Playing chess with pigeons
I love Patches...or Patchouli (I've no idea what it is but was it a perfume that women wore in the 60's or something? I see it mentioned in books!
you are doing so well
Kind of guessing as we go!
I think she likes me more now than she did before baby, so that is good. Ears forwards consistently to get her morning polo today. I am being careful to ignore baby though and just talk to mum or Auntie. I remember being possessive for the first few days with my children - not going to interfere unless we need to for a little while.
I really hope that Pepper will learn from this that humans really aren’t all bad.
I am worried about germs/shows etc and little one though. Arena hire is low risk, but shows… Aunty was supposed to start going out and about in a month or so. Will that be safe? Everyone is fully vaccinated, and Pepper will have had her second vaccination by then.
And I feel sad that she has no-one to play with. Will that matter before she is weaned?
Pepper is mum. Baby is as yet pepper baby or mum
she is completely gorgeous! Excuse me if I'm telling you how to suck eggs but wa that barbed wire I saw in one of those pics?
If so get rid asap. When I worked at a vets we had a foal come in tangled in barbed wire. He was ok in the end although scared for life.
As to taking Aunty out and about I think your biggest problem given that Pepper is a little nervous is what happens when Aunty goes away for a day. Have you tried separating them at all yet?
Oh I love a BOGOF! She's sooooo cute!
There is barbed wire on the outside of two of the lines of fencing (inside is Fieldguard tape) - I have already told my husband to take it off this weekend. She isn’t confident enough yet to try and climb through. He is a last minute kind of guy and hadn’t quite finished the preparations before baby arrived. We have also not electrified the fence yet (battery, not mains) as didn’t want her to fall into it by accident. That will also be happening on Saturday as she is much less wobbly now. Hopefully that will stop baby climbing through the gaps!
As in the rest of the thread - land is not ours and has little to no perimeter fencing. What there is, is loose barbed wire or sheep netting. We have done our best with what we have.
Another reason for leaving Auntie in is that baby has supervision if mum needs to sleep. Baby got too close to the fence yesterday and Auntie had words!
I have been taking Auntie out to ride from day 1. They separate fine, but Auntie gets anxious once she can see home. Thought it was best to keep to routine (and to keep the weight off Auntie or she will explode with all that grass!).