Barton Bounty
Just simply loving life with Orbi 🥰
I for sure am!! I wouldnt have my wonderful boy, or the other wee scrag of a thing that came to me for 600 , windsucks etc but never lame.Aren't you glad that the racing industry has taken to investing time, money, energy and consideration to the potential futures of countless ex-racehorses instead of just pts when that career fails or ends? They don't all go on to have rosettes at the gymkhana lives, long comfortable retirements and natural deaths aged 30 plus, but I see the whole thing as a positive step. Having horses destroyed is OK but, IMO, finding them a use, if at all possible, and letting them stay alive a while longer is preferable.
they all deserve a good home, sometimes though I wonder why people that own horses actually have them. I wouldnt give them a rat to look after ?