Where are all the missing microchipped dogs?


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18 March 2014
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It seems that at least 70% of missing dogs have been microchipped but not found. Where are all those dogs? I was thinking of microchipping my dog but what is the point?

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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If the authorities can't find an 80 ton aircraft, with 239 passengers, plus crew, where do you suppose they're going to find a few dogs?

Most will be in private homes, sold on, and if they're not scanned and a trace put on them, then they will never be traced. As you say, chipping is of limited use, and only of real use when a dog is handed in as a stray.



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11 July 2013
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I'm really glad i got my old dog microchipped, she decided she'd had enough of the kennels ( day before we were due back!) and decided to trot home...along the road! She nearly made it too but a kind person picked her up and took her to local vets, who scanned her and rang the kennels, who promptly picked her up...if not, who knows where she would have ended up!


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18 March 2014
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Why would they be in a private homes? People don't just find a dog a keep it on random surely. Not without trying to find who it belongs to. Sold on by who ? finder? Even when it is handed in as a stray you cannot be sure you get it back. I was talking to the saff at the kennels where dog warden takes in strays and the staff were told by the dog warden not to give any information about rescue/handed in dogs. I find it rather strange way of trying to reunite dogs.


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22 March 2010
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Sadly, there are some wicked people around, who will claim that found dogs are their missing dog and will collect it, only to use it in dog fights. The less info given to these lowlifes, the less chance of getting their hands on a 'lost' dog... if a dog is chipped, then at least there is a good chance that the rightful owner can be found. There have been a few instances lately of lost/stolen dogs being reunited after 6 and 8 years. There are people trying to make it a rule that any new dog taken to a vet should be automatically scanned for a chip. This is a brilliant idea, but how do you enforce it? I also think that refuse men and certain rail men should have access to a scanner, it is better to have closure if your animal has gone missing, even if it's the worse possible news...


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8 August 2012
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Sadly some are stolen to order if they are a particular breed or as bait for fighting dogs. A lot of people forget to update chip details when they move so although the animal is chipped it may be to an old address or with an old number :(


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19 April 2009
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Our Vet always checks the chip against our records. I wonder if it didn't and we didn't have an acceptable explanation whether they would check the lost dogs register or missing dogs lists and if they found it was a 'stolen' 'lost' dog, whether they would hold it?


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2 February 2011
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OP where are you getting this info from? can you provide a link please. I would hope that Pounds scan new arrivals, after all its going to be cheaper to re-unite a dog to its owner than to put it to sleep. Some pounds are not so good, I know of 6 dogs coming into a rescue from a Welsh Pound and were told they were not chipped, 2 of them were when the rescue scanned them. One dog was re-united with his owner the other had out of date details as far as I can remember.

I gave my vet the details of vets get scanning which is the Bruce Forsyth inspired site and they now scan all new dogs, whenever my dogs go to the vets I get them to check my dogs chip in case its moved and its still working.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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i think they are pretty useful. i found a springer spaniel today who had a collar on but no name tag so took him to local vets who scanned him, they phoned the owners mobile no. and owner came to my house to collect him.. he had been missing for 2 hours and she was out looking for him... she hadnt realised that the tag was missing so the microchip meant she got her dog back quickly..


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18 March 2014
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OP where are you getting this info from? can you provide a link please. I would hope that Pounds scan new arrivals, after all its going to be cheaper to re-unite a dog to its owner than to put it to sleep. Some pounds are not so good, I know of 6 dogs coming into a rescue from a Welsh Pound and were told they were not chipped, 2 of them were when the rescue scanned them. One dog was re-united with his owner the other had out of date details as far as I can remember.

I gave my vet the details of vets get scanning which is the Bruce Forsyth inspired site and they now scan all new dogs, whenever my dogs go to the vets I get them to check my dogs chip in case its moved and its still working.

My info is from doglost. Lots of microchipped dogs not reunited. The dog warden withholding information about dogs handed in is very worring. How is one suppose to find their dog if even dog warden won't tell you what dog's have been handed in as strays?


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18 March 2014
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i think they are pretty useful. i found a springer spaniel today who had a collar on but no name tag so took him to local vets who scanned him, they phoned the owners mobile no. and owner came to my house to collect him.. he had been missing for 2 hours and she was out looking for him... she hadnt realised that the tag was missing so the microchip meant she got her dog back quickly..

I am sure they are useful when an honest person finds the dog.


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25 December 2009
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"My info is from doglost. Lots of microchipped dogs not reunited. The dog warden withholding information about dogs handed in is very worring. How is one suppose to find their dog if even dog warden won't tell you what dog's have been handed in as strays?"

This point was well replied to by Saneta.. if you lose a dog then it is up to you to give the details of your missing dog to the warden. Then, if your dog is found you can be reunited. If any Tom Dick or Harry can ask 'what dogs have you found?' then its quite clear ( to me and Saneta!) that they could say Oh X belongs to me and wrong dog goes home with said Tom Dick or Harry to a life of maybe dog fighting. Of course Dog Wardens don't tell you whats been found!

And why the anti dogslost? Are you also anti Alfieslostdogs? Many of those not reunited microchipped dogs will have been down rabbit holes where they are trapped and don't emerge, or are lost and die in woodland, go through the ice on the lake ( all documented) as well as those who travellers and unscrupulous people take home to look after and then grow attached to or sell on and they are never reunited. What would you propose instead? When we have had cause to use Dogslost they were superb - loads of people came out to walk over vast areas of forest that we couldn't have covered searching for the lost dog.

And as for the comment to Saneta 'are you one of their helpers?... its volunteers, people who are kind and hope they will never be in the same position who help.... so I would think Saneta might well fit that description!


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18 March 2014
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"My info is from doglost. Lots of microchipped dogs not reunited. The dog warden withholding information about dogs handed in is very worring. How is one suppose to find their dog if even dog warden won't tell you what dog's have been handed in as strays?"

This point was well replied to by Saneta.. if you lose a dog then it is up to you to give the details of your missing dog to the warden. Then, if your dog is found you can be reunited. If any Tom Dick or Harry can ask 'what dogs have you found?' then its quite clear ( to me and Saneta!) that they could say Oh X belongs to me and wrong dog goes home with said Tom Dick or Harry to a life of maybe dog fighting. Of course Dog Wardens don't tell you whats been found!

And why the anti dogslost? Are you also anti Alfieslostdogs? Many of those not reunited microchipped dogs will have been down rabbit holes where they are trapped and don't emerge, or are lost and die in woodland, go through the ice on the lake ( all documented) as well as those who travellers and unscrupulous people take home to look after and then grow attached to or sell on and they are never reunited. What would you propose instead? When we have had cause to use Dogslost they were superb - loads of people came out to walk over vast areas of forest that we couldn't have covered searching for the lost dog.

And as for the comment to Saneta 'are you one of their helpers?... its volunteers, people who are kind and hope they will never be in the same position who help.... so I would think Saneta might well fit that description!

Are you suggesting that hundreds and hundreds of dogs in UK got trapped down the rabbit holes, under ice or lost in woodlands and died a horrible death? What kind of animal loving nation UK would be if their owners have allowed such cruel deaths to happen on such a big scale. Also only certain breeds will chase rabbits or be able to fit in their holes but all sort of breeds that have been micro-chipped are still missing.
I also find stories of dogs that have been somebody’s pets for years becoming feral and roaming the streets of UK for months or even years rather far- fetched. Any roaming dog in UK would be picked up by the authorities pretty quick.
By the way helpers or volunteers is comes down to the same thing really.


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27 January 2008
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When I was a DW it went like this. Phone call to office regarding found dog or finding a dog randomly off the street. Dog placed in truck and scanned. If chipped owner contacted providing the chip details are up to date. Often they weren't. People move house and forget I guess. If owner available then dog returned and relevant paperwork sorted out. If not available then message left by phone and through the door if necessary and dog taken to kennels. Dog photographed and short description made on paperwork and this paperwork returned to office (EH Dept. Local council) Owner then contacts office and verifies from photograph that this is their dog, pays whatever fees due and goes to kennels and collects dog. If not chipped then dog just taken to kennels photographed and the rest the same as chipped. Dogs held for 7 days then become the property of the kennels and are rehomed or in the case of bad health or behaviour issues maybe PTS.

I picked up a labrador once, it was chipped. I called the number given and spoke to a lady the other side of the country. Turns out that this dog had been stolen 2 years before and despite everything they hadn't managed to find it. They were at the kennels that day to collect him and the folk who thought they were the owners (had bought dog from a bloke in a pub allegedly) were down a dog and the £150 they apparently paid the bloke in the pub.

All things considered I would always chip. Everything, horses, dogs cats (although maybe not the family hamster!)


Well-Known Member
21 October 2013
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Sometimes it's possible to miss a chip in a found dog or they can move so. A workman managed to let my dog out last year, he was found and according to the dog warden, they couldn't find a chip. Strikes me as strange though as we spoke to the lady who found him and when they said they couldn't find a chip on him, I don't think they'd even set eyes on him at the time as she hadn't even seen the dog warden until he came to pick him up in the evening and when we took him to the vets a week or so afterwards, we got them to scan him and they picked the chip up instantly.
Was seriously a bit of a bodge up that day though because when they actually went to collect him and bring him the whole thirty second drive to our house, they opened the van and a cage to start getting the dog out and I was like "That's not my dog..." and we was like "Oh, yeah, yours is the Beagle." Considering he was getting out what looked to be some kind of spinone cross, I don't know.

Also, just because somebody says their dog has a chip, it doesn't mean it's up to date with mobile numbers, etc. My dog was a chipped stray who's microchip wasn't up to date. Makes me think sometimes about the people who used to own him and I don't know what would happen if they ever found him but I've trawled the internet and have found no trace of him.

Then you'll get the ones who end up killed in a rtc or some other way and who aren't always scanned.

Then the people who find a dog and think they're being oh so kind by taking it in and keeping it.

Then dog fighters and people who steal them to sell on or just to keep.

Then you've probably got a few "living rough" somewhere along the way.

Other times, I like to just think that some people don't update their "lost dog" posts when they've found the dog.

I suppose we'll never really know but I figure it's at least better to have that chance of being reunited because you've got a chip rather than relying on description because they're not chipped.


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18 March 2014
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When I was a DW it went like this. Phone call to office regarding found dog or finding a dog randomly off the street. Dog placed in truck and scanned. If chipped owner contacted providing the chip details are up to date. Often they weren't. People move house and forget I guess. If owner available then dog returned and relevant paperwork sorted out. If not available then message left by phone and through the door if necessary and dog taken to kennels. Dog photographed and short description made on paperwork and this paperwork returned to office (EH Dept. Local council) Owner then contacts office and verifies from photograph that this is their dog, pays whatever fees due and goes to kennels and collects dog. If not chipped then dog just taken to kennels photographed and the rest the same as chipped. Dogs held for 7 days then become the property of the kennels and are rehomed or in the case of bad health or behaviour issues maybe PTS.

I picked up a labrador once, it was chipped. I called the number given and spoke to a lady the other side of the country. Turns out that this dog had been stolen 2 years before and despite everything they hadn't managed to find it. They were at the kennels that day to collect him and the folk who thought they were the owners (had bought dog from a bloke in a pub allegedly) were down a dog and the £150 they apparently paid the bloke in the pub.

All things considered I would always chip. Everything, horses, dogs cats (although maybe not the family hamster!)
That what I was told the procedure is when dog is found or handed in to the the dog warden as stray. Did you ever made any other efforts to find out if the dog was registered as missing elsewhere?


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18 March 2014
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Sometimes it's possible to miss a chip in a found dog or they can move so. A workman managed to let my dog out last year, he was found and according to the dog warden, they couldn't find a chip. Strikes me as strange though as we spoke to the lady who found him and when they said they couldn't find a chip on him, I don't think they'd even set eyes on him at the time as she hadn't even seen the dog warden until he came to pick him up in the evening and when we took him to the vets a week or so afterwards, we got them to scan him and they picked the chip up instantly.
Was seriously a bit of a bodge up that day though because when they actually went to collect him and bring him the whole thirty second drive to our house, they opened the van and a cage to start getting the dog out and I was like "That's not my dog..." and we was like "Oh, yeah, yours is the Beagle." Considering he was getting out what looked to be some kind of spinone cross, I don't know.

Also, just because somebody says their dog has a chip, it doesn't mean it's up to date with mobile numbers, etc. My dog was a chipped stray who's microchip wasn't up to date. Makes me think sometimes about the people who used to own him and I don't know what would happen if they ever found him but I've trawled the internet and have found no trace of him.

Then you'll get the ones who end up killed in a rtc or some other way and who aren't always scanned.

Then the people who find a dog and think they're being oh so kind by taking it in and keeping it.

Then dog fighters and people who steal them to sell on or just to keep.

Then you've probably got a few "living rough" somewhere along the way.

Other times, I like to just think that some people don't update their "lost dog" posts when they've found the dog.

I suppose we'll never really know but I figure it's at least better to have that chance of being reunited because you've got a chip rather than relying on description because they're not chipped.

Got a bit confused with your post. Are you saying that you have never found your dog and dog warden brought wrong dog to your house?


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22 March 2010
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Magdalena, I am a dog owner and dog lover. I always carry a slip lead in case I come across a lost dog on my walks in the forest. This has happened several times and I have been able to find the owner. On the one occasion I failed to find the owner, the DW came out instantly, checked for chip, and when there wasn't a sign of one, took the dog to a local kennels.
Yes, I gladly and willingly help to look for any lost dog in my area. I have a good network of fellow dog owners who will help me put up posters to alert as many people as possible to the missing dog. When a dog goes missing, or worse still, is stolen, it is terrible thing to go through. To know you've got the support of other dog lovers helping to find your dog really does help. You've only to look at the DogLost website to see the fabulous results achieved. There is even a helper on DogLost who owns a fabulous scent dog, and she has travelled across the UK to search for particular lost dogs. She and her dog found a little dog who had been missing for 7 days, through all the snow we had last year. The lead on the dog had become wrapped round some bush, and even though very many people and their dogs had been out every day for 7 days searching the local area, they had been unable to find this missing dog. Thank goodness this kind lady and her special Sniffer dog managed to find him, alive! Not every story has a happy ending, but at least we try...


Well-Known Member
21 October 2013
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No, I guess I forgot to finish that story, sorry, I go off on a tangent sometimes

We found my dog, the little wanderer's laying on my legs right now - the dog warden brought him to our house but rather than taking our dog out of the van, he took a different dog out ready to hand to us and when we said that one wasn't ours, he opened the other door and another cage which did have our dog in and seemed to look at us like "Please tell me this is the right one..." He'd literally only put him in the van about a minute before to bring him directly to us but I suppose everybody can get confused sometimes.
I ended up finding out who it was that had found him and took her cake so she filled us in on his day out :D


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29 May 2010
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Our girl was chipped but when mums house was broken into the dog was scared and ran away. She couldn't find her anywhere. After weeks of looking and adverts in shops she put an advert in the paper and found her. Nobody had bothered to get her scanned she was handed into the police who just said to the people that found her you can keep her if you want. That's how they are missing they are never scanned.

There is now no dog warden in our area due to council cuts and my dog clipping lady said they amount of stray dogs has increased dramatically and its only been a year.
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Well-Known Member
30 January 2007
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I knew of a dog who came into rescue and had not one but 2 chips- the first one had been missed.

Many people who ARE contacted about their lost dog simply say they dont want them back


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27 January 2008
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Magdelena, It is important to remember that the DW's job is to round up strays first and foremost. The dogs are secured at kennels to await collection by the owner. It is the owner's responsibility to look for the dog. That said, we went to quite a length sometimes to reunite dogs with owners, but simply put, time was always a constraint. I covered almost 400 sq miles on my own! We did however, in the case of the lab, ask if there was a crime number reporting the dog stolen. This was supplied and the owner reunited with their dog.

On the subject of missing chips. Yes they can migrate in the dog occasionally but are easily found if you run the scanner all over the hound. There have also been many cases of "But he's chipped, you should have brought him home and I don't need to pay this fine" This "excuse" was never proved ime. People will say anything not to pay up, especially when they are in the wrong.
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Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Saneta I have no doubt whatsoever that there are many honest people helping to find lost/stolen dogs even the once that are doglost helpers/volunteers’. However my experience with them when my dog was stolen is so shocking and when I found out who took him (woman closely associated with doglost) made me research that web site for a long time. What I have found it is not a very pretty picture.

This seems to be real reason for your OP....

Have good experience of chipped dogs, lost terrier (actually picked up by someone probably intending to steal) suspect they scanned him/word was put about because he was then dumped and picked up by someone else who took him to the vets for scanning.


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22 March 2010
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I'm sorry OP that you've had a bad experience with DL. I can only speak as I find, and my experiences have only ever been very positive.


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18 March 2014
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I knew of a dog who came into rescue and had not one but 2 chips- the first one had been missed.

Many people who ARE contacted about their lost dog simply say they dont want them back

Why would they micro -chipped them in the first place? Are we animal loving nation?


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30 January 2007
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Why would they micro -chipped them in the first place? Are we animal loving nation?
It may have been in rescue before and thus been chipped, or a private rehome, actual owners are not the only people who get dogs chipped, it was not me who chipped mine. Then when they get fed up with fido escaping they say they dont want it back.