Well-Known Member
Changed the batch of hay yesterday - this is quite long so might take me a while. Basically had a quad of wrapped hay (isn't haylage as Max colics on it) and is as dry as normal hay. Max and Aces High (2 yr old) were eating it happily and then stopped. Max is fussy with his hay so I kept on chucking it out and giving him new to eat but he'd only pick at it. Aces High who's a complete piglet hasn't eaten any hay since Friday. I thought maybe there was a little more grass coming through in her bare paddock and she's been feasting on the very good barley straw in her field shelter. Anyway been researching EVERY disease known to mankind in horses that gives them ataxia symptoms. I removed all of their hay yesterday and gave them the new stuff. Max ate 3 sections last night as did A-H. A-H is fine in herself maybe a little quiet but nothing untoward. Max seems slightly better this morning but is more pronounced in his staggering movement on the right hand side than his left. He also has full flexion through his neck and can get a polo from both his left and right shoulders and to his chest and to the floor. He is crossing his hind legs correctly when being turned on himself. He will also put his feet back in the correct position when you put on hoof on the other. I now have scientists on board at the moment as well to look at investigating hay/pasture so will see what comes from that. I am struggling with all the waiting and would like answers now as well as some sleep. Just want my horse back to his old self.