oddly - pumpkin! my sister had a soup stall for a while and that was the overall best seller, she also did a popular chicken noodle both with rolls and butter.
I would have anything going on burgers so yes to onions
Oh Deary me, surprised i couldnt hear you up the hill!!! the YO will end up like Ken and me before long - not a good place to be and dangerous, I am sure that she will understand that you were ill and frustrated about it all, but its a difficult one when they are so lovely, but you are too, so...
after having all my confidence shattered by a monster of a horse i bought my new boy home - OMG i was terrified, i could barely breath and felt so sick, i made myself get on the first morning he was here, i didnt sleep the night before and was in a rediculous state for a 39 year old who has had...
llewelyn is bang on with that post, somtimes it get VERY personal on here if you take the bait thats dangled in front of you, just think of it as a giant Pick 'n Mix xxx
i have a staffy x - people can really upset me when they start on about "her type" and "dangerous dogs" esp. the ones who say it just loud enough for us to hear but are not actually talking to us - makes me mad as hell
i always think they should be named dyson, when i see them nose down sharking round my mates kitchen, between her 4 year old and the labs, you wouldnt dare put anything vaugley edible down for a second