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So what do I think about Parelli? Quite simply, the best thing I have ever done for my horse!
I have a traditional horsey background, no different from thousands of other people - pony club and countless hours spent mucking out at my local riding school, a few years away from horses whilst at college then taking on two horses and working through my BHS stages. I also spent some time working for an event rider and competed successfully at local level dressage.
I first came across Parelli in the late 90's when Your Horse ran a series of articles and thought 'why on earth does anyone want to use a bright orange stick?', and carried on as I had before.
Parelli then came to me at the insistance of a very challenging young horse I had bought to event. Whatever I asked and however I asked it, she opposed me. In this instance traditional advice (which seemed to boil down to 'dont let her get away with it') failed me and I was told by well meaning friends that it wasnt me, it was the horse and to sell her. I was at my wits end and at this point was introduced to the Parelli program.
The information provided was a revelation. Suddenly everything made sense and I knew I had found a way forward. She made huge changes (so did I!!!) and became the lovely horse I always knew she was. From being a person who was often in the tack shop checking out the latest training aid to see if it offered the answers I was seeking, I changed to someone who realised the only training aid I needed to improve was the one between my ears. The equipment I bought when I began Parelli in May 2000 is still going strong and as good as new, and as I no longer have 2 to 3 lessons a week at £25 a pop, I can easily afford to participate in Parelli clinics.
For those of you who are fortunate to already have an excellent relationship with your horse and the natural ability to know what they need, when the need it and why they need it, then I am truly happy for you, but please dont knock those of us who follow a slightly different path from the norm. We're all here because we love our horses and we all want a good relationship with our happy, confident, responsive, supple and athletic horse.
I have a traditional horsey background, no different from thousands of other people - pony club and countless hours spent mucking out at my local riding school, a few years away from horses whilst at college then taking on two horses and working through my BHS stages. I also spent some time working for an event rider and competed successfully at local level dressage.
I first came across Parelli in the late 90's when Your Horse ran a series of articles and thought 'why on earth does anyone want to use a bright orange stick?', and carried on as I had before.
Parelli then came to me at the insistance of a very challenging young horse I had bought to event. Whatever I asked and however I asked it, she opposed me. In this instance traditional advice (which seemed to boil down to 'dont let her get away with it') failed me and I was told by well meaning friends that it wasnt me, it was the horse and to sell her. I was at my wits end and at this point was introduced to the Parelli program.
The information provided was a revelation. Suddenly everything made sense and I knew I had found a way forward. She made huge changes (so did I!!!) and became the lovely horse I always knew she was. From being a person who was often in the tack shop checking out the latest training aid to see if it offered the answers I was seeking, I changed to someone who realised the only training aid I needed to improve was the one between my ears. The equipment I bought when I began Parelli in May 2000 is still going strong and as good as new, and as I no longer have 2 to 3 lessons a week at £25 a pop, I can easily afford to participate in Parelli clinics.
For those of you who are fortunate to already have an excellent relationship with your horse and the natural ability to know what they need, when the need it and why they need it, then I am truly happy for you, but please dont knock those of us who follow a slightly different path from the norm. We're all here because we love our horses and we all want a good relationship with our happy, confident, responsive, supple and athletic horse.