Can I just say something about why we ride bareback and bridleless (well, I still need a rope hackemore...but why other people do it
It is simply a test - a test of how good your communication is. We call this type of riding freestyle riding and freestyle leads onto finesse - riding with a saddle and bridel with short reins. Freestyle riding is also built upon the groundwork - on-line and liberty.
Freestyle riding is about making sure your horse knows his responsibilities - look where your going, don't change gait, don't change direction. It helps teach him about self-carriage and impulsion (in Parelli we define implusion as when whoa=go). It also helps you maintain your responsibilites of being a balanced rider with an independant seat and using the power of focus (how many times have you seen in traditional lessons the instructor shouting 'look where your going!'?
Riding bareback tests how good your seat is, riding bridleless tests how good your communication is. Its means that when you put a bridle with a bit on your horse you won't be pulling on that horses mouth for control because that will come through your seat and your body as a whole and you wouldn't be balancing yourself on the reins. The bit will only be used for highly refined communication.
So, bareback and brideless isn't where the journey stops...its just a test to see if you are truely ready to move on.

It is simply a test - a test of how good your communication is. We call this type of riding freestyle riding and freestyle leads onto finesse - riding with a saddle and bridel with short reins. Freestyle riding is also built upon the groundwork - on-line and liberty.
Freestyle riding is about making sure your horse knows his responsibilities - look where your going, don't change gait, don't change direction. It helps teach him about self-carriage and impulsion (in Parelli we define implusion as when whoa=go). It also helps you maintain your responsibilites of being a balanced rider with an independant seat and using the power of focus (how many times have you seen in traditional lessons the instructor shouting 'look where your going!'?

Riding bareback tests how good your seat is, riding bridleless tests how good your communication is. Its means that when you put a bridle with a bit on your horse you won't be pulling on that horses mouth for control because that will come through your seat and your body as a whole and you wouldn't be balancing yourself on the reins. The bit will only be used for highly refined communication.
So, bareback and brideless isn't where the journey stops...its just a test to see if you are truely ready to move on.