What would you do? (be nice please)


Well-Known Member
7 October 2004
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Is it actually fair to up the bute to keep the horse going for 'our' benefit. If bute is just putting off the what is going to happen anyway(the horse is going to deteriorate) then why put it on bute to stop you having to make the decision to PTS. Bute is not going to reverse the problem, its not going to treat it, its just going to prolong the enevitable result, the horse will have to be PTS.

We might as well all kill ourselves now then, rather than face the aches and pains and inconvenience of old age, even though some kind scientists invented pain killers. We're all we're all going to die anyway - it's inevitable.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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If yours needs to retire (big if, many navi horses do compete, at least at low levels) then personally I'd follow the example of several owners I know with retired horses who keep the horse on retirement, or the same livery they have always been on, and ride other horses on a share basis. Some ride and compete friend's horses on the same yard as theirs.

PTS is not the worst thing you can do to an animal (I've done it several times) but I have a sense of responsibility towards animals I own and have only done it to relieve incurable and acute suffering.


Well-Known Member
18 April 2010
... Supposed to be working!
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I feel for you, one of mine had navicular and she lived on bute as a companion to one of my friends yearlings until one day I went to check her and she was standing on three legs. She was only 13 but she let me know she'd had enough. In fact they all do, all we have to do is listen. I hope you manage to work it out x


Well-Known Member
6 August 2010
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As I said, it was just a thought that occured to me and I apologise for suggesting it. I do not really understand why you would not be prepared to bute him up to ride though. Surely, if he could choose (and yes, I know they can't), he would prefer that to the alternative? I used to take massive doses of NSAIs just to function on a daily basis. I took them for five years before finally my condition improved all by itself. I took them so that I could ride, do aerobics and walk the dogs. I thought they were marvelous. Why a horse should be any different, taking bute so that he could carry out his physical activities more comfortably, I don't know.

You also need to remember that MANY horses suffer in silence with pain that their owners are completely unaware of. For example if their lameness is bilateral, it is often not detected. They are just considered stiff, or quirky. At least you know about your boys and can give him the pain relief he needs.

I too take painkillers daily so i can ride and function in all of the activities I enjoy - not relevant to this post perhaps but i had never drawn a comparison like this to my horses. Thank you! :)

And in reply to this post, you know best, deep down, what you will do. I have been in this situation twice, with both outcomes. One was pts at 15yrs old with DJD, but HATED being turned out/quiet hack, all he enjoyed was hunting/being a prat, which made him significantly worse so PTS was the best option for him. and the other is 19yrs old, not been ridden for 2yrs due to various soundness issues, but will stay with me as a 'field ornament' for as many years as he is comfortable (hopefully many many years!) as he is a very happy pet, and i would rather limit my riding options and have him, than not.
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Well-Known Member
2 April 2007
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My big lad has been retired for 2 years now and is an expensive pet basically as we have them on livery, we also have the childrens pony but now they are starting to outgrow her i am having to look for a 3rd for my oldest daughter to ride,which means i dont have the time or money to buy another one for me. To me though its pretty simple, he doesnt owe me anything,but i owe him the kind of retirement he deserves,if that means i am horseless for a while then so be it.