WARNING! - KEP riding hat safety - please open


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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Yes we covered that in our conversation . Some people still demand those hats . The guy I talked to wanted ALL hats to be safer and he was most definately an expert. The viewpoint he expressed ,as I understood it ,was that he could design a much safer competition hat but it could never be approved because certain hat manufacturers had prettywell set the way hats were to be tested ,regardless of the reality of their usage. So whatever he came out with , it would not be aproved.


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3 November 2004
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Edited to add that if you think there is anything specialised about the polystyrene then you also believe the moon is made of green cheese!

Actually I think it is you who lacks the knowledge! I work with foams and gels for impact protection on a daily basis as part of my job and I can tell you that foam technology and anti impact technology have come on so much and what may look like bog standard polystyrene to you could be anything. I know of several foams that are less than 3 mm thick that can stop eggs breaking when dropped from 6ft but to look at they look like bog standard EVA foam.

Your previous statements also show you have absolutely no understanding of the mechanics of impact protection and nor does whomever you talked to at Patey.


Well-Known Member
1 October 2005
New Zealand but from UK
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You are joking aren't you?

In the 1970s most of us were wearing a bit of fibreglass lined with a bit of cork.

I still have one. It wouldn't protect a sparrow.

Interestingly though - I had a dreadful fall in the early 70's, horse somersaulted over a big spread, rolled over me and stood on my head as he got up. I had a Harry Hall Velvet helmet, a fibreglass shell with foam lining, no straps at all, but the helmet fitted me like a glove and stayed on despite the impact. I had a perfect hoof shape smashed out of the front of the helmet - I had a mild concussion as did the horse!

I cannot find a helmet these days that fits me well - they are either too long, too wide or not deep enough - my current one tips over my eyes.

Helmets are hard to fit now because they don't make the variations in sizes like they used to.

I still have my last showing hat - lives in the cupboard, fits like a dream but I can no longer use it as it is no longer approved!


Well-Known Member
30 March 2014
exiled Glaswegian
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I have mentioned this one before on other threads, but worth another mention I feel because we only have one brain.

In August last year, I had the most innocuous of soft landings out the front door as the horse stumbled on landing, and I landed face first into the school surface. I had a very slight scratch on my nose, the silk didn't even come off my hat and I got up far more concerned about the horse.

As I knew that the hat wouldn't be approved after the 1st Jan 2016 anyway, I went and bought my new hat a couple of months earlier than planned and sent the old hat back to Champion. I was amazed when I read the report which showed just how much deformation there was and that my hat had obviously hit the ground and done its job.

Please everyone, don't take chances - replace your hat when it hits the ground.


Well-Known Member
14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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I have mentioned this one before on other threads, but worth another mention I feel because we only have one brain.

In August last year, I had the most innocuous of soft landings out the front door as the horse stumbled on landing, and I landed face first into the school surface. I had a very slight scratch on my nose, the silk didn't even come off my hat and I got up far more concerned about the horse.

As I knew that the hat wouldn't be approved after the 1st Jan 2016 anyway, I went and bought my new hat a couple of months earlier than planned and sent the old hat back to Champion. I was amazed when I read the report which showed just how much deformation there was and that my hat had obviously hit the ground and done its job.

Please everyone, don't take chances - replace your hat when it hits the ground.

That's quite scary :(

I know most of us would replace if we had a fall jumping, galloping or on the road, but maybe not with a fall such as you describe. ....


Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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I have a hat that I got for my 16th birthday, a Charles Owen kids own velvet. Massive hat, I still use it as *touchwood* I haven't come off and it's hit the ground. I'm 33 btw.

Compared to my Vent air it's twice the helmet, I also have a more modern skull that I bought for going BE so was up to standard, and I have to say it felt a lot flimsier than the previous two.

OP this is a horrendous saga reading through it all. It's disgraceful how these companies shrug off these incidents, this is people's lives they are making products to protect, not a tshirt or a pair of jeans. Had I ever entertained a notion for one of these hats I certainly wouldn't be parting with my hard earned cash after seeing these pictures and reading this thread. Honestly very very shocking.
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Well-Known Member
8 April 2012
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my horse knocked me into a wall - luckily was wearing a hat - my Kep and when I came to it was in 3 pieces - literally it was glued together...it prob saved my head but a crash helmet would NOT have disintegrated, I will NEVER buy KEP again....


Well-Known Member
1 October 2005
New Zealand but from UK
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I have a hat that I got for my 16th birthday, a Charles Owen kids own velvet. Massive hat, I still use it as *touchwood* I haven't come off and it's hit the ground. I'm 33 btw.

Don't they deteriorate over time too?

Not sure that the old type do as they weren't made of plastic and covered in a dark dense material would not have been exposed to the suns rays.

Modern helmets do break down and have a life of around 5 yrs so long as they are stored in a cool dark environment.


Well-Known Member
8 December 2009
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Sorry for the absence, I don't come on here often but do tend to look every now and again. In a nut shell I got absolutely nowhere. Whichever way I turned I hit a brick wall......the words 'sticking heads in sand' springs to mind, regarding BE, BHS etc.

I did think I was getting somewhere with the MDIRF. Their hat safety expert wrote a report on my accident and subsequent damage to my hat, which raised some questions regarding the performance of the hat, which I was asked to send to the manufacturer. The questions were sent and answered (absolutely laughable answers as you can imagine.....they are still suggesting I am fabricating). I returned the answers to the MDIRF, who I then thought would send them back to their expert but they then said they no longer wanted to be part of this.......

If anyone wants further info regarding report/questions/answers, feel free to PM me. Obviously can't post on here as BB will be watching and will threaten me with court action.....again!

I still like to resurrect this post from time to time, even if just one more person sees my broken hat, then at least they are making an informed decision when buying and wearing one!


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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Sorry for the absence, I don't come on here often but do tend to look every now and again. In a nut shell I got absolutely nowhere. Whichever way I turned I hit a brick wall......the words 'sticking heads in sand' springs to mind, regarding BE, BHS etc.

I did think I was getting somewhere with the MDIRF. Their hat safety expert wrote a report on my accident and subsequent damage to my hat, which raised some questions regarding the performance of the hat, which I was asked to send to the manufacturer. The questions were sent and answered (absolutely laughable answers as you can imagine.....they are still suggesting I am fabricating). I returned the answers to the MDIRF, who I then thought would send them back to their expert but they then said they no longer wanted to be part of this.......

If anyone wants further info regarding report/questions/answers, feel free to PM me. Obviously can't post on here as BB will be watching and will threaten me with court action.....again!

I still like to resurrect this post from time to time, even if just one more person sees my broken hat, then at least they are making an informed decision when buying and wearing one!

That's ridiculous.

Here's a random thought for you - have you thought about contacting any pro riders who are sponsored by KEP and see if you can join forces somehow? I know Andrew Hoy is sponsored by them. He does a lot with BE and I'm sure would be fairly pro pushing any safety aspects. Sometimes you need someone else in a high place to get anywhere these days.


Well-Known Member
30 August 2014
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This is so interesting and shocking. Only 3 days ago i was in my local tack shop hat shopping, and whilst waiting for the assistant to get my size, I was fiddling with one of these hats. I was surprised at the price and what appeared to be fairly flimsy construction. I hope something drastic is done to stop this happening again.


17 October 2014
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Totally shocked. I too thought paying a premium price bought you a premium quality hat. I was thinking of saving to get a KEP at some point as they look awesome and meet the safety standards, but I won't be after reading this. Safety over fashion for me. Thanks for sharing, so glad you're ok OP.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2006
wish I was in the USA....
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It was this thread ALONE that made me get PROtector hats and give KEP a very wide berth!
Whilst I think it is disgusting that no one is interested in this, you have done a good job of informing people on here (and I think I saw the pictures on Facebook sometime ago)
I know I have told people about your story and suggested they avoid KEP.


Well-Known Member
23 January 2009
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Wow, I didn't see this thread when it was originally posted, and having read all thirty pages I'm totally shocked by the responses by KEP. Absolutely disgusting, I'll be sticking with Charles and Owen.
Glad you were ok OP


Well-Known Member
5 November 2010
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I've just found and read all of this, and all I can say is what awful response from Kep. Based on their response alone I would be put off buying one. OP I am glad you are ok, and sorry that you didn't get far in your investigations.

There is a thread on Facebook currently with a vid of a horrendous fall (horse gets its foot stuck in its martingale) and worryingly there are loads of people and parents saying that they would get one to protect their children. ( they are still saying that they have 5 safety standards - but not SNELL, so I'm unsure of the 5?)


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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They put up pics recently where the front had come off again in a thank goodness it was the hat not her head vibe, I think I even responded saying good job it didn't stand on her twice.. reminded me very much of this thread

yup KEP italia main facebook page, how is that a good thing?? I really can't imagine my HS1 doing that, or even my old out of spec air rider!


Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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I'm astounded that people actually believe that these are safe hats. They fall apart FGS! As Ester says, what happens if you get two blows to the head during the same accident?


Well-Known Member
29 May 2017
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Having hit my head three times before ground impact in a fall where I was bucked off a 15.3hh horse I'm very glad I was wearing a Charles Owen if I'd worn a kep I'd definitely be dead.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I think we should bump this thread on a regular basis for all new members to see. But maybe we should also be campaigning for the tests for riding hats to include multiple impact?

The people who buy these hats after seeing what can happen to it in a fall are the ones who most need what brains they've got protected!


Well-Known Member
30 August 2015
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I think we should bump this thread on a regular basis for all new members to see. But maybe we should also be campaigning for the tests for riding hats to include multiple impact?

Definitely agree we should be bumping this every so often! I remember reading it ages ago and it really shocked me - I'd never buy one of these hats.. but then I'd forgotten the make until it was bumped recently.

Has anyone seen this video doing the rounds on FB as well?
