There's no cow on the ice
I'm just not sure who I can go to? The one people rave about locally is the one that missed my mares issues 4 times and just told me she needed riding through it!
It really is something I have no energy for, and I'm probably being over sensitive but with home not great, work just frustrating and all of this I just feel totally overwhelmed.
I will have a think but not really anyone else I can go to.
Judging only by what you've written on this thread, I'm not sure your current veterinarian sounds to be much better to hold on to in a storm.
Argh, it's bad enough when it is difficult to find out how to fix your horse, without adding difficult to find a good veterinarian to your list of problems.
But I can tell you one thing, you are not being over sensitive. You have too much on your plate, and when life is like that, it is perfectly normal to not have the energy to deal with someone nitpicking about feed buckets being stacked in precisely this or that way.
I presume that you didn't just open the door to the feed room, and threw in some feed buckets, without that you tried to leave the feed buckets in a somewhat proper order.
As I tell my mum, if you absolutely want something done in a specific way, do it yourself. But if you still want others to do it, either accept that they might do it a bit different, or set it up so that it is easy for others to do it "right".