Am I the only person not clapping.....


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17 June 2012
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We never have either. The first week I might have done but sadly forgot. I do not ever forget about the NHS and the wonderful nurses and doctors though. They have looked after me very well on every occasion I have needed them and I am most grateful. Some one is bashing saucepans around our village and we heard a firework. I can't see how either noise has relevance to


Afraid of exorcism
5 October 2015
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My local parish council have suggested using it as an opportunity to check in on neighbours; anyone not coming out might need support.

I live on a street with fields opposite, only about 5 houses are occupied, only one household claps and it's the only one with kids.


riding reluctantly into the sunset
21 February 2013
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We don’t clap. There is no one to hear but I think it is pointless any way.
As an over 70 I am grateful for the work done by so many people and express my thanks to them personally when I can.

There was a post on our local Facebook page asking why there were less people clapping a few Thursdays ago. I did not reply but felt that it is wrong to try to shame people into clapping.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2018
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We don’t clap. There is no one to hear but I think it is pointless any way.
As an over 70 I am grateful for the work done by so many people and express my thanks to them personally when I can.

There was a post on our local Facebook page asking why there were less people clapping a few Thursdays ago. I did not reply but felt that it is wrong to try to shame people into clapping.
It's definitely wrong to shame people.

There also seem people that are proud of not clapping. Why can't we just clap or not clap and live and let live?


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1 June 2011
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I clap every week. My skills don't enable me to help out in the current situation, but I can clap for the people who do and can help. It's very little, but it's something. I can't afford to give loads of money - self employed with a limited company - so no monetary help from the government, but I can clap. And I feel is more than just for support for the NHS workers, it's showing that the community is pulling together

Fools Motto

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30 June 2011
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A couple of weeks ago I forgot and felt awful when I heard all the racket going on. (I was in the bath!) I then chose not to tonight, and heard nothing. I thought it wasn't happening anymore and everyone knew! Only saw on our close FB group that there was mention it was much quieter than usual! It's definitely worn thin.


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15 December 2019
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There was a post on our local Facebook page asking why there were less people clapping a few Thursdays ago. I did not reply but felt that it is wrong to try to shame people into clapping.

Someone in the block where I live posted in the block FB group saying there weren't enough people out clapping :rolleyes:


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22 September 2015
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I clap every week as I think it's a nice touch.

My OH has a serious medical condition, so I didn't need Coronavirus to realise how hard they work, how utterly grateful I am to the NHS and that they have it very hard at times.

My OH chooses not to clap and that's OK too - he takes over the cooking of dinner for me :)

Personally, I hope the clapping continues every week long after Lockdown.


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17 November 2014
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No clapping here but surrounding areas do. As a way of supporting the NHS I dislike it. It makes me smile once a week when it reminds me I live amongst people though. Lockdown feels a bit isolating.

Edit: oh and what is with the rainbows? When they first started appearing I wondered if the virus was hitting the LGBTQ community particularly hard or something! Then I find out it is another thing to supposedly support the NHS. Very odd.
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GSD Woman

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9 December 2018
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If people here clap I'm unaware of it. There have been some fly overs of military jets which pisses me off. The money to fly those needlessly could be used to buy PPE for our first responders and hospital workers. And our current administration wants to gut the Affordable Care Act. It would be nice to have decent health care without paying out the a$$ for it. I would rather have higher taxes if it meant everyone in this country could have health care and food. I guess my rant is over for the moment.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Did once, but then it seemed to be a bit repetitive and not the best way to show support. My mare finds it interesting, but then it is usually saucepans etc. I do think it is now about people making themselves feel good rather than making the carers etc feel good. Plus, it is about the NHS, but it is not stressed about supermarket workers, post people, TAs, cleaners, carers, Police, bus drivers etc etc etc. They have equal risk IMO.

I have been sending treats in every week to the carers in the home where mum is. Hand cream, crisps, Tic-Tacs, sun cream, bunting for VE Day, Easter eggs, a jar of wrapped mints, a card and appreciative phone calls when I enquire after her. I think they will appreciate that more than clapping that they can't hear.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2010
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No clapping here but surrounding areas do. As a way of supporting the NHS I dislike it. It makes me smile once a week when it reminds me I live amongst people though. Lockdown feels a bit isolating.

Edit: oh and what is with the rainbows? When they first started appearing I wondered if the virus was hitting the LGBTQ community particularly hard or something! Then I find out it is another thing to supposedly support the NHS. Very odd.

I did once but I work for the NHS and it feels a bit weird now. I was happy to see the rainbows though because I’m old enough to remember them as
a rainbow warrior symbol, and pro Greenpeace.
The LGBTQ community was represented by just one colour in that ideology, and so were carers.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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I don't clap. I'm actually fed up with it. I don't need to clap to show my appreciation and love of my mums carers or any other. Am I bad?
I don't clap becasue ok they are caring for the cov19 patience, but they are doing what they paid for. MY friends brother is an undertaker, at risk when he collects the bodies, who let out gases and air, he doesn't get appreciated. Being called out at 11pm till 3am to collect more bodies after he had already done a 12 hr shift.

NHS has failed me several times

Not diagnosing my Cancer
Not diagnosing my broken Humerus, then putting the cast on my lower arm, and after care was crap,
not diagnosing the ruptured tendon on my thumb. So no I don't clap.


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11 July 2013
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Lovely gesture and hats tipped to those who do but as isolated as we are, only horse/dog/cat/birds would see and hear us so no we haven’t on a street or cul de sac would be different..and prob quite nice for the people on said spirit coming back..