Recent content by Smurphy

  1. S

    Girth suggestions for extreme girthiness

    Have you tried the cheap cottage craft one, my horse prefers this to most girths, also like the proffeddional choice and stubben girths
  2. S

    Unrugged polo pony ... When do I start to rug

    I would clip and rug
  3. S

    Don't always believe what you are told!

    My boy was advertised at 15.2 but measured at 16.1 when I got him home, not that it made any difference for me
  4. S

    Would you jump a horse that's had a tendon injury?

    My tb injured his tendon when he was 15, he had 18 months off and brought back into full work, I made the decision not to jump as wasn't worth the risk, however I would rule out the odd small jump, as a vet advised me a small jump would be no more stress than him galloping and leaping round the...
  5. S

    washing with fairy liquid

    I ran out of shampoo once and used washing up liquid on my horse legs, he suffered fron mud fever shortly afterwards (he's never had it before or since) I believe it stripped the naturals oils from his coat so wouldn't use it again
  6. S

    Those who have recently had a long before you started riding again?

    I had a c section and I got back on my horse after 4 weeks (can't believe it looking back) I was only planning to have a walk round but ended up cantering around the field lol! I competed my horse at a local showing show after 8 weeks and won both classes!! But I couldn't breathe cantering...
  7. S

    Those with babies.

    Cringing at OP for referring to the horse as 'baby' and anyone else who calls their horses 'children' :D
  8. S

    He keeps rolling!

    My horse does this, it drives me nuts! His bed is a mess in the morning! He will dig all the bedding into the middle before rolling
  9. S

    For those who have a sharer/rider for your horse...

    I used the loan agreement template and edited to what I wanted
  10. S

    Where are all the 'older' horses then?

    My 18 year old tb is fit and healthy! Too soft to part with him tho!
  11. S

    Bumble Bees and horses

    I had to moved stable because of a bumble bee nest, my horse was stung twice and went abit loppy in the stable
  12. S

    So Now I am not Disabled enough !!

    I know someone with 2 glass eyes that had to have a test to prove she was blind!! Lol
  13. S

    Stupid Mother

    Utter madness, no matter how good those horses are, if they spooked she would be seriously hurt or worse!
  14. S

    Does anyone move horses regularly between 2 places?

    Wouldn't bother my horse one bit go for it
  15. S

    Is it to cold to bath horse this week?

    When its cold I was his next and shoulders, dry with the towel then do the rest, I also have buckets of warm water for the final rinse. Just make sure u bung a couple of fleeces on to keep ned warm after