Vet reckons little feral pony might be in foal - if she is, what do I need to know?


Well-Known Member
3 November 2008
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Just gorgeous, so glad they're both safe and sound.

I knew a great mare called Patches, she was just wonderful. Patchouli is also lovely - it's a plant with a lovely pungent scent.


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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you are doing so well

Kind of guessing as we go!

I think she likes me more now than she did before baby, so that is good. Ears forwards consistently to get her morning polo today. I am being careful to ignore baby though and just talk to mum or Auntie. I remember being possessive for the first few days with my children - not going to interfere unless we need to for a little while.

I really hope that Pepper will learn from this that humans really aren’t all bad.

I am worried about germs/shows etc and little one though. Arena hire is low risk, but shows… Aunty was supposed to start going out and about in a month or so. Will that be safe? Everyone is fully vaccinated, and Pepper will have had her second vaccination by then.

And I feel sad that she has no-one to play with. Will that matter before she is weaned?


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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Kind of guessing as we go!

I think she likes me more now than she did before baby, so that is good. Ears forwards consistently to get her morning polo today. I am being careful to ignore baby though and just talk to mum or Auntie. I remember being possessive for the first few days with my children - not going to interfere unless we need to for a little while.

I really hope that Pepper will learn from this that humans really aren’t all bad.

I am worried about germs/shows etc and little one though. Arena hire is low risk, but shows… Aunty was supposed to start going out and about in a month or so. Will that be safe? Everyone is fully vaccinated, and Pepper will have had her second vaccination by then.

And I feel sad that she has no-one to play with. Will that matter before she is weaned?

mom will confer some immunity, but as always it pays not to let them touch anything, specially with the nose when out and and about, and not to let anyone stroke them or get too close, wipe noses with anti bac wipes etc


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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Congratulations! She is soooo sweet and teeny…awwwww….another foal thread, such a delight! ?

Little filly is small enough to reach the grass and copy mum trying to eat it in those pics. I remember when my foal tried to copy mum grazing short grass….he had to splay his front legs wide to lower himself enough to try to reach the ground with his mouth….so cute!

so funny the vet wasnt sure if pregnant…her belly so huge it would be a worry if she wasnt!

Youve got some fun filled weeks ahead of you with this pair of lovelies, so happy for you!


Well-Known Member
21 July 2016
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she is completely gorgeous! Excuse me if I'm telling you how to suck eggs but wa that barbed wire I saw in one of those pics?

If so get rid asap. When I worked at a vets we had a foal come in tangled in barbed wire. He was ok in the end although scared for life.

As to taking Aunty out and about I think your biggest problem given that Pepper is a little nervous is what happens when Aunty goes away for a day. Have you tried separating them at all yet?

Oh I love a BOGOF! She's sooooo cute!


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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she is completely gorgeous! Excuse me if I'm telling you how to suck eggs but wa that barbed wire I saw in one of those pics?

If so get rid asap. When I worked at a vets we had a foal come in tangled in barbed wire. He was ok in the end although scared for life.

As to taking Aunty out and about I think your biggest problem given that Pepper is a little nervous is what happens when Aunty goes away for a day. Have you tried separating them at all yet?

Oh I love a BOGOF! She's sooooo cute!

There is barbed wire on the outside of two of the lines of fencing (inside is Fieldguard tape) - I have already told my husband to take it off this weekend. She isn’t confident enough yet to try and climb through. He is a last minute kind of guy and hadn’t quite finished the preparations before baby arrived. We have also not electrified the fence yet (battery, not mains) as didn’t want her to fall into it by accident. That will also be happening on Saturday as she is much less wobbly now. Hopefully that will stop baby climbing through the gaps!

As in the rest of the thread - land is not ours and has little to no perimeter fencing. What there is, is loose barbed wire or sheep netting. We have done our best with what we have.

Another reason for leaving Auntie in is that baby has supervision if mum needs to sleep. Baby got too close to the fence yesterday and Auntie had words!

I have been taking Auntie out to ride from day 1. They separate fine, but Auntie gets anxious once she can see home. Thought it was best to keep to routine (and to keep the weight off Auntie or she will explode with all that grass!).


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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Shes lovely - came to suggest Spice with mum being Pepper
Edit to add or Cherry as in cherry bell peppers


Well-Known Member
21 July 2016
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There is barbed wire on the outside of two of the lines of fencing (inside is Fieldguard tape) - I have already told my husband to take it off this weekend. She isn’t confident enough yet to try and climb through. He is a last minute kind of guy and hadn’t quite finished the preparations before baby arrived. We have also not electrified the fence yet (battery, not mains) as didn’t want her to fall into it by accident. That will also be happening on Saturday as she is much less wobbly now. Hopefully that will stop baby climbing through the gaps!

As in the rest of the thread - land is not ours and has little to no perimeter fencing. What there is, is loose barbed wire or sheep netting. We have done our best with what we have.

Another reason for leaving Auntie in is that baby has supervision if mum needs to sleep. Baby got too close to the fence yesterday and Auntie had words!

I have been taking Auntie out to ride from day 1. They separate fine, but Auntie gets anxious once she can see home. Thought it was best to keep to routine (and to keep the weight off Auntie or she will explode with all that grass!).

Ah I didn't realise it wasn't yours. Sorry I was sooo happy to see the little one I missed that info. And BOGOF is a bit of a surprise!! A very nice one mind you. Aunty appears to be doing a splendid job.

Is Aunty yours too? (And I'm guessing she's not actually called "Aunty" ???)

You're doing a grand job with them and please post loads of pics because she's soooo cute (I think I may have mentioned that before!!


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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Very chilled today, mum has started coming up to me to demand her daily polos again, and baby is obviously very tiring. Both Aunty (my current riding pony) and mum looked exhausted today! Aunty was sleeping outside this morning, and I saw mum stand there this afternoon while baby was suckling with that ‘What, again, all you do is eat?!’ Look on her face. She looked at me, so tired. Baby ponies are obviously really not all that different from human ones!

They have eaten a lot of grass, will extend the paddock soon. Mum takes baby inside when Aunty is being ridden unless one of us is there pottering around. I think she wants to keep baby out of sight if her protector isn’t there.


Foal…headcollar….when do we think about that? Do I just buy something suitable for a Shetland foal if mum is in a Shetland headcollar?


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Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Shetland foal sounds like a good starting point, my wb foal was drowned by a normal foal headcollar even at a month old. She did grow into it fairly fast though.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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make sure you get a soft leather one..the ones my YO uses on section B crosses are adjustable so normally last for ages.. i think she normally waits for about a week before putting one on..and uses a scarf round their back end and arm round chest to start with and gradually work up to using a slip rope through the headcollar so there is no unclipping to be done. they all look great..
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Well-Known Member
2 January 2008
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One of my old yards was a stud farm, the YO was totally against putting a headcollar or foal slip on her babies, rugs too for that matter. In her view way too much of an injury risk. I know your environment is not ideal in terms of fencing etc (which I know you can’t help, no criticism here, you’re doing brilliantly ?) but I just wonder with that in mind whether you should leave putting a headcollar on for now, just in case she got caught up on anything.


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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Baby just discovered the electric fence with her nose - ran straight back to Mum. That works then!

Wasn’t planning on leaving a headcollar on baby, but she will ideally need to learn how to wear one (and eventually how to lead) for minor field moves etc. We can shut them in the stables while we extend the paddock at the moment. Mum wears hers all the time but it is old and would break easily if needed.

I guess we would start halter training at a month old? Two months?