Recent content by ErinDoig

  1. E

    Merrist Wood BSJA - Photographer??

    Anyone go to the bsja at mw yesterday? Any idea who the photographer was?
  2. E

    Merrist Wood Report - 2 weeks in a row !!!

    Anyone know who the photographer was @ merrist wood on sat???
  3. E

    Eating poo!!

    Our 23 year old pony has started eating her droppings, does anyone have experience with this sort of behaviour? She cant eat hay anymore but this is not a recent thing and has been coping fine on hay replacers for years now so why suddenly would she want to eat poo? Is there anyway I can get...
  4. E

    OMFG, I've only gone and WON........

    Wow good for you thats wicked! Enjoy...
  5. E

    Schooling - help! sorry its long!

    my 4yo is also a bit of a lunatic but as far as im concerned id rather she went forward than anything. If she is feeling fresh i will lunge her first. When i get on board i dont walk we trot straight away and continue untill shes settled if she breaks into canter i just sit quietly and she soon...
  6. E


    Blue chip is fab and most people see a physical differnce in just a couple of weeks regarding condition etc. Do you need to feed electolytes every day? Most people just pop them in their water after an event and provide a salt lick for general day to day. But obviously if he is sweating...
  7. E

    happy mouth - sore mouth!?

    Ive seen the same problem. Why they call them happy mouths I really dont know!!
  8. E

    Bitting recomendations/suggestions/advice for SWUO

    I usually start my youngsters in just a plain eggbutt snaffle or a rubber snaffle. But as youre not keen on nutcracker bits I would suggest something like the copper KK bits with the losenge. They are very nice for youngsters to 'feel' and will encourage her to salivate and take a contact and...
  9. E

    Galloping issues

    Goodness that sounds too scary for my liking. Handbrake turns at a gallop are never fun. Keep her between leg and hand and hopefully youll keep more control and steering. If all else fails bit it up!!
  10. E

    Leather Head Collar Recommendations please

    Ive got the John whittaker one 54 quid i think. Not the cheapest but by no means as expensive as stubben etc. I like it anyway...
  11. E

    Bringing a horse back into work...

    She probably just jarred something or like you said was feeling a little stiff. I always try and get mine walking up to and hour on hard sruface before i start trotting or working in the school. Just so i know everythings hardened up. Would it help to do some hill work with her to strengthen up...
  12. E

    Foot imbalance

    Yep my mares got wonkified feet too and she suffered from intermittent lameness for ages. I think we can only ask so much from farriers but if there is an obvious inbalance there he should of noticed it. Hopefully now your vet can liase with your farrier to keep the feet balanced. Have tried...
  13. E

    Which Trailer Do You Have?

    Also an Equitrek owner. Had it for years and every horse ive had has travelled really well in it. My girls are 15.3hh.
  14. E

    your best horsey times ?

    arrr dont you'll make me all depressed!! I too used to love every weekend and school holidays being dropped down the stables first thing and causing mischief all day with my friends. When we had the really bad foot and mouth a few years back and all the bridleways etc were closed,, me and my...
  15. E

    Do you ride with gloves?

    i never used to wear them - felt all fumbly.. but after getting my hands ripped to shreds a few times i figured i better start and now im fine. Just have to get in the regular habit of riding in them i guess and then u dont notice your even wearing them.