Vet reckons little feral pony might be in foal - if she is, what do I need to know?


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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Do we keep ‘Aunty’ in there with them? For how long? Pepper (mum) likes to hide behind her when she is scared, and last night would not go anywhere without her. When Aunty went into the smaller field, Pepper followed because she did not want to be without her

I remember not wanting to be alone completely with my first child either - whole thing was new and a bit scary, and I just wanted some moral support for a few days - so I completely understand that Pepper feels the same! Aunty introduced herself to the foal yesterday, and helped it find mum when needed, but is very clearly there for Pepper, who is not at all foal proud around Aunty. Aunty is also keeping her distance most of the time, letting them bond and giving them space.

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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What you've got is very similar to how my gelding was kept at his breeders. His dam lived with an older mare and she was his 'aunty'. He lived with them until I bought him and I was told that his dam was too soft on him but thankfully 'aunty' kept him in line. He's still an absolute terror, I can't imagine what he would have been like without 'aunty'.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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great, such a relief when its done, you can relax a bit now, what a little love, bless her and mom, she looks sturdy enough


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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Do we keep ‘Aunty’ in there with them? For how long? Pepper (mum) likes to hide behind her when she is scared, and last night would not go anywhere without her. When Aunty went into the smaller field, Pepper followed because she did not want to be without her

I remember not wanting to be alone completely with my first child either - whole thing was new and a bit scary, and I just wanted some moral support for a few days - so I completely understand that Pepper feels the same! Aunty introduced herself to the foal yesterday, and helped it find mum when needed, but is very clearly there for Pepper, who is not at all foal proud around Aunty. Aunty is also keeping her distance most of the time, letting them bond and giving them space.

If mum is happy with aunty and there is no danger to the foal leave them together. No reason to separate them. Everyone's calmness and happiness is what is important now. On the common there are lots of aunties around. Always someone available to mind a foal.

When my off the common mare foaled we had no aunty so I put her 3 year old gelding son in with them. She was too ill and poor to take care of the foal other than the milk bar. The gelding (an obnoxious little git until he discovered baby sitting duties) basically brought up the foal.
Whatever arrangement they are happy with. Don't worry, just enjoy them. You will never get this time again with them. :)


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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Well it doesn’t look like the absent father had a lot of genetic input there ! Isn’t she the spit of her mum. (Or he, I missed that bit).


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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Aunty is about to get very fit then, or all that grass will make her poorly! Aunty’s brother (foaled in same herd, same year) looks like a lost little boy without his sister. Guess he will have to think for himself now that she has other responsibilities!!


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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Do you have a name yet?

No. Not even thought about it! Had to hold her for vet, she is so tiny! Baby hooves and everything! Feisty like her mum though ?! I want to call her Patch or something similar because of her eye patch but I don’t think that is a girl’s name.