Well-Known Member
I'm sorry Dyllymooit's the pits, i know how you're feeling.
I feel like a broken record
I'm sorry Dyllymooit's the pits, i know how you're feeling.
D on the slipping thread you said the new farrier was going to ask a friend about the xrays re. navicular bone- did any more come of that?
This is one of those situations where everyone will advise something different and feel differently about.
My POV is very much the same as TPO's; I felt like I would be throwing good money after bad after Milo's hock X-rays were shown to me. Knowing he had something incurable was enough for me, even if there MIGHT have been something going on somewhere else too (although I knew his neck and back were fine from previous X-rays).
I think it would be helpful for you to ask yourself what the end goal is, with his prognosis in mind and what his quality of life is like/likely to be?
They are difficult questions and ones we hate. I'm really sorry you're in this position, it sucks.
Completely get this. I guess because the vets haven't really been very clear with me then I'm unsure what the end goal is. As mentioned, all I want to be able to ascertain is is it worth "rehabbing" him back to riding fitness, is that likely to happen given his issues, would he be comfortable in the field retired. I feel I need a whole horse picture for that for my own brain. Not everyone does, and I understand that, and I don't think either way is wrong, but maybe due to past horse issues and J being J I feel like I need to know exactly what he is dealing with before deciding anything for his future.