Towerlands Welsh Medal show-My worst experience ever!


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11 January 2008
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Obviously my post went right over the heads of you bunch of bickering children. The playground antics continue... Yea Gods!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Help,.what post?

Sorry, accent took over. I'm afraid as every other welshie has made me look a jack arse on here I may as well re instate the fact that SOME Welsh people are upfor a joke and not childish bitching **** stirrers.

Aramanta, what is it about some people liking the accent? I normally get asked to repeat myself about twenty times whilst speaking to non welshies.


11 February 2011
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I've just realised I singled you out Markettrader, this was unfair of me. In my opinion ICY also needs to grow up!

Good night.

Trottingon please enlighten me and tell me why i need to grow up ? i have posted facts ! that there is no reported evidence ! i do not have the slightest interest in the mud slinging , i just think that to post allegations of horses being whipped in faces and making a good well organised show that was well supported, slandered without proof is wrong and yes i too am entitltled to an opinion ! if you wish to have a word with me about this feel free to contact me or i will be at the agm if you want to see me ! if you wish to get personal and wish to insult me id far rather you do it to my face not behind the bravery of your keyboard ! is that adult enough for you ?


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Oh yeah, help11, for a newbie, you seem to know alot about the forum mechanics, e.g. post being pulled because of certain comments.

Do you have many cats by any chance?


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Icy, calm down. If someone annoys you on here let it lie, it will annoy them more.

No need to invite people for a brawl.

I'm not having a go, but it leaves you looking the bad egg posting things like the above.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2010
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Trottingon please enlighten me and tell me why i need to grow up ? i have posted facts ! that there is no reported evidence ! i do not have the slightest interest in the mud slinging , i just think that to post allegations of horses being whipped in faces and making a good well organised show that was well supported, slandered without proof is wrong and yes i too am entitltled to an opinion ! if you wish to have a word with me about this feel free to contact me or i will be at the agm if you want to see me ! if you wish to get personal and wish to insult me id far rather you do it to my face not behind the bravery of your keyboard ! is that adult enough for you ?

That narrows you down.

I repeat, I hope the WPCS is proud of the representation it's getting on possibly the world's biggest horse forum, on the main page, for all to see...

I wonder if this will make the H&H forum top ten this week? :p

Ps I love the welsh accent.


New User
24 March 2012
Wrexham, Clwyd
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Hmmm... having a good moan are we?
Hiding behind usernames making us invincible?
Well - how about saying it to our faces?
I'm sure most horse owners appreciate constructive criticism - when the person giving it has a valid point!
Next time you see something at a show that bothers you (and this may seem like a CRAZY idea to some of you) - SAY SOMETHING TO THE ORGANISERS/STEWARDS/JUDGES/OWNERS/HANDLERS ! :eek:
Its all very well having a whinge and moan anonymously on here - if you're so sure of your convictions - why not say it outright? :confused:


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Where abouts are you two (armanta and trots) from? Not because I want to try out the Welsh charm but so I know of I'm in your area I won't get the sarcy "from Wales? Really? I'd never have known" but someone who appreciates my mumbling banter :)


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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I hope it doesn't make the top ten.

We were in the last issue for fly grazing, then this this issue.

Just to add, I left Porthcawl in south Wales and arrived somewhere in surry on Thursday to be shown said fly grazing article. The embarassment alone rushed me off the yard.

We are not all fly grazing ginger-bum--fingering bad mannered angry people, would you believe?


Well-Known Member
24 November 2010
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Hmmm... having a good moan are we?
Hiding behind usernames making us invincible?
Well - how about saying it to our faces?
I'm sure most horse owners appreciate constructive criticism - when the person giving it has a valid point!
Next time you see something at a show that bothers you (and this may seem like a CRAZY idea to some of you) - SAY SOMETHING TO THE ORGANISERS/STEWARDS/JUDGES/OWNERS/HANDLERS ! :eek:
Its all very well having a whinge and moan anonymously on here - if you're so sure of your convictions - why not say it outright? :confused:

Let's be honest here. If OP HAD complained, if she had gone to the show organisers and said "exhibit number ***'s handler was hitting it". What would have happened? If she had confronted the handlers, what would have happened?
I'm not utterly stupid... I know what would happen. But dare anyone admit that the showing circle is so tight knit and that ranks would be closed and denial pushed forwards?
You, I, and every other person who has ever stood in a ring with welsh cob owners KNOWS what goes on behind the scenes. How fiercely competitive it is. How some of these people LIVE on the road, showing is their bread and butter.
Anyone who complains gets a bad name in the showing circle and they can wave any chance of a red rosette ever from that society goodbye. I am not at all surprised the OP walked away and said nothing. But questions are being asked here and now, on this forum, and yet she's been met with aggression and personal insults. Do you still wonder why she didn't approach anyone at the show? It doesn't take a genius to understand.


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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Where abouts are you two (armanta and trots) from? Not because I want to try out the Welsh charm but so I know of I'm in your area I won't get the sarcy "from Wales? Really? I'd never have known" but someone who appreciates my mumbling banter :)

East Anglia MV :D


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Armanta where abouts is that? Lol

I told you lucky lady,.we pay 10p for a bag, I'd sooner use it to carry my shopping than wave it at a horse!

As far as sheep go, me and little brother picked up mums mothers day colt from Truro in Cornwall a week ago Saturday, my 19 year old brothers genuine comment...

"why the **** do they call us sheep shaggers, there's more sheep here than people" say, I did have a little chuckle.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Those knee pads are for nothing more than sliding across wooden floors, y'know, like when your ten years old at your best mates birthday disco and your have to see who can skid the furthest?

Or Is that another ginger finger "thing"?

*runs off chuckling*


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10 January 2006
Near Leeds
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Rockysmum- another one to pick up someones use of incorrect words or lack of commas etc, thank u ever so much to bring this to my attention and i can confirm the word you clearly marked in bold in my previous post was meant to be majority!

In your case it wasn't just lack of commas, you managed to make the post the total opposite of what, I assume, you intended. Quite a feat even on this thread.


11 February 2011
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Let's be honest here. If OP HAD complained, if she had gone to the show organisers and said "exhibit number ***'s handler was hitting it". What would have happened? If she had confronted the handlers, what would have happened?
I'm not utterly stupid... I know what would happen. But dare anyone admit that the showing circle is so tight knit and that ranks would be closed and denial pushed forwards?
You, I, and every other person who has ever stood in a ring with welsh cob owners KNOWS what goes on behind the scenes. How fiercely competitive it is. How some of these people LIVE on the road, showing is their bread and butter.
Anyone who complains gets a bad name in the showing circle and they can wave any chance of a red rosette ever from that society goodbye. I am not at all surprised the OP walked away and said nothing. But questions are being asked here and now, on this forum, and yet she's been met with aggression and personal insults. Do you still wonder why she didn't approach anyone at the show? It doesn't take a genius to understand.
Sorry but i really do not agree, i honestly believe that had a complaint been logged with the organizers then it would have been delt with professionally and no way would such treatment of any animal at this show been overlooked, there were a couple of incidents that i saw delt with immediately, like a whip with a bag on the end and a broken whip, the organizers, judges and stewards were very professional but they can only act on being informed, and i wouldnt give a damn who i offended if i saw a horse misstreated in such a manner i would 100% report it, any report can be given discreetly as not everyone is of the same nature i appreciate this, but ignoring it doesnt help stamp out these problems.


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
Near Leeds
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Obviously my post went right over the heads of you bunch of bickering children. The playground antics continue... Yea Gods!

In your case it wasn't the lack of paragraphs, it was the use of white, or dirty yellow space.

Those of us who had to suffer RSA typing know that you hit return twice at the end of a paragraph. Makes it much easier to read :D :D


Well-Known Member
18 December 2009
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Trottingon please enlighten me and tell me why i need to grow up ? i have posted facts ! that there is no reported evidence ! i do not have the slightest interest in the mud slinging , i just think that to post allegations of horses being whipped in faces and making a good well organised show that was well supported, slandered without proof is wrong and yes i too am entitltled to an opinion ! if you wish to have a word with me about this feel free to contact me or i will be at the agm if you want to see me ! if you wish to get personal and wish to insult me id far rather you do it to my face not behind the bravery of your keyboard ! is that adult enough for you ?

Yes, this response is far more mature, thank you.

I've just typed huge response, but then was logged out before I could post it...AARRRGGGHHH!!!! I hate it when that happens!

I'm not hiding behind my keyboard - this is a forum, that's how they work, I don't know who you are either, do I???

Just because the OP did not take photos, you don't believe her? I don't feel she was mud-slinging - I too have no interest in this, however I feel that she came on here and posted about what she had seen. Clearly that is not evidence enough for you? Have you spoken to absolutely everyone who was at that show? How do you know other people did not witness similar things to the OP? I've not witnessed head-whipping etc or supposed blatant cruelty, but the number of horses/ponies I see being yanked in the mouth unnecessarily, particularly youngsters who aren't doing anything obviously wrong drives me mad, and the winding up of Section Ds at shows absolutely drives me potty and in my opinion is unsafe and completely uncalled for - if an animal can't move well and be flashy enough to win without such outside influences it doesn't deserve to win really, does it? And anyone "gingering up" their horses needs shooting!

I just find it worrying that rather than be concerned about the reputation of welsh owners/breeders/classes or the WPCS, certain posters have jumped on the OP, basically classed her as a liar and claimed that everything that goes on at these shows is totally above board and perfect in every way - It isn't, and I'm sure having been involved in showing as you seem to have been, you know that as much as I do.

Maybe the OP did not have the confidence to approach the organisers on the day to relay her findings? She certainly does not need slagging off for not doing so. Perhaps she felt the need to hear other people's opinions and had she received support on here instead of slagging off she might be more inclined to say something next time she sees handling that she is not comfortable with, but most likely now will avoid these types of shows and keep her mouth shut in future. I just don't think the people who jumped on her demonstrated a fair approach, and those who did should take a long hard look at the reality of the situation before they comment in future.


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14 August 2005
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This has been an "interesting" read.
I started to read the thread with mild interest, and to see what opinions there were etc.
I then came across the last few pages and those from the Welsh Cob Owners have just come across as arrogant and very aggressive.

When looking for my last horse, I had been looking for a Welsh C and came away with a New Forest. All I feel is relief and I think I will stay away from Welsh Cobs and showing, as all they have shown here is how rude and unfriendly they actually are.

If this is indicative of the Welsh Cob world, then I would much rather be a "graduated riding school owner" thanks very much. I found the answers on this thread to be quite shocking, and I'd rather stick with my scruffy little ponies of no quality than have a horse of quality and be up my own a*se, which in my opinion is how you have all shown yourselves to be.


Well-Known Member
18 December 2009
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Those knee pads are for nothing more than sliding across wooden floors, y'know, like when your ten years old at your best mates birthday disco and your have to see who can skid the furthest?

Or Is that another ginger finger "thing"?

*runs off chuckling*

Oh I wish I was good at icons!!!! You're quite witty for a Taffy - am I allowed to say that or is it both opinionated and racist???


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Fidley, I assure you, what has been displayed here Is the minority of bitter, big headed ballooned ego side of Welsh showing.

I personally don't show. I look after various showing welshies, I'm willing to pm names if you wish, and I assure you, we participate for the day out alone.

We've won some big ones, and lost some big shows, at the end of the day, you'll find us at the bar!

The only reason you have not witnessed the down to earth hard working Welsh owners is simple, were too busy with the horses to come on here and beat everyone down.

Yes, people do Piss about with organic matter, whips, bags and anything else that would frankly scare the **** out of me had it taken me by surprise.

This does happen in all sports, I'm not agreeing with it, but it does happen.

Stewards, judges etc. excuse for not seeing this,.after all, why else would a steward be at the show ground?

Unfortunately bad points always last longer in the public eye than good points. I assure you, and will stick to my word, join us at the royal Welsh and I can guarantee, you will see the other side of the showing.

I know it doesn't mean a great deal, but I for one feel utterly embarrassed and disgusted at how our image is being portrayed and how only the wicked competitive side is having their say. I apologise for what you've read and how we must appear, but this is not what we're all about.


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19 January 2012
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Trotty, I do try lol.

Call me what you like, I give as good as I get most of the time and generally try not to shout the whole "racist" card too much :)

Where the hell is east angular (sp?) Too? Lol


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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Trotty, I do try lol.

Call me what you like, I give as good as I get most of the time and generally try not to shout the whole "racist" card too much :)

Where the hell is east angular (sp?) Too? Lol

Anglia MV Anglia :D

Cambridge :) not that East Anglia is in Cambridge but Cambridge is in East Anglia :)


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Right, back the the point of welshies being the equivalent damp firework, what the hell does that mean.

Are you from Cambridge?

Is east angular (it sounds better spelt like that ;)) in Cambridge or visa versa?

*sits down for a fag and head scratch*


Well-Known Member
14 August 2005
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Fidley, I assure you, what has been displayed here Is the minority of bitter, big headed ballooned ego side of Welsh showing.

that's a relief as it was getting very aggressive in here with them

I personally don't show. I look after various showing welshies, I'm willing to pm names if you wish, and I assure you, we participate for the day out alone.

We've won some big ones, and lost some big shows, at the end of the day, you'll find us at the bar!

This is much the way I look at viewing and competing. I take my horses out for experience and if they get a ribbon, fab, if not, they gained valuable experience as did I. It is nice to hear that not all Welshie owners/handlers are as intimidating as those earlier in the thread proved to be.

The only reason you have not witnessed the down to earth hard working Welsh owners is simple, were too busy with the horses to come on here and beat everyone down.

Yes, people do Piss about with organic matter, whips, bags and anything else that would frankly scare the **** out of me had it taken me by surprise.

This does happen in all sports, I'm not agreeing with it, but it does happen.

I think we can all agree that we have seen dispicable things across all of the disciplines but to see some (as appeared to be the case earlier on in the thread) actually condoning some of these practices is what makes it particularly bad.

Stewards, judges etc. excuse for not seeing this,.after all, why else would a steward be at the show ground?

Unfortunately bad points always last longer in the public eye than good points. I assure you, and will stick to my word, join us at the royal Welsh and I can guarantee, you will see the other side of the showing.

I know it doesn't mean a great deal, but I for one feel utterly embarrassed and disgusted at how our image is being portrayed and how only the wicked competitive side is having their say. I apologise for what you've read and how we must appear, but this is not what we're all about.

It does make a big difference to see someone such as yourself actually come in and explain in a calm manner as well as hearing in the tone of your posts the passion you have in the Welshies and how you feel regarding the practices and attitudes of others. :) If I can manage it, I will take you up on your offer as I do love watching Natives move.