Well-Known Member
It all looks like a complete set up.
The quality of the video is very poor.
There is no sign of the fox actually moving. When the woman has it in her arms at no point does it move its head or its mouth. The film shows her only from behind.
I have seen this before - way before the ban.
I has been on the IOW and was travelling back to work on the mainland. I noticed two young teen girls, who should have been at school, walking along the road carrying what I thought was a cat but as they got closer I saw it was a fox.
I was waiting at a junction and had plenty of time to observe them and as they got closer I realised that the fox was obviously dead as it never moved at all.
A couple of days later I was talking to a friend who told me that there was a to do over the killing of a 'pet' fox belonging to two girls. Hounds had killed it when they had it out and they had been on the local news.
I put two and two together. I did not know the girls but it was very coincidental that I had seem them and the two girls with the 'pet' fox had come from the town I had been in.
The Hunt was across the other side of the Island, the girls should have been in school and their father was a leading anti on the Island.
The protests were thick and strong and when I called the producer of the programme and pointed out the faults they didn't want to know. So, the anti's sink pretty low to put out bad press for the hunts.
The fact that the film is such bad quality, the fact that the fox does not move, the fact that they did not show it being released, the fact that hounds were not really that interested in it, had they been then they would have been all over her, makes me believe it was a dead fox defrosted especially for the occasion. .
Sorry, no, the fox moves LOTS - there is absolutely no way this fox is not alive.