What do you think about Parelli?


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3 June 2007
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Not sure if you actually read my post?

I did say that it had produced two good horses for us, I have also been doing it for 4 or 5 years and have been to the conferences, and I do know what goes on.

I said I have no qualms about Parelli having a successfull business - quodos to him for achieving that. It is the followers I have issue with who follow without question. I have never seen questioned why you do such an action or whatever. It is usually taken as read that you have to do it that way to proceed through the levels. I do have to admit that I did earlier follow blindly.

I think that the level 1 does give you a good grounding in NH approaches to horsemanship, but once you are proficient in it you should start questioning just what you are doing and look at other trainers methods.

In college you take exams to attain some recognised qualification. Not so in Parelli. Just keeps you onside till you reach the top level. It is relevant only in Parelli terms.
There are much more efficient training methods that deal more with the horse and how to stay safe with him and how to support him when starts getting edgy or RB.

Have you ever wondered why so many of their 3* instructors leave? A lot of them have issues with the way in which it is being taught or managed. Look at their web sites and they give credence to the great horsemen, Dorrances etc, but hardly ever Parelli.

Look at the way the Mark Raschid does his clinics. The first day is all about the horse and examining it physically to see if there are any issues that need to be addressed first.

Parelli does very little initially on energy aspect and has only recently brought into play rib yielding because another trainer was getting so much success with that approach, but stills falls short of actually addressing the real issues.

The object is to do the best for my horse. I have had many different instructors in the NH field and each has brought a different aspect to it from which both have benefited.

I will say again that I have nothing against Parelli per se and he does put the fun back into it, but you do not want to play games forever - riding is the target at what ever level you want.

Just keep your eyes open. "There are none so blind as those that cannot see".


Well-Known Member
5 June 2006
La la land
My general thoughts on Parelli are that it's not for me... the basic principles are just common sense and the surrounding 'games' and toys are just that... It's all very cleverly marketed and I have no doubt that some people gets lots out of it. However I'm also aware of people who have dabbled and ended up with horses they can no longer control or have basically been turned into large pets.

Linda's riding also leaves much to be desired if judging her along classical techniques. Heather Moffatt in particular is very critical of her riding and the way her horses go but more especially because Linda does seem to pass herself off as a 'classical' rider when she is anything but... I'm sure she is effective and her horses do whatever she wants them to but it's not classical.

What I don't like with any of these 'schools' is the zealousness of their supporters. Fine if you want to follow Parelli with your own horses but don't try to push it onto other people or look down on people who aren't interested (both of which I've seen in this thread). If a method works then it doesn't need mass marketing or people shouting about it. Results speak for themselves...


Well-Known Member
20 February 2007
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Generally - very poor behavioural science dressed up to impress people who can't be bothered to study the real thing. But better than some of the other forms of 'horsemanship' that involve assuming your horse is out to defeat you and continually applying punishment and negative reinforcement.

I've yet to see a 'Parellied' horse that wasn't dead in the eye from being over-controlled


some of the other forms of Natural Horsemanship being brought to this country (Mark Rashid, John Lyons) and the like have a lot to teach people who are not brought up with horses, and don't understand that a horse is not either a big dog or a four-legged child.

it's expensive, over-rated crap, but until someone sorts out ways to teach people so that they understand why they need to do the things they need to do, it'll continue to have a place.



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28 July 2007
North Devon
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It drives me insane! The idiots at our yard that have started it to retrain there totally unsuitable horse are a complete night mare. They have completly ruined the arena surface and leave all sorts of crap ( umbrellas, plastic sheeting, plastic chairs and treat wrappers) in arena when finished. I know where I would like to put there carrot stick!!!!!!! Why does it take four hours a day in the arena?????? Is it a case of boring the horse so much he will do anything you ask?????


Well-Known Member
30 May 2007
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I don't beleive in it at all. I do like Monty Roberts however, but after seeing Parelli on tv, I think it's a waste of time. I think it's just for people who have nothing better to do so they try to train their horses to do stupid things that are not beneficial to anyone.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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Ok I have not read this whole thread, to be honest I got bored after page 8, I really do think that we are being wound up here, either by Admin to get more replies or by some of the Parelli people.

Most of the positive comments are from newbies and guess what they mainly joined within days of each other and some of them within minutes of each other
I may be repeating something that someone else has already pointed out but I have not got the time or inclination to read through all of the 29 pages. This is what I have seen just scanning through

Bronya - joined 16/05/2007 18:25

Natural Two - joined 17/05/2007 14:38

Chris_W - joined 17/05/2007 14:10

SavvyHorse - joined 17/05/2007 14:22

RuthC - joined 17/05/2007 14:53

KimSavvy - joined 17/05/2007 14:57

CurlyGirl - 17/05/2007 15:38

RuthR - joined 17/05/2007 21:03

LiabilityLibby - joined 18/05/2007 00:21

Foxigypsi - joined 18/05/2007 01:49

maestro1 - joined 18/05/2007 07:51

Horsenuts - joined 18/05/2007 08:44

Toni - joined 18/05/2007 14:37

Passive_persistence - joined 19/05/2007 09:49

RCAWilson - joined 29/03/2007 19:55 odd one out but still seems suss to me, imho

All of the above sing their praises, and I think that its a set up. I believe replies from regulars or names that I know but the others....... all a crock of crap as far as I am concerned. JMHOT



Well-Known Member
21 May 2007
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Maybe the newbies will stay and find interest in other topics on the forum? That could be good couldn't it? Maybe I count as a newbie from the number of posts I've made, but I just happen to read a lot and say little.

It always makes me wonder when people say how great Monty Roberts is - have you read http://www.horsewhispersandlies.com/ ? If not it's worth signing up for an account and doing so. Very interesting reading!


Well-Known Member
10 October 2004
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The only exposure I have had to parelli is through a yard I was once at. The middle aged ladies that did it raved about how wonderful it was and how it was the only way to deal with horses. Unfortunately none of them could ride or handle horses confidently and were mostly afraid of their horses (which were in my book quiet schoolmasters).

My general impression is, albeit probably unfair, that thoses that can't do - parelli.

I am more than willing to stand corrected, I have an open mind to it but to date I have been underwhelmed. I did have one parelli lesson from a parelli instructor, her liberal use of the 'carrot stick' on my arsey warmblood made me seek more conventional routes.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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Maybe the newbies will stay and find interest in other topics on the forum? That could be good couldn't it? Maybe I count as a newbie from the number of posts I've made, but I just happen to read a lot and say little.

It always makes me wonder when people say how great Monty Roberts is - have you read http://www.horsewhispersandlies.com/ ? If not it's worth signing up for an account and doing so. Very interesting reading!

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry I may be sceptical but I would put you in my list above too........ you joined about the same time as the others and have posted several times on the previous Parelli post and Natural Horsemanship posts. I may well be wrong but this post seems full of Trolls if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
21 May 2007
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I don't really care what list you put me in, it's of no consequence to me.
I am a natural horseman, and I train other people's horses using that broad approach. That is why I post on threads where natural horsemanship is discussed. However if you actually take the time to read what I've said you will see I'm not a great fan of Parelli. In fact, if you took the time to look up my other contributions on the forum you might even admit that I'm no troll.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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This thread has made me giggle.

Lots of people who don't know much about it yet feel they ought to add their 10 pence worth.

If it is just over-priced common sense why does the horse industry contain so many muppets who can't do 'jack' with their mounts? Why are there so many unhappy horses and riders and why are there so many accidents?

All animals have a 'language' whether wild or domesticated, a couple study it, understand it and teach it yet they are slated. Yes they've made a ridiculous amount of money out of it and no I don't agree with everything they say but the basis is there.

If as you say its 'overpriced common sense' why do people have difficulty loading/clipping/shoeing/catching/riding their horses? And why is it those who are anti parelli cannot ride their horses bridleless?

2 years ago, if you had asked me I'd have laughed and said another load of bunny brushing softees but then I saw it first hand and have changed my opinion.

And no, before you ask....I don't practise Parelli


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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quote...bareback and brideless isn't where the journey stops...but im sure its where the journey to voided insurance should anything untoward happen begins ...


Well-Known Member
18 May 2003
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quote...bareback and brideless isn't where the journey stops...but im sure its where the journey to voided insurance should anything untoward happen begins ...

[/ QUOTE ] ROFL Well said


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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quote...bareback and brideless isn't where the journey stops...but im sure its where the journey to voided insurance should anything untoward happen begins ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Great input...I applaud you. If only....


Well-Known Member
18 May 2003
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ROFL Well said

[/ QUOTE ]

Another well thought out post.

[/ QUOTE ] Well I agree and found the way it was put very amuzing, would you prefer I just reiterated it word for word?


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Well I agree and found the way it was put very amuzing, would you prefer I just reiterated it word for word?

[/ QUOTE ]

If you like


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
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What do I think about Parelli?

So far it's thumbs up from me and I'm really looking forward to flying out for the UK Parelli Conference this weekend

p.s to put the cost issue into perspective I'd be interested to learn what the cost of tuition/ hiring XC course etc ( B.H.S) is now in the UK ?


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6 August 2007
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RCA Wilson........... Fantastic to read your comments.
I have just come back from the 3rd Parelli Conference that i have attended and i am so inspired by Linda's and Pat's knowledge and understanding of the horse. I have been into Parelli for a couple of years now and i just think (in fact i know) it is one of the best things that has come out of America and into England. Long may it stay here and educate many, many horse owners and horse enthusiast's and make the relationship between horse and rider much better and safer. I was in Horse Racing and show Jumping for many years before i was introduced to Parelli and i have never ever looked back.
Pat and Linda and all the other intructors and Savvy team members........ don't ever stop the good that you are doing!


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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quote...bareback and brideless isn't where the journey stops...but im sure its where the journey to voided insurance should anything untoward happen begins ...

[/ QUOTE ]

I never thought of that!


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2 March 2007
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I went with an open mind to watch this show at the NEC. PP asumes we all had problem horses 4000 of us?. He seeks adoration from his visitors who watch dull eyed horses perform circus tricks. Both the P are sarcastic with regards to any other form of horsemanship whatever the outcome. i watched for hours sometimes falling asleep whlie they circled horses as they call it, they do not lunge? what is the difference?
If the P changed there attitude to others approaches and did not instill only their way as the only way I am sure others would take some of their methods on board.I went with 13 other friends we accept the ground work helps but this is common sense and we already use it and have never watched or been invloved in P before.
The Ps catagorised everyone as usless unless you are P trained and even spoke out against the Pony club Showjumping and the Press with out just cause. We will not be forwarding his meassgae to ten of our friends in fact quite the opposite. If they carry on as they did at the NEC they will not need the ten year lease at Stoneleigh. at no time did they advise youngsters not to try this at home even when skipping overs two joined carrot sticks what does this tell you.
He called all competitors ribbon hunters what is his friend in the states Mr OConner a god?


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1 May 2007
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Chuggy, I was also there so am able to say, hand on heart, that your first post on this forum contains un truths

1/ PP did not seek adoration but he has gained the respect of many

2/ Audience participation was encouraged

3/ PP/LP were not overly sarcastic but yes the massive majority showed our support to their comments

4/ Horses were NOT dull eyed

5/ You lead us to believe the horses were circled for hours, this is not true at all.

6/ PP has a very positive nature, I did not hear him use the word 'useless'

7/ Wasn't the skipping whilst jumping whilst bouncing the big green ball just amazing !

8/ with reference to ribbons what was really said is the truth which was sort of ' if you win on the day it makes you the best of those competing on that day '

Why haven't you mentioned Silka ?


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2 March 2007
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The skipping is dangerous didnt his horse become entwined during the show?
What a shame the Ps didnt advise the onlookers not to try this at home, given the cue that they have the horses welfare at heart,even my own 14 year old daughter commented on this.
Sorry for the confusing comment watching for hours I was refering to the show, however at lot of this was taken up with lunging horses by the PS and their followers.
I have watched the DVD of Linda loading the horse for a number of hours what do you think to it i was disgusted and so was the level 2 who had purchased the DVD
I will not condem fully nor condone the Ps ,the best you can do is take what you like and disregard the rest.
The overpriced costs of the system and equipment are not based on your average rider or childs income.
The merchanding hype at the show made me think we could see a parelli outlet in every town in place of the other over hyped USA outlets Macdonalds.
The Ps should take a look at how their marketing office is dislaying their work as a now over commercialised image.
Perhaps they will come back around to their old ways and ditch the money making scheme they now portray.
Why did Linda spend so much time at the show reloading a horse when the owner informed her it had just travelled for 7 hours and the lorry had broken down twice.Wasn't it there because it bolted for home when out on it own. I noted it didnt come back the next day ? A lot of Savvy club members near to our group also commented on this they were not happy savvies for most of the show and grumbled just as much as the rest of us.


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11 September 2007
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Hi i am new to this and would like to make a few comments on your opinion on parelli or ps as you call it.

i am sorry you seem so offended by parelli and what it teaches, but i feel the real reason people are so against it is because they don't fully understand it. pat was skipping with his horse to show people the possibilities of what you could do with your horse with a bit of imagination and the right understanding. Not to encourage children to go out and get hurt trying it, if you had managed to stay awake and listen properly you would have understood this.
And linda was not trailer loading the horse to trailer load it she was actually building its confidence and trust in her, using the trailer as a tool. The thing with parelli is its all about the relationship not the task at hand.

I have had horses all my life and have had lots of success and happy times with them. i found parelli through a friend 3 years ago and have never looked back, cause i felt i never truely understood horses till now. I also work with horses, and have recently started 5 youngsters through this method and on the third ride i was hacking them out in the rain and they were calm and responsive the whole time. that for me speaks for itself.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2003
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Hi i am new to this and would like to make a few comments on your opinion on parelli or ps as you call it.

i am sorry you seem so offended by parelli and what it teaches, but i feel the real reason people are so against it is because they don't fully understand it. pat was skipping with his horse to show people the possibilities of what you could do with your horse with a bit of imagination and the right understanding. Not to encourage children to go out and get hurt trying it, if you had managed to stay awake and listen properly you would have understood this.
And linda was not trailer loading the horse to trailer load it she was actually building its confidence and trust in her, using the trailer as a tool. The thing with parelli is its all about the relationship not the task at hand.

I have had horses all my life and have had lots of success and happy times with them. i found parelli through a friend 3 years ago and have never looked back, cause i felt i never truely understood horses till now. I also work with horses, and have recently started 5 youngsters through this method and on the third ride i was hacking them out in the rain and they were calm and responsive the whole time. that for me speaks for itself.

[/ QUOTE ] I think most of us know that is the thinking behind the exercises. For most of us it isn't that we don't understand it, we just think that it goes a bit to far, is too evangelical and patronising of anyone who isn't signed-up and the multi million dollar industry that goes with it sells people expensive things that they don't need!

I have a lovely relationship with my mare and I do communicate with her in her own language, drawing on what I have learned from a wide range of sources. Parelli people often find it impossible to accept that anyone who is not a purist Parelli person can't have the relationship that I have with my mare - its those people who don't understand!


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5 July 2007
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Fact: TB's all over the world are backed and raceing at the age of 2 years, as are quarter horses so age is irrelivant for certain breeds as they develop quicker...although I do agree to make a race of backing is unfair and pat isn't exactly light. We all make bad desisions in life, only some have a perminant record of them be a little forgiving.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry but that is total bullsh!t. All horses develop at the same time - regardless of size breed etc. Take a look at
http://fuglyhorseoftheday.blogspot.com/2007/09/guest-blog-few-words-on-child-labor.html or

I know this is off topic but people saying things like that SO irritates me. THEY ARE BABIES!!!


Well-Known Member
5 July 2007
Beautiful Hampshire
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Sorry for coming late to the party, but god this is taking ages to read!!

Ok, thanks for the opinions.
Could I just clarify that it's not about the tack, not having this on or that on or being bridleless. I wanted for you to see passed that and look at WHY and HOW she is doing what she is with her horse. No comments about her horse at what we call Liberty, no lines attached. She is not doing this stuff to prove to those watching what she can do, she is doing it to test herself and her relationship with her horse, not showing off, just having fun with the great friend she has.

Is this really 'nothing special'??

As for the 'lunging', this is not actually lunging, in the sense that she is nagging her horse around on a circle for 20 mins purely for the sake of the horse's physical development. The closest thing we do to this is called 'the circling game', and though is looks similar, it's not, and is used primarily for the mental (the relationship between horse and human), not physical development of the horse. 30 seconds (if that!) on a small (and not forced) circle is better than 10-15 mins on a 15 metre circle at the trot or canter, of course you must take into account the physical fitness of the horse and all are individual.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really wasn't that impressed. Sorry, but lunging or not, the circle is too small and that horse does not look happy to me. Maybe I can't read horses, but according to Desmond Morris, a horse with his ears back is not a happy horse. I also really think that riding without a hat is irresponsible.


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11 September 2007
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Hi thank you for your response and i can safely say i am not a parelli enthusiast that does'nt believe any one who does'nt do parelli can't have a good relationship with their horse.

As i said before i was quite happy with the relationships i had with my horses before parelli, i just embraced their concepts and improved the relationships i already had.

i'm a very open minded person and am willing to listen to any one who has had experiences with horses good or bad, because i believe you can always learn something more. i can't help but want to continue with parelli, and try to help people understand it better but i also don't expect everyone to want to do it.

i am not apposed to other methods or approaches i just feel that this suits me. it's a shame so many people on the foreum are so stuck in their ways that they can't except something new, and feel the need to run it down.


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11 October 2007
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Why do people think Parelli is so expensive? Pre Parelli I was paying £40 to my instructor for every lesson I had (2 per month). This was costing me £80 per month or £960 per year. Since finding Parelli 3 years ago I have spent approximately £13 per month to belong to Parelli Savvy Club, £300 for levels 1 and 2 teaching packs, £120 on equipment, £340 on one set of instructional DVD's and £170 on the latest Success Series of DVD's.........total cost to me of £1,398
Take into account that having absorbed all the info I have sold one set of Dvd's on e-bay for £320 (and I plan to sell the other set shortly), sold off all my old tack and equipment that I no longer needed for £350 then I have spent a total of £728 over 3 years - £20 per month average. A lot cheaper than the £80 per month I was previously spending. But the best bit is the fun my horse and I are having together and the amount of things I have been able to teach her by just following the programme. I think it's brilliant that Parelli is coming to Stoneleigh.