What to feed a poor doer?

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windand rain

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25 November 2012
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response in kind. The OP on the other thread was saying she was a feeder, she said her horse was too fat but she couldnt help her feeding urge she said she has now moved yards which curbs her desire to feed
I do not condone putting horses in stables at all mine live out 24/7 dont even come in for feeding. They are severely restricted on foggage and get no hay. they do get a small fibre feed which is below 5% sugar and starch and a vitamin supplement. However there are yards that do not allow turnout in winter I hate those and on record as saying I would not keep horses unless they spent at least all daylight hours out side in large fields in herds and preferably longer The OP in the other thread said she could not keep hers out 24/7 as she wished but it was out 12 hours a day.
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28 March 2020
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Ok I went through the thread again and I tried to get quotes to go on but, as I said before, this site has other plans it would seem "oops, something went wrong" blahhh..

Anyway.. first of all when referring to their horse being fat the op was talking about their PREVIOUS livery, NOT the one they're at now which is where they've been keeping her in 12 hours a day and reluctant to feed her during those 12 hours, despite feeling sorry for her, believing that they were making her fat before at their PREVIOUS livery. However, they also don't like that she doesn't get hay, or haylage, whatever, anymore and have said their mindset would be more well-suited for poor doers. Perhaps they should have mine lol.. Anyway, they did ALSO mention their TB that they had before which got fat BEFORE they had the horse that they were talking about in that thread. Would love to know how that happened tbh but whatever. Regardless of reasons and feelings toward their feeding methods to me they are NOT doing the horse any favours locking her in like that and holding back from giving them enough, which to me does seem exactly the case if they're honestly locked in for 12 hours. Not to mention, as stated; being locked in is not good for their mental health and can release hormones that cause even bigger problems. GOOGLE IT BEFORE TELLING ME I TALK GARBAGE! I'm mainly talking to you at this point windand rain.. Honestly? I don't get why we're butting heads. You say you don't condone this either, you say you would never keep horses this way, WHY are you arguing with me? My statements were NOT garbage. As I said before; educate yourself before ranting off at me. And yes, that may come across rude but frankly I don't give a damn when a horse's health is at risk. Another reason horses get obese is because people don't give them their god damn freedom let alone let them live the way a horse really should. As for the shelter? Well then they need to put one up then don't they?! they also need to stop whining about it and do what's right for the damn horse!

I'm here cus I want to do what's right and I will admit when I'm wrong, why can't the rest of you? Just cus I told them they were wrong I'm suddenly the bad guy? Just cus I will lay it on thick and not cut corners and paint pretty rainbows I'm evil incarnate and talk garbage? Well exuuuuuuuse me princesses but I'm not here for a Mr Personality award, I'm here cus I care about the horses. If you're doing something wrong, really terribly wrong in my books, then I will tell you like it or not and as far as I'm concerned this forum does encourage adult discussion and does warn that to people when they sign up that there will be strong opinions where discussion can get a bit heated up, tis why it's more recommended for adults. However, being blaintently rude to someone is of course not acceptable. Ok, sure, I stated people who don't do what's right are ignorant, selfish and lazy, I still stick by that, I wasn't aiming at anyone specific and if the caps fits I say wear it! You're only offended by that statement because you know it applies to you, not because I specifically called you out but because deep down you know and you don't like it, otherwise why would you take it so personally and get all defensive? However, I was called out and directly offended by windand rain, there's the difference.

Anyway, I'm leaving it there and I do not want this disucsion in my thread anymore so I suggest you throw in the towel as well. Want to talk? take it to my Inbox and we'll "talk". Be rude and personally offensive to me and I will report it from here on out.


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27 July 2012
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I can certainly consider it. I just didn't give him more as I don't wish to overfeed him due to all the other feeds he's getting? Seems a bit much for one horse if you ask me considering the recommendations normally don't take into account that you're feeding a horse other feeds. But yes, I can certainly try it at least. Nothing ventured nothing gained as they say. Though my other concern is if he doesn't show signs of improvement then what? And thus I'd have wasted good feed for nothing. Ideally I want to use A&P purely for the vitamins and minerals and the rest of his feeds to bulk him up. Honestly don't think he has a vitamin and mineral problem. Again it's something to consider though as I know feed recomendation does state for a 300kg equine in light work 0.25 – 0.8kg medium 1.0 – 1.5kg and hard 1.5 – 2.5kg. For a 400kg horse its light work 0.5 – 1.25kg medium 1.25 – 2.0kg and hard 2.0 – 3.0kg. So yeah, perhaps give him minimum of 600 - 800g and not 400g? Considering he's somewhere inbetween 300 and 400kg I thought this may be an ideal point? By the way I forgot to mention he's in light work. Also yeah, full grown arabs should be aproximately 400kg but I was told for a 4 year old 380kg was fine as he's still growing. However, at the moment that's not the case and again I have to wonder whether that's just the way it is due to Winter. Can I ask what do your horses weigh during the Winter months on average? and how old are they? Just curious to know so I can compare.

Some really interesting feedback from you guys, thanks for all that. I actually found Copra the other day whilst searching the web but not seen it around here. Linseed is included in A&P as far as I know but I have been looking at micronised linseed to add to other feeds if necersary. Not heard of Equijewel but I'm going to look into that as well.

Also, I'd be most interested in your take on beet for bulking up horses more than anything since that was something I was debating over the other day. I think for now I may take into account what Steerpike said and see how he goes with more A&P. I will still keep other suggestions in mind though, just not eager to switch his feed right now as this can take time. Do keep your responses coming though, I am most interested in what other people use and their thoughts on what I've used so far. Thank you all.



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28 March 2020
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Erm... ok... why does it say "Deleted." in palo1's comment? I guess they may have said something they shouldn't have? If so then why not just remove the entire comment? I'm a bit confused here..


20 November 2008
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I have the best feeding advice


It's kinda like spilling water on Gizmo and feeding him after midnight. It makes forum trolls grow more and more rude and aggressive. A very quick check of the previous posts made by trolls confirms it.


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28 March 2020
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No skin off my nose to be frank. If you ask me it is others who are unneceessarily confrontational, as are you making remarks like that, which is what causes me to react in kind. To be honest I find your remark rather hypocritical as all it does is contribute to the problem, stokes the fire as they say, and provokes further "unnecesary confrontation" as you so kindly put it. So if that's the case, great, less hassle for me. Was just curious to know why as there is a removal button or just simply don't post in the first place. However, quite often you may see "Deleted." in comments edited by an admin so that got me curious to know what happened. Though at first I thought they were saying my comment had been deleted but I suppose I'd get a message in my Inbox or something and not simply saying "Deleted." in the thread.

Anyway, thanks for dropping by Goldenstar. I did find your previous responses most helpful. Such a shame that you've turned sour over matters that really do not concern you. But whatever.
Frankly I'm done with this thread now anyway, I think I got the responses I was looking for and I'm in no mood for childish games and bitter remarks, so I won't be indulging it any further.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2020
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I'm sure you have plenty TPO, tis why you were placed on ignore before. Just can't help yourself can you? Wonder what the forum rules are regarding causing a ruse and attempting to defame certain individuals. Oh, right, don't feed the trolls. Well I guess you got what you wanted there. And this is exactly what I'm talking about. Ever tried looking in a mirror? Or is it that you enjoy instigating and upsetting others? Maybe it's YOU who's the troll. I also see that mollipops and OldNag are contributing, seems the old gang are back together again. If you ask me the admins ought to ban the lot of you. Nothing but trouble makers who can't help to mind your own.
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