Urgent help required! Pls respond by 16 Dec 2011


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
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I live less than two and a half miles away from a nuclear power station and would much rather live close to that than a wind farm!

They're vastly inefficient yet they're touted as the second coming. I don't support them.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2011
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Well done you Robert, as there are only 2 of us against wind turbines you are on to a winner there! Try a broader spectrum and see if you will be so happy to email the planning office!

I work in the construction industry and I am very much aware of the planning process and the fact that not many people if any write to the planning department in support of applications and it is more petitions against the development.

I would be very surprised if the number of people who are on this board who disagree with opposing the development out weigh the number of people that sign the petitions and email their objections. However I believe it is right to show and illustrate the general thoughts of the majority rather than only hearing those who make a noise.

I have no problem in airing my views and opinions whether they be in the majority or minority, my opinion like yours deserves to be heard.

Happy Hunter

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24 April 2010
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Well something has to change!
We cant keep up this energy consumption with no compromise!

I cant say that it would bother me - I Hunted past some other other day - no problems, not a single one - Mind you perhaps it would be fair to say my steed doesnt notice much whilst hunting!!

the NIMBY argument just isnt going to work anymore!!! We are a small island - we have no areas where it wont be on someones doorstep, or in an area of outstanding natural beauty!


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13 February 2011
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Sorry but it drives me mad when people fret about new things around their horses!! You are their leader and if you are calm & reassuring to them there should be no problem, sure they may have a look at things but you can't baby them, they just have to learn to deal with it!!!


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I love them, they are beautiful.
Horses get used to them just like everything else. We have a helicopter landing pad along one of our bridleways. You can't demand the world stops for horseriders. Should we also ban combine harvesters from cutting crops or buzzing pylons on fields where bridlepaths run ?


Well-Known Member
5 September 2010
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I would have no problem with a wind farm being next to me and I am sure the horses would have no problem either. i am sure you will all be fine x


Well-Known Member
22 January 2007
Yes, I would like one on my land, too :)
And the horses? Well, they would just have to get on with it, like they do with cars, planes, helicopters, farm traffic and hundreds of other things.

:) I don't think mine would even be bothered, when we first moved in here the first low flying jet that went over sent them skitting up the field, the second one they didn't even lift their heads from grazing! ;)

Horses deal with far more scary things than wind turbines imo... wild crisp bags for one, they are unpredictable... wind turbines aren't! Well unless Hurricane winds set them on fire but that was one turbine and the fire only lasted a few minutes if you read the news reports rather than the hysteria!


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
LOL, I have one that pretends to be bothered by everything, but hey, after her lovely behaviour today, she is on the naughty step and if a wind turbine upsets her - good, serves her right!


Well-Known Member
5 September 2006
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I love them, they are beautiful.
Horses get used to them just like everything else. We have a helicopter landing pad along one of our bridleways. You can't demand the world stops for horseriders. Should we also ban combine harvesters from cutting crops or buzzing pylons on fields where bridlepaths run ?

I hack over a light aircraft landing strip!! In over 7 years I've only met 1 plane, but my youngster didn't even look at it! lol!

Merry Crisis

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31 July 2011
North Cumbria
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I am so pleased that you all think that these turbines are wonderful, there will be no problems in your neck of the wood when they want another wind farm as you wont object. Good, it will save Cumbria from any more of the monsterous things.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I am so pleased that you all think that these turbines are wonderful, there will be no problems in your neck of the wood when they want another wind farm as you wont object. Good, it will save Cumbria from any more of the monsterous things.

Don't mind at all. I like them so much, I'm thinking of moving to Demark where there are more horses than people and thousands of turbines happily not spooking any of them.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2011
North Dorset
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No reason why horses should not accept wind turbines as a daily part of their lives. Others ride past them all the time, mine have all gone past them with no worries.
Train your horses.


Well-Known Member
12 November 2011
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Another one here who is pro other, non nuclear, energy sources. The horses will get used to them and they are much quieter than people think. We have several on a ridge about 30 mins from here. I stood right below one and took some great pics of the blades.

It was blowing a gail and the most noise they made was a low, rhythmic hum that didn't seem to bother the sheep grazing at their base. Personally I don't find them too bad to look at but I can see why others woudl object to them visually. The only thing I don't like about them is that they can be bad for birds of prey but i believe scientists are working on this - looking at painting them a different colour to help the birds see and avoid them

I agree that they aren't always that efficient. But hopefully with time this will improve. Sadly a perfect 'green' solution does not exist.

However until people start banning new babies (which lets face it is the main reason we need all this energy - too many people!) then we don't have much choice.....but that's a WHOLE other discussion


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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I am so pleased that you all think that these turbines are wonderful, there will be no problems in your neck of the wood when they want another wind farm as you wont object. Good, it will save Cumbria from any more of the monsterous things.

You seem to be implying that we're all NIMBYs and the reason we don't object is they're not on our doorsteps. If you read what people are saying, that doesn't seem to be the case. Lots of us have them in our "neck of the woods" and are fine with it.

As long as people continue to use enormous amounts of electricity, we have to try to find less damaging methods of producing it. Wind power's far from perfect but then what method is?

There do seem to be some valid arguements against wind turbines, but "they might upset horses" IMO isn't one of them. :)

Personally, not that it counts for much :rolleyes: but I find them beautiful.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2006
I used to have my horses near a wind farm. They need decent tracks to get maintainance traffic to them so you will find that you gain places to ride rather than lose them. We used to hack around them and my mare didn't bat an eyelid. and for whoever asked what kind of horses we had that would do it, mine is a tb :)
I agree that we need other means of generating energy so I won't be supporting the petition. There are plans to build one beside where I am now and quite looking forward to it, i think they are quite fascinating things. Hopefully get some nice new tracks out of it too!


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
North West
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You seem to be implying that we're all NIMBYs and the reason we don't object is they're not on our doorsteps. If you read what people are saying, that doesn't seem to be the case. Lots of us have them in our "neck of the woods" and are fine with it.

As long as people continue to use enormous amounts of electricity, we have to try to find less damaging methods of producing it. Wind power's far from perfect but then what method is?

There do seem to be some valid arguements against wind turbines, but "they might upset horses" IMO isn't one of them. :)

Personally, not that it counts for much :rolleyes: but I find them beautiful.

Totally agree Fiona. My 2 horses are very sharp, and probably wouldn't like them much to begin with, but if we were approached to build them on top of us, I would be pleased! I also find them quite pretty, they are hypnotic and I love their size! Strangely enough I also love their noise! soothing! And very very GREEN :D :D :D


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2 March 2008
upside down
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I live 1000m ffom 3 large ones. I did support it when they were built.

The horses don't care. I can ride right underneath them, and they don't even notice.

HOWEVER, they are noisy. I can hear them pretty much all of the time, even in the house with the double glazed windows closed.

There is now an application in for someone to out another 15 up on the same hill, and this I will object to. I do believe in wind power, that we need alternate energy sources etc, but these 15 will destroy a very important hill, and the lies that the Company are telling annoys me. Also it will without doubt effect the value of my property quite significantly, and the Company are not prepared to compensate us in any way.

They say they will put £50,000 a year into the community - small pennies compared to what they will earn, that amount should be index linked for the next 25yrs. Also there will be no money put aside for decommisioning in 25yrs time. They should be made to out money into an account to pay for this too, as its not part of their application.

Sorry OP, you can't expect others to object for you, and sadly your arguments will fall on deaf ears. Do your research and object for 'real' reasons.


Well-Known Member
10 September 2008
West Mids
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I think they are pretty useless and aren't efficient enough so why bother. I don't think they are that unattractive and I like they are quite unusual. I was fascinated the first time I saw one. There is a large protest movement in mid Wales and Shropshire against wind farms and pylons. The issue isn't the building of wind farms per se but these are going to vast The pylons are going to be bigger then anything currently in the uk and will cross areas of countryside that rely quite heavily on tourism.

I'm all for nuclear power myself and wouldnt be put off living next to a plant. Or a wind turbine for that matter.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
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I once took my horse to an arena and one was built less than 10m away.
My heart was filled with dread. Instructor said to me not many horses bother about it or notice it. He was right, my horse never even looked at it.


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
North West
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However until people start banning new babies (which lets face it is the main reason we need all this energy - too many people!) then we don't have much choice.....but that's a WHOLE other discussion

totally agree at the risk of digressing. Perhaps not banning them(!) but limiting people to the amount people can have? Or ensuring you have enough money to afford them before you do? Slippery slope argument that one!


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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my horse and friends quite nervous horse had never seem one - we went on a fun ride and had to ride right below one which was mounted on top a massive hill - they didnt bat an eyelid !!! very strange but they dont seem bothered at all by them. Rather one of these than another nuclear power station !!!