Weekend plans :D


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Thursday is dragging like a barsteward so... dreaming of the weekend!

What are we all up to?

Quiet weekend chez Millie, Salty finishes quarantine tomorrow so will pop round to my stables for a little haircut, all being well, then planning a short trip in the lorry to a nearby arena to do a bit of sightseeing and another hack over the weekend.
At some point I need to work out how to ship Millie off to her retirement as 3 horses into 2 stables won't go... need to find her a buddy, this is all in the "too difficult" pile at the moment!

Have fun all :)


9 July 2012
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Yayyyy I’m competing :) And double yayyy I’ve realised today that the dressage doesn’t start until 1pm so no stress about getting ready early :)

Two Prelim tests at our favourite local venue, one short arena and one long. The canter will be interesting but we need to start getting out there again regardless!


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I'm backstepping for Rara & Cheery because she can't get anyone else ;), I haven't backstepped since olympia weekend last year so I hope we are going too mad :p.
It does mean I can take all of the concour outfit I borrowed off her back though :D

Frankie won some treats in a christmas dress up competition at a local tack shop, that counts yes?


22 March 2009
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Good luck all!

Baby cob's halo finally slipped this week when she started planting out hacking. In company. I rode on Weds and she did it then, and she did it again this morning with my yard owner who rides for me twice a week. Kind of unfortunate that I have clinics with her both days this weekend so won't be able to hack out and get on top of this. Dressage on Sat and poles on Sunday.

Hoping it's just a phase that I can get her through and she's trying it on a bit as she's been so perfect so far. Had her 4 months now!!!


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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Enjoy the driving and Prelim dressage ester and levrier! Good luck at the clinics [59668], and I hope your cob gets over her planting issue. Bloomin' horses! Good luck moving Salty MilliePops, hopefully you'll find a companion for her soon.

I have a non-horsey weekend, heading to Vienna with a friend of mine for a quick trip to the Christmas markets :D I'll try to convince my non-horsey friend to accompany me to the Spanish Riding School morning practice of course... ;)


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
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Not posted on this kind of thread for a while as times have been a bit tough. I'm hoping to continue my progress with Dangerous Brian this weekend. We might go out showjumping on Sunday, well when I say "we" I actually mean our little team from my wonderful new yard. At the last outing I managed to ride Brian in the collecting ring and even jumped the practice fence before the yard owner took him round for me and gained a yellow frilly for their troubles!! Might not seem much but it's only probably the third time I have left the floor since my accident and certainly the first time in public............baby steps but it made me feel great.

Saturday night I'm going to celebrate Big Sam being the runner up in the ROR Horseball horse of the year at the annual ball. He's done an amazing job of getting me back playing despite my considerable wonkyness!


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18 April 2011
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Saturday will be hacking day, not sure who yet, my boy still out of action, so maybe my old girl or a stolen pony...

Sunday, I'll be grooming for wimbles :)


Well-Known Member
22 August 2016
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I'm doing another trip home to look after my little sister while my parents are away, so of course have to sneak in that all important horse time :D Have a dressage lesson tomorrow, will probably try and jump/hack on Sat and then we're off to PC Dengie dressage qualifiers on Sunday morning! (though thinking about it, I should probably get on with learning my tests, given my track record with forgetting them... :eek: :D )

j1ffy I'm sure your friend can be convinced! My vehemently non-horsey sister went to Vienna inter-railing over the summer and said that the SRC was one of her favourite things they did there!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Going to see a prospective purchase!

Not telling details, it will jinx it :)


Well-Known Member
16 September 2011
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Gosh, it's been years since I had any weekend pony plans that I would declare for fear of sick-note pony hearing about them and going lame :D So I'm just going to jump in excitedly and say that I am doing a dressage clinic on the share horse, and I believe it must be almost two years since I had a flat lesson (Jan 2016) ... I am hoping sitting trot won't feature to heavily ...

Fools Motto

Well-Known Member
30 June 2011
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I don't know whether I've ever posted on a thread like this, but... even though it isn't a competition, I'm a little bit excited that my pony purchases are arriving from Ireland...


Well-Known Member
30 December 2011
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I'm just having a couple of lessons on my new horse this weekend. We've qualified for winter regionals now, so pausing competing and trying to make it all prettier before February! My other horse has just had his hocks medicated, so I will be taking him for a gentle potter as per the vet's instructions, after a few days of box rest.

Nice and chilled :)

Got a lesson with Matt Frost next Friday though...excited about that.


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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We’re back on the road and heading out to dressage this afternoon. :)

Beau has his elementary (!) debut today, having only done two prelims in his life :eek: and then Raz is coming along to get some more ring time under his belt.

Not expecting too much from Beau considering he only figured out that he can extend in trot last week - I’ve set the bar relatively low at 60% but I’ll be happy to just get round. Raz, on the other hand, has won his last two outings (first in section and overall) so there’s no pressure... no, siree... ;)

First test isn’t until 1652 so I have plenty of time to work the baby before I have to start bathing.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Early hack for the lot, got soaked.

All locked up inside as hunt is around all day.

Watch Cheltenham, hopefully with a cider, packet of crisps and nice cheese.

Return to yard to clean up enormous quantities of liquid poop due to point 2 above. Deal with 2 horses that won't eat because of the hunt winding them up. Good luck to all competing today.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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We're also on lockdown as the hunt are expected here today. Have set out a load of electric fence posts and cones on our verge and drive to deter the travelling circus of car followers from parking there. OH is on standby to be rottweiler in chief in case any of them don't get the hint.

Drama diva mare is already quivering from when a quad bike raced past at 8.30am, she knows what to expect.
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Well-Known Member
15 June 2009
Was Surrey, now West Berkshire
Lot of people out and about this weekend - good luck to all!

I hope your new purchases arrive safely Fools Motto - pictures are required. And I hope the hunt are well behaved Tiddlypom and that your horses are ok.

We started our weekend plans early this week with a bitting clinic on Thursday. Our previous bit was ok, but we needed some refinement. It also makes me feel much more comfortable that she has the right bit and fit, so that I know I can push on and make sure she does as I ask rather than having doubt in my mind. We tested out the new bit in a rather soggy, but productive pole work clinic this morning - by the end we really had a good connection from back to front.

Day off from horse activities tomorrow - off for a walk with the new dog and then Paddington 2 in the afternoon with the family. :) x
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Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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The hooligan is coming home this week, he's just not wintering well and Im concerned about his weight again. Last two visits I've done, he's been in the cribbing 'zone', which he does when stressed and hungry. So my planned quiet weekend is now sorting out the spare stable and getting everything ready for his return.
Back to 3 horses on the yard for me. Only saving grace is I might lose a bit of weight going back to mucking out 3 everyday!

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Taking the ponies showjumping. Not sure how new 'un will be. Did not travel well the first couple of trips out and emerged from trailer in a lather of sweat and covered in stress-poos. Poor girl. But I have bought a bite guard/partition to put in the trailer to make sure Max does not try and bully her as he can be a bit grabby with the haynets and think that all hay belongs to him. She's had a couple of weeks off travelling anywhere so we need to just try again now and see how it goes. She seems calmer generally anyway so will be interesting to see how she copes.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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Sounds like a good weekend all round everyone (y)

We popped along to some local dressage today, just a local venue for a couple of Novices (30&34), our first pure dressage since april (?) and she was good, just not quite with me and broke to canter in the first trots in both tests, but we actually managed some form of medium trot which is more than we mustered in the warm up. She's full of canter beans at the moment!

Wasn't that pleased with either tests, both had good bits but i felt overall i needed her more on side to really show off how she's actually going at home. But she was just a bit fresh and when she's like that I just can't 'get' her. Well it turns out it wasn't SOO bad as she won both tests with 69% and 67% :D :D despite the fact I did the wrong final line in the first test (walked at D halt at G) and only realized when I did it at the end of the second test and knew i shouldn't have done it twice!

*disclaimer* there was only 2 in the second class :D but we did win some pennies in the first class!


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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We had a similar outing to LP - a bit meh but not so meh results considering.

Beau had a mini meltdown going up the centre line towards the judges box the first time and then got in a bit of a muddle with his legs in the first counter canter and changed. Then the judge got confused in the second canter and beeped us when we hadn’t gone wrong, which ruined the flow of our test. :(

I thought it would be a sub-60 score but we just scraped by - 60.15 and 5th. Not too bad considering we had a 3 and a couple of 4s for the mistakes.

Raz was a spooky you-know-what too. it was a flower pot of all things that caused havoc and not the ginormous decorated Christmas tree by A. :rolleyes:
He wasn’t for going into the M corner and we had an unwanted flying change in the second test which threw off our balance in the first 10m canter circle but we somehow managed to win both classes with 64.68 and 64.64. The highest score of the day was 65.2-something so not particularly high marks.

Well done to all those who have been out competing. :)


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Sorry, I've only just dropped in on this thread this week :eek:

Well done on the positive outings LP and BM :D and exciting news on the two new horse purchases.

Hope everyone else is having a grand time hacking and the like, after a miserable day yesterday in west mids it's lovely here today, so good for enjoying the countryside.

I took Dabs out for a little novice dressage party today. First time he's been out in about 2 months, so as my OH started the lorry there was much excitement and dancing around. I therefore abandoned the forelock plait I had been negotiating with him about and just stuffed the hair into an unconvincing bobble between his ears :eek:. The excitement and general silliness continued so loaded up early (almost faceplanted as he towed me up the ramp), and got to the venue with plenty of time for a sausage sandwich before tacking up. Had a decent start to the warm-up and then lots of others came in and my daft hoss had a fit of the sillies, so abandoned warm-up as it wasn't fair to other competitors to be leaping all over them.

Went into the ring and was really really pleased with how grown-up and rideable he was - finally a test that was starting to resemble our work at home :D we did however, manage to trip over the surface in our first canter 15m circle and then he chickened out in me in the second canter 15m, lost rhythm and lobbed a change in (cos, y'know, why wouldn't you?!).

But overall was still really pleased with him, and we scored 65% for first, so a very happy little outing :D


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25 February 2016
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I had a x-country lesson!!

I cannot remember the last time I went over anything apart from a small log on a hack and my jumping confidence has been well and truly trashed by a series of bad falls. There is another livery though who is studying for her BHS exams and needed a guinea pig, so the brave pants went on and the school master was borrowed and off we went.

Arena x-country course so no need to worry about slipping on the wet grass and it was totally awesome. My little horse knew his job and if I asked properly then he jumped properly. He had brakes (which some of the others in the arena were sadly lacking) and was a real confidence giver.

Happy camper today!