Well-Known Member
I have not ignored any of your advice about callingt the vet ! We were almost certain to do it that night but i just wanted some advice on what are the symetoms of laminitis. And NO i am not trying to kill my horse!! I would never dream of mistreating him. And i had given him the bute-X and he seemed much better and was able to walk so his pain did go down a ton. We had to put him in the trailer and drive him to the stables which was a bit risky and we had the vet out and he didnt even know if it was laminitis! But he has just gave us a painkiller and some medication to help circulate the blood if it is laminitis. I hope none of you thunk i am mistreating my horse in any way coz i would never do a thing. Please hope you understand As i was extreamly shocked with some of your comments