Why am I making extra work for my self?


Well-Known Member
28 May 2012
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For those that don't know I am based in the Loire valley France its warm and sunny most days 71' today :D The evenings are still warm.
So I have one boy that is out 24/7 Normandy Arab x who is used to living out which may change soon as the flies are a nightmare during the afternoon.
I bring Armas in at night around 10pm then turn him out at 7am. I know I don't need to bring him in and I know I am creating more work for my self in the stable but I can't help my self.
I like to know he is tucked up and not getting eaten by the bugs. I also like him to spend time alone so he does not get dependent on his mate at the moment he does not have any anxiety in being separated at this moment and I want it to stay that way.
So my question is should I just leave him out 24/7 & stop being an over protected dad ?

Me and my boy :D No comments re hats please !



Well-Known Member
5 January 2009
Should be working.....
Yes you should you muppet!:D:D:D

The joy of year round mucking out soon wears off......;):D:D:D

Bring him in to have his extra feed then put him out again - as long as you are taking him off riding on a regular basis I doubt you will get much of an issue:D
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Well-Known Member
28 May 2012
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Yes you should you muppet!:D:D:D

The joy of year round mucking out soon wears off......;):D:D:D

Bring him in to have his extra feed then pout him out again - as long as you are taking him off riding on a regualr basis I doubt you wil get much of an issue:D

Such kind words lol

sorry cant help but, lovely picture of you, neddie and poppies in for ground. :)

Thank you, I rode past the poppies and new I must have a pic taken with them:) The field was opposite a friends house so I roped them in to take some pics. Very pleased with the result ! Apart from I look like I have moobs :(


Well-Known Member
7 January 2012
sunny Scotland
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For those that don't know I am based in the Loire valley France its warm and sunny most days 71' today :D The evenings are still warm.
So I have one boy that is out 24/7 Normandy Arab x who is used to living out which may change soon as the flies are a nightmare during the afternoon.
I bring Armas in at night around 10pm then turn him out at 7am. I know I don't need to bring him in and I know I am creating more work for my self in the stable but I can't help my self.
I like to know he is tucked up and not getting eaten by the bugs. I also like him to spend time alone so he does not get dependent on his mate at the moment he does not have any anxiety in being separated at this moment and I want it to stay that way.
So my question is should I just leave him out 24/7 & stop being an over protected dad ?

Me and my boy :D No comments re hats please !


I LIKE your hat! :D
Yes, put him out at night, he'll be fine, and you won't have to muck out!
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Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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I LIKE your hat! :D
Yes, put him out at night, he'll be fine, and you won't have to muck out!

Me too, it's a cool hat :D

Leave the horse out, you silly sod :p Mind you, I keep mind out all year round near as damn it, so I would say that!


Well-Known Member
24 March 2009
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You lot are the muppets!!!!
Bring him in and muck out. I imagine it will get very hot mucking out so take your top off and get your mate with the camera to take some pictures for us. There's a good boy, load them up ASAP?..........


Well-Known Member
7 January 2012
sunny Scotland
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You lot are the muppets!!!!
Bring him in and muck out. I imagine it will get very hot mucking out so take your top off and get your mate with the camera to take some pictures for us. There's a good boy, load them up ASAP?..........

We were obviously looking at this from a strictly horse welfare point of view. However, now this has been brought to my attention, I think you make a very fair point!:D


Well-Known Member
26 January 2010
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I've just come back from a week in the Loire valley so am very jealous of you getting to live there! I have this debate with my friend all the time. I see the summer as a rest from all the work of the winter and take it as a chance for more riding. She keeps her horses in at night all year to keep them in a routine. I work part time and have a young child whereas she hasn't been working and her son is at school, however she is returning to work next week so I think she may come around to my way of thinking :)


Well-Known Member
24 March 2009
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We were obviously looking at this from a strictly horse welfare point of view. However, now this has been brought to my attention, I think you make a very fair point!:D

Yes yes, pretty grey horse, blah, blah. Forget the horse!!!!

Guido rubs her hands on her legs in a totally Pervy manner whilst making weird looking leery faces and twitching slightly whilst trying to wink, in armas's direction ......


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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I agree with guido too, only after we see the pics of you can we offer informed advice.
Pmsl at image of guido rubbing her legs in a vic Mortimer shooting stars fashion.


Well-Known Member
24 March 2009
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Yeh yeh, laugh all you want, maybe I do look like vic Mortimer on a bad day, and that is my best chat up pose!!!!

Anyway, where is he? Little legs, shut the gate so he can't get out!!!! Did no one tell him that we had to post topless pictures before we were given proper advice...or is that image scared him off? Don't worry, your moobs are larger then my bazookas. Not that your moods are large, it's just my bazookas are more like minizookas....

Seriously Guido, SHUT UP. Should I just leave now?


Well-Known Member
7 January 2012
sunny Scotland
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Yeh yeh, laugh all you want, maybe I do look like vic Mortimer on a bad day, and that is my best chat up pose!!!!

Anyway, where is he? Little legs, shut the gate so he can't get out!!!! Did no one tell him that we had to post topless pictures before we were given proper advice...or is that image scared him off? Don't worry, your moobs are larger then my bazookas. Not that your moods are large, it's just my bazookas are more like minizookas....

Seriously Guido, SHUT UP. Should I just leave now?

I think the poor man was asking a reasonably serious question, he may never ask again! Guido, your chat-up line is just the best! :D


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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He's been scared away by the image of all of us hunting him down whilst leg rubbing a la guido & drooling on ourselves. Does anyone remember the virgin adverts with wycliffe? I now have an image of guido sat leg rubbing whilst shouting 'armas honey, momma needs love'


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
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He's been scared away by the image of all of us hunting him down whilst leg rubbing a la guido & drooling on ourselves. Does anyone remember the virgin adverts with wycliffe? I now have an image of guido sat leg rubbing whilst shouting 'armas honey, momma needs love'

Oh he'll be back, he doesn't scare that easily :D


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
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Sorry but i dont think he wants to stay in France, he'd prefer the dampness of Scotland, so im happy to take him off your hands to help you out :D:D:D
Ps he's looking gorgeous as usual :)


Well-Known Member
21 October 2011
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Armas has gone ever so quiet..I think he has run terrified & shaking for the hills...I can see the poppies quivering!

Ok I'll be the sensible one..considering your last post Armas, about..er...bits....:rolleyes: i think you would be safest to make extra work for yourself and bring him in..this way, whilst you are in the stable, hiding from HHOers you could take 2 tics to check his 'flies' for flies..and risk no danger of been caught & misunderstood, or spotted by your new herd of stalkers.

Having said that..were you to have a 'crepe & coffee' trendy boutiquey refreshment stand conveniently appear at your yard with chic little cafe tables for the alfresco experience ..i am sure you would not only make a fortune, but have lots of HHOers offering to muck out for you. *sneaks off to eat lots of crepes whilst everyone else is rather distracted!*


Well-Known Member
28 May 2012
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He's been scared away by the image of all of us hunting him down whilst leg rubbing a la guido & drooling on ourselves. Does anyone remember the virgin adverts with wycliffe? I now have an image of guido sat leg rubbing whilst shouting 'armas honey, momma needs love'

Eeeek that reminds me of the movie Kingpin there is a particular scene where WH has to carry out a certain type of diving on his landlady in order to pay his rent she uses the line " momma needs love" yuk

Oh he'll be back, he doesn't scare that easily :D

Very true you know me well :D

Sorry but i dont think he wants to stay in France, he'd prefer the dampness of Scotland, so im happy to take him off your hands to help you out :D:D:D
Ps he's looking gorgeous as usual :)

Scotland does have its appeals ;) Perhaps for a weekend :D

Armas has gone ever so quiet..I think he has run terrified & shaking for the hills...I can see the poppies quivering!

Ok I'll be the sensible one..considering your last post Armas, about..er...bits....:rolleyes: i think you would be safest to make extra work for yourself and bring him in..this way, whilst you are in the stable, hiding from HHOers you could take 2 tics to check his 'flies' for flies..and risk no danger of been caught & misunderstood, or spotted by your new herd of stalkers.

Having said that..were you to have a 'crepe & coffee' trendy boutiquey refreshment stand conveniently appear at your yard with chic little cafe tables for the alfresco experience ..i am sure you would not only make a fortune, but have lots of HHOers offering to muck out for you. *sneaks off to eat lots of crepes whilst everyone else is rather distracted!*

No running on my part. Not sure the crepe idea would work given what I do for a living but sounds nice & I do love a good crepe.

I am so pleased that you have all taken such an interest in the health of Armas some very interesting and constructive points of view lol I am not sure I would be able to explain away why I want a topless picture taken whilst mucking out :eek::eek::eek:

So you will have to make do with this.....

This is my old ride

This is my new ride much better me thinks :D


In the spirit of the replies I love a good ride :p:p:p