Vibes needed, please

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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M is in horspital on a drip with peritonitis.

My poor darling boy! Not hopeful but will see what the next 24 hours bring.
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pines of rome

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11 December 2010
West Sussex
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I do hope he will be ok,my friend's cob had this a few months ago, he was treated at home with strong antibiotics for a couple of weeks and he made a full recovery!


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12 April 2008
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We had one went down with this. She was in horsepital for 11 days but made a full recovery. She was given intravenous antibiotics 3 times a day then went onto oral AB's. Apparently they can eat a bramble and the bramble pricks through the intestine and infects the perineal fluid. I do hope that your horse makes a full recovery, early treatment is very important. xx

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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Thank you for all your good wishes ...x

Have just been to see him and he's still on painkillers and a drip but heart rate has come down and he's reasonably cheerful. More bloods being taken this evening and depending what they show, we'll see what happens when the pain killers are reduced and he's off the fluids. Being very cautious optimism-wise as he has melanomas, so when there are lumps on the outside ... :(

At the moment he's neither distressed nor in pain which is my main concern.


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18 September 2009
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I hope he continues to improve if there's nothing worse going on with the melanomas. Fingers crossed. I know of a friend's elderly horse that had this last winter, was in hospital for a couple of days and then about 2 weeks of antibiotics and made it through though they didn't get to the bottom of what triggered it.

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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Well, he's home ... he was pretty depressed in his box at the vets, so we figured the best chance is has is to continue treatment where he's happiest. Oral painkillers, antibiotics and more intramuscular antibs and fingers tightly crossed that he can pull through. He's out in his field grazing, which is a gift as I really didn't think I'd see that again. Will keep you posted and thanks again for all the good wishes xx


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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That's good to hear, I hope he continues to improve. He'll surely be less stressed grazing at home which has to be a plus. Get well soon dear boy.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2010
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Good news, Dr Green, always the best medicine for that vital brain/gut link. Hope he keeps making progress for you. All good wishes for him.

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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Quick update: he had nothing to drink for 24 hours going into last night, had a toxic line showing on his gums again and was starting to dehydrate. Vet came out and gave him another half shot of Finadyne (anti-inflamatory/painkiller) and some Finadyne paste for today and tomorrow and I went to bed thinking if he hadn't drunk by this morning, it was probably time to call it a day. Couldn't tempt him with any of his favourite treats.

Went up at 6am and he'd drunk just over a bucket of water :D I could have cried. Well, I did a bit. :eek: Bought him down for more meds and he ate his breakfast - gums a better colour etc. although the pee he had on the way wasn't much and was the colour of weak black tea.

When I took him back to put him in his bit of the paddock (so I could monitor his fluid intake, as the rest of the field has a self-filling trough) he kept digging his heels in. I've had him 9 years and he tells me everything he's feeling as he's feeling it, so I thought: 'Fair enough. You want to go out with your mates, so because I know you've had some fluids, you can. But please, for the love of all the Horse Gods, drink something'. Bless his grubby little grey cottons, he went straight over to the trough and had a drink and he's been happily grazing the lovely wet grass all day. Never thought I'd be so grateful for the rain! Also scoffed some treats after his oral antibiotics this evening, which was a huge plus.

The real crunch point will be when he comes off all the drugs but for now, he's happy and munching with his friends. If he nosedives with no medical support, I'll know I've tried everything in my power to make him better and it's just his time. After losing little Bert in March to colic, I SO don't want to go through it again, but that's all part of the bargain you make when you have them, I guess ...
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Well-Known Member
1 August 2013
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Aww what a lovely update - it brought a tear to my eye! I'm so glad he has finally taken that turn for the better x

Peregrine Falcon

Looking forward to cooler days
1 July 2008
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Quick update: he had nothing to drink for 24 hours going into last night, had a toxic line showing on his gums again and was starting to dehydrate. Vet came out and gave him another half shot of Finadyne (anti-inflamatory/painkiller) and some Finadyne paste for today and tomorrow and I went to bed thinking if he hadn't drunk by this morning, it was probably time to call it a day. Couldn't tempt him with any of his favourite treats.

Went up at 6am and he'd drunk just over a bucket of water :D I could have cried. Well, I did a bit. :eek: Bought him down for more meds and he ate his breakfast - gums a better colour etc. although the pee he had on the way wasn't much and was the colour of weak black tea.

When I took him back to put him in his bit of the paddock (so I could monitor his fluid intake, as the rest of the field has a self-filling trough) he kept digging his heels in. I've had him 9 years and he tells me everything he's feeling as he's feeling it, so I thought: 'Fair enough. You want to go out with your mates, so because I know you've had some fluids, you can. But please, for the love of all the Horse Gods, drink something'. Bless his grubby little grey cottons, he went straight over to the trough and had a drink and he's been happily grazing the lovely wet grass all day. Never thought I'd be so grateful for the rain! Also scoffed some treats after his oral antibiotics this evening, which was a huge plus.

The real crunch point will be when he comes off all the drugs but for now, he's happy and munching with his friends. If he nosedives with no medical support, I'll know I've tried everything in my power to make him better and it's just his time. After losing little Bert in March to colic, I SO don't want to go through it again, but that's all part of the bargain you make when you have them, I guess ...

That just proves how well you do know him. Glad he's home and more settled as that will aid recovery. I hope he makes full recovery for you.