Recent content by hotair

  1. hotair

    Livery/grazing for a Colt, north east (also in regional)

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows of anywhere able to offer grazing or possibly DIY livery for a Colt due to current place loosing the land. Other horses are in throckley, Newcastle so somewhere with in reasonable distant of here ideally! He is currently at Matfen on grass to give an idea of...
  2. hotair

    Livery/grazing for a Colt

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows of anywhere able to offer grazing or possibly DIY livery for a Colt due to current place loosing the land. Other horses are in throckley, Newcastle so somewhere with in reasonable distant of here ideally! He is currently at Matfen on grass to give an idea of...
  3. hotair

    Newcastle riders

    Have pmd you :)
  4. hotair

    Sharer stress turns nightmare..

    So sorry to hear your boy has been injured and hope he gets well soon! I think you have deffinatly done the right thing in getting rid of the sharer for your horses sake, and judging by what you have said about the instagram posts shes a very immature child who didnt deserve your lovely boy so...
  5. hotair

    Terrified of moving yards... Please help!!

    It deffinatly helped mine alot his whole attitude towards everything has changed and hes chilled right out :) good luck finding somewhere to suit you both :)
  6. hotair

    Terrified of moving yards... Please help!!

    I have an ottb and was originally on a smallish quiet yard, he to wasnt happy about others being brought in with out him, i came to the decision that that yard wasnt suiting either of us and moved him to a much much larger busy yard. I was worried that he would be a total nightmare with the move...
  7. hotair

    Cheeky/ridiculous posts you see on Facebook.

    There's a post on my local one wanting a 13.2hh + must be broken to ride suitable for a novice and bombproof in traffic.. Oh and must be free to a good home. Some things you see on them are unbelievable but some of it does give a good giggle other things are just sad for the poor horses and...
  8. hotair

    thinking of giving up horses

    I was in a similar situation a few years ago with my pony which i had owned for about 9 years, i had massively outgrown him and he was getting very old so the decision to retire him to a friends yard was made, i got a new riding horse but as much as he was lovely i never felt the same about him...
  9. hotair

    Newcastle riders

    Hi guys, Just wondering if any riders in the Newcastle area are looking for a horse to ride a few weekdays a week? No contribution required just jobs on your riding days! Horse is a 16.3hh tb gelding, looking for a confident rider as although a lovely genuine boy he can get a little fizzy at...
  10. hotair

    Lost paddock! Could you stable pony in garden?

    Sorry have to agree with this. In your position i would be looking for grass livery, even if it is a bit further out the way and some places offer assisted grass livery so if you couldnt get down everyday you could pay for assistance that day with feeding checking etc..
  11. hotair

    Help needed re part loaner/rider

    Thanks everyone all good points to think about, we are doing it as a pretty flexible arrangement in that we dont have set days each week we will just be arranging days at the end of each week for the following week. I do have time to get all jobs done everyday so he would never go with out but i...
  12. hotair

    Help needed re part loaner/rider

    I did think it would be beneficial so that if nothing else i can put down in writing what i expect in terms of working my horse as i was originally advertising for a part loaner and for them to take on a small amount of the costs, but when i met the girl who will be helping i decided that as she...
  13. hotair

    Help needed re part loaner/rider

    Hi Guys :), Just looking for a bit of advice really, i have eventually found somoene to help me out with my boy a few days a week. Its not really a part loan arrangement as no money is changing hands, its just that i felt my horse could benefit from a bit of extra work whilst im at work and...
  14. hotair

    Taking on a 25 yr old, I think I must be mad

    This is a very hard situation and its lovely of you to even consider doing it, but as mentioned above you run a very big risk of spending a fortune on her just to have to put her to sleep. I wont say dont do it because in your situation i know i probably would take her on aswell but do go in...
  15. hotair

    how far do you travel? DIY only

    Before i moved house i lived and worked in pretty close proximity, lived just over 10 mins from work. Horse was stabled less than 5 mins from work and about 10 mins from home. (I went to yard to and from work weekdays) I then moved house to about 35 mins from work (in good traffic can sometimes...