Well-Known Member
We have two whippets which need a proper run off the lead. It would be cruel to keep them on a lead and thus never let them out of a walk (or slow trot if the walker jogged).
Cruel? Why?
We have two whippets which need a proper run off the lead. It would be cruel to keep them on a lead and thus never let them out of a walk (or slow trot if the walker jogged).
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Hahahaha! :grin:
The RSPCA defines five freedoms that anyone looking after animals should try and ensure they have.
4 Freedom to behave normally
by making sure animals have enough space, proper
facilities and the company of other animals of their
own kind.
Surely having a good run around in the open air is natural behavior for a dog?
No flaw.
Natural behaviour?? Guard breeds like to bite people and fighting breeds like to fight eachother.
well i don;t quite agree with you. Guard dogs shouldn't be allowed to bite people but they should be allowed to bite.
Hunting is about as natural behavior as you can get for dogs so it should be allowed withing a defined context.
My dogs love rooting around in the undergrowth hunting rats and mice etc. I'd have thought most people's do.
Hunting and being hunted is as natural as it gets.
Ah well if I set my dogs on your rats you'd have cause for complaint but not if I set them on the rats in my barn
Mind you i am sure you'd prefer a quick death for them from the jaws of a dog rather than squirming in agony for hours or days filled with Mole valley's chemicals?
1 rat per 2.2 seconds - exemplary animal welfare standards as I am sure you would agree!
We have two whippets which need a proper run off the lead. It would be cruel to keep them on a lead and thus never let them out of a walk (or slow trot if the walker jogged).
Cruel? Why?
If you're an anti what were you doing working with lurchers?What am I anti about. Have you actually had the courtesy to ask before making fecking assumptions?!
If, however, you really did work with lurchers then you should know they need proper exercise.
But judging from one of your previous posts, you seemed to think it perfectly acceptable, indeed preferable, that they should be kept on a lead going no faster than a walk.
It sounds to me typical townie stuff - anti hunting but don't bother about exercising dogs properly.Typical townie???? More country than you and not prepared to make stupid assumptions just because YOU cannot see a way to excercise your little pooch within legal guidelines if needs be. I stopped working lurchers because I believe it far more cruel than shooting them which I now do.
Also, I'm surprised you condone keeping caged animals.
What a silly, childish little thing to say! LMAO at you)
You think working lurchers is crueller than shooting them?
Shittingfuck you're nit suggesting shooting the dogs as well as the deer are you?
Dear me, Scratchline, you really went off on one there!
You can dish it out, but you can't take it.