Well-Known Member
Lol, i knew it was more than me but not how much more so played safe!43 years years, do you mind! Jesus I feel old.
Yes, I've been chased on horseback three times by dogs, once on a cross country course!
Lol, i knew it was more than me but not how much more so played safe!43 years years, do you mind! Jesus I feel old.
Yes, I've been chased on horseback three times by dogs, once on a cross country course!
Most dog bites happen in the home though so sadly unless dogs are to be muzzled at all times (completely unrealistic) it won’t stop the majority of bites or fatalities.I agree that a large dog can do a lot of damage merely by jumping but muzzled would probably prevent the ripping things to shreds that seems to happen more or less daily now. Also a lot of large dogs on leads seem to tow their owners around at will, so I don't think that is huge preventative.
I think blanket muzzling is sadly going to have to be the way to go. I am in favour of it means people and animals can have a degree of safety.
Well I’ve beaten you 63 years!!!! Would be more if I hadn’t been forced to give up last year .. adding to the thoughts earlier , if I had been teaching a group and one fell off, I would be very angry if another novice rider got off and went to the fallen rider. Instructors usually have first aid experience and should be left to sort out the fallen rider not a person with hardly any knowledge ..
When I started my GSD pup at puppy class there was a woman there with a Viszla pup. She told me that if she tried to get the pup off its bed it bit her and couldn't see a problem with that! Unfortunately she only came for a couple of weeks, don't think she liked the fact that the trainer didn't share her thoughts on what was and wasn't a problem.
Unless of course said other person was a fully trained paramedic/doctor then I would happily take the reins of the horse and leave them to it![]()
Yes, in our RC we have a couple of medical professionals plus a GP, also 2 vets - never usually see them if there is an incident.I've found they generally don't want to get involved - I know a particular paramedic who volunteers with one of our clubs (a different sport, not horses), and she is renowned for her disappearing acts the second it looks like someone is unwell or injured. The groups I work with are given a questionnaire in advance which asks for their occupations and experience. The ones that don't want to answer are the medics and the police, so I always know what they do anyway, despite the blanks
The best first aiders tend to be sports coaches.
As an aside does anyone know if the 6 or 8 dogs involved in the death of the dog walker are still in custody or have they been released back to their owners?
The video showing the Highland cattle is only going to become more common too, from farmers in the local area and what I've heard online, many are not giving the dog any chances now, it'll be a case of shooting right away.
The police took into 'custody' another 17 dogs following an attack on a child - bully type dogs from a house/family that appeared to be breeding them.
I haven’t read all of the replies but unfortunately it’s the dog that will suffer most at the hands of its owner. The dog will be destroyed but unless it already has a history of biting or attacking then the man will get off with a warning and nothing will be done unless it happens again. I think more should be done on the first offence to make dog owners more aware that they need to become more responsible. This seems to be happening far too often. I also think dogs should be banned on bridleways - after all
Yesterday we passed a dog walker who had 10 dogs with her. Granted they were all on leads but some of them were big dogs, all lab/collie size and up. Surely no one should be allowed to walk that many at a time? And do their owners know they are going out in such big groups? It's scary to think what would have happened if some of them had decided to go after the horses.
I’m impressed
a while ago there was a possible bill/thing to make assaulting a police dog the equivalent of doing so to an officer and I wondered if the same would then apply
Thanks moobliFinn’s Law makes it a criminal offence to injure service animals.
I'm quite surprised that dog walkers' insurance allows them to walk so many at once (apparently it does), as most walkers seem to let them off the lead and I don't see how you can keep 10 assorted dogs from different households under control at once. I do wonder whether insurance rules might change following the death of the dog walker earlier in the year, although I suppose that was only one incident and it still isn't clear exactly what happened.
It's awful but I'm starting to think that it might not be a bad thing if a few out of control dogs were shot by farmers and it made the national press- it might actually get through to some of the useless dog owners out there that there are consequences for not behaving responsibly. It would be awful for the dog, but better than multiple sheep being killed etc.
Might it be a good idea to limit the number of dogs a household could have (e.g. four) before having to register with the local council (and giving a reason why you have so many)? I realise there are reasons other than breeding that mean people own multiple dogs, such as trialling or showing, but if there was a requirement to register (and a punishment for not doing so, such as having the dogs removed) then it might make it easier for authorities to act in cases of dodgy breeding businesses, owning lots of dogs for fighting, etc.
And there is no way 17 dogs could be kept humanely in an urban domestic house, unless it had an exceptionally large garden with room for suitable kennels. And were they really able to give all 17 dogs (assuming that didn't include young puppies) adequate daily exercise?
the idea of limiting the number of dogs in one household wouldn’t work, it would just mean that responsible dog owners would comply and the other element would do as they have always done. Rather like the horse passport and microchip system, we all rushed out and got our passports , how many coloured abandoned horses had microchips? I think that is none!!
What do they do if there's a football hooligan attacking another police horse? Do they just sit there and watch and tell members of the public to pull them off?