out as bad, just good competent riding at the level they are at, have to say he was sooo chuffed to fin on the mare, also the image of FW hugging his horse will stay with me for a while and was a real lump in throat moment!! Someone was going on about someone hitting the hrs not patting after a fence, well at this level to save the horse more danger and injury a tap or two on the shoulder to switch the attention or whatever onto next fence could be the difference between having a good jump and a deadly one!!! These guys know what they are doing and sometimes you have to actually be in the saddle on that horse before you get a true picture of events!


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2 May 2010
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First time poster...and want to pick up in a couple of points that have already been mentioned. Watching on tv, Louise Skelton scared the bejabbers out of me! Obviously a tiny girl on a big horse (only saw the second ride) but looked SO wobbly. She was riding incredibly short I thought - but figure it must be a length she is happy with. Personally on a horse that size I would have wanted to use all the leg I had.

Emily Llewelyn fab.

Francis Wittington - such a shame was just beautiful til the fall.

I am thankful that Karin Donkers horses seem to ignore her verbals. If they did 'hup' when she asked them to (generally repetatively over the final three strides into the fence) she would be in real trouble!

Surprised with Will FP withdrawing but he did seem VERY surly and sour grapes about the corners - sorry mate - might not have gone your way today but plenty of riders with less experience managed them beatifully. Seemed to throw his toys a little unnecesarily to me. (Not saying that is why Seacookie didn't run...just wondering).

Tina Cook - good girl at the water. Must have been very dissapointed but took it on the chin, and will live to ride another day.

Any other thoughts?


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6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Oh and I thought Clayton Fredericks looked a little overweight and unfit - not sure if he has been injured or something?

And, final thing, sorry, the Colt Pond landing seemed to get steeper as the day went on - not sure if the footing degenerated?


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22 January 2005
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He has done all season and when i saw him at aston last year i thught the same :( sorry clayton. Did anyone else pick up Andrew N kicking away :( on the grey?? i like him as a rider but today i was disapointed.