Anyone else want to shed some lbs?


Well-Known Member
5 May 2015
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Hello everyone

First of all let me just say this thread is not about judgement or unkind words. Its about support and positive words.

Ive come to the decision that its time I lost some weight. Im currently weighing in at a heafty 12st 5lbs and a size 14/16. I am too heavy for my beautiful horses.

So I've made the decision I am off to a slimming world group on saturday am determined to get down to my goal of 10st.

I was just wondering if anyone else is in the same position as me. Im doing this for my horses sake. Would be lovely to have the support of people who understand.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2015
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Count me in... Have to lose some weight to get my knee fixed (ACL reconstruction, maybe i should stop playing hockey), and am currently sitting on just over the 20% 'guide' for my horse, and would like to get down to 17% (under 100kgs) in the next year or so. Feel free to PM me and we can email or whatever :)


Well-Known Member
5 May 2015
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Count me in... Have to lose some weight to get my knee fixed (ACL reconstruction, maybe i should stop playing hockey), and am currently sitting on just over the 20% 'guide' for my horse, and would like to get down to 17% (under 100kgs) in the next year or so. Feel free to PM me and we can email or whatever :)

Great! Its the same with me and my mare. With tack I am just over the 20% rule of thumb. At my goal weight with tack it would be around 17%-18%
Thanks emma and good luck :)


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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Me too. I am joining slimming world tomorrow. I want to get down to 9.5 stone. I probably haven't been that weight for 15 years. But there's no reason why I shouldn't be that weight again. Then I might be able to school for an hour without puffing like a train!!!


Well-Known Member
11 August 2011
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Count me in! I am currently just under the 15% rule with tack but want to lose around 2 stone. Will be starting to watch what I eat from tomorrow but will be back following SW 100% by next week. Can't get to a group as I don't drive so need all the help, encouragement and support I can get!

The Fuzzy Furry

Getting old disgracefully
24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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I'm currently on 15.5%; thats fully kitted to ride in winter gear, inc my tack (took scales to the yard to check).
I'm going to be on a mission to lose the spare tyre around my waist that looks damned horrible in the summer when in a t shirt and body protector. Can cover it up in winter, but in summer, bleurgh!

OP, go for it, good luck xx


Well-Known Member
5 May 2015
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Well done everyone! :D come on ladies we can do this! I have a picture of me riding my 13.2 gelding, who I havent ridden in months due to the weight just piling on over the last year. I miss riding him dearly so this picture of me riding him back when I was a healthy and happy size 10 is my motivation! Ill be putting it as my background on my phone so that its there in front of me whenever i feel tempted


Well-Known Member
28 June 2012
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Count me in, I need to loose weight at least 2 stone, I have already started swimming but I stupidly entered a half marathon for May as a goal to work towards, I only managed a slow 5k run in 2016 so need to do a lot of work!


Well-Known Member
11 May 2015
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I am in. I weigh around 13st right now and while my horse is fine for that its not fair on him. So going to get down to 12/11 ish if possible (probably not as I have a lot of muscle). Want to be more toned than anything else really as I wobble too much haha. Plus increase cardio so I can breathe when riding my horse.

Biglets Mummy

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15 October 2012
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Im in - Im 50 this year and I am NOT going into it fat and flabby. I hardly rode last year as I just look awful and feel awful. Got 2 stone to lose,Good Luck everyone !! WE CAN DO THIS !!!!


Well-Known Member
9 April 2014
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I'm 12% of my horses weight but I still need to lose a good 3 stone for myself! I've had a hard year and have put on loads, so will defo join in, however, I'm a weight watchers girl, through and through


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
down south by the sunny sea
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I'll join in! I don't know how much I weigh because scales are banned in my house - but I know I'm a vile disgusting blimp. Much too heavy for my poor forester anyway, so he's out of work and a grumpy bargy git! Would like to lose 2.5-3 stone. Just started juice plus on Saturday so fingers crossed :)


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
Between the Moors and the Dales
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Count me in! Am 15.5% with tack and would like to lose 2st to get to 12.5% with tack. I think I am too heavy for my pony, though, she struggles on longer rides when I ride her - we went barefoot and whilst she's great on soft surfaces, she struggles a bit with 45 minutes of rough roads with me on but flies along with my son who is only 9 st.

I have struggled like crazy this last year, putting 1.5st on despite being fairly active. Largely because I am sliding towards the change at an alarming rate. I am embarking upon a 3 month strategy of HIIT, running and generally not sitting at my desk for more than 90 minutes without moving. Am also going to try 'eating clean' with no added sugar and fewer carbs. The Lean in 15 man is going to be my guru for food.


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14 August 2016
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I'm in. I started in September and lost 3 and a bit st by Christmas. Haven't checked how much I put back on over the break though. Yet. Back on the wagon next week. Got another 3 st to go to get back to riding weight.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2013
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Hello everyone

First of all let me just say this thread is not about judgement or unkind words. Its about support and positive words.

Ive come to the decision that its time I lost some weight. Im currently weighing in at a heafty 12st 5lbs and a size 14/16. I am too heavy for my beautiful horses.

So I've made the decision I am off to a slimming world group on saturday am determined to get down to my goal of 10st.

I was just wondering if anyone else is in the same position as me. Im doing this for my horses sake. Would be lovely to have the support of people who understand.

Me too! I actually was doing really well and loosing weight (I planned to because I am too big for Red), when Dad died we literally had a month or so of either eating out or getting a takeaway EVERY day- and its piled back on and then some! With the weigh tape, I am hovering around the 20% with tack atm and feel horrid- I think one of the reasons I've not ridden in all the time off I've had over Xmas/NY is because I feel like I'm too much for him. Everyone tells me he carries me fine and that he's a tank anyway, but for me that's beside the point.

I would like to get down to just under 10 stone, plus I also told my Uncle I'd run a 10k this year with him :S


Well-Known Member
23 January 2015
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Me too. My mare is losing weight beautifully this winter and at last is forward going. I pledged to her today to take at least 2 stone off(5lb on over Christmas) as it seems only fair. Fit bit and Weight watchers. I am really feeling positive for this year, I have lots of goals and am going for it 100%


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I've managed to put a stone on in the last 6 months so I'm joining. I'm aiming to lose that stone and hopefully half a stone more. I've weighed myself this morning so that's my starting weight.


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9 March 2007
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i cannot rate the C25K highly enough.
it doesn`t matter if you have to walk some or repeat the weeks.30 mins 3 times a week.
the high from the exercise spurs you on to better eating.

i have only ever got to week 5 (out of 8) and not managed to run 5 k yet but lost nearly a stone and half , more importantly, it has stayed off.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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I'm always on a diet but never do it. I just have zero motivation. But I'm back to s/w tonight and I'm going to attempt to have a really good week. I've a really bad back this week :(
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16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Just to encourage everyone: you CAN do it!!

At the beginning of last year 2016 I weighed just over 11 stone. I am 5'3" and small built, and felt AWFUL, fat, bloated, unhealthy, and unhappy.

I didn't necessarily need to lose weight as my horse is sturdy, but just felt so awful that I knew I wanted to.

I started drinking water, and by that I mean a glass of water at regular intervals and certainly before EVERY meal, i.e. before breakfast - one glass; mid-morning the same; then before lunch; mid-afternoon; and before evening meal at say 6pm. Then NOTHING to eat till the next morning so as to give the body a 12-hr fast.

I also cut out completely, for the interim, alcohol, sweet snacks & chocolate, and savoury snacks like crisps. Total zero intake.

I also cut down on portion sizes i.e. if you have three potatoes then reduce by one; if two then just have one! and buy smaller new potatoes so that you can have a much smaller intake of potato. Ditto stuff like pasta & rice, just cutting down the portion sizes made all the difference.

Also you can compensate yourself by eating lots of stuff like vegetables and things that will fill you up without giving calorie intake! Some fruits are not so good however, they are high in sugars, so you need to watch this.

Now, a year on, I'm weighing in at nine-and-a-half stone, just under in fact, and I'm just so damned pleased with myself. Even over Christmas/New Year, I've not put on any weight - and that I think is due to the fact that I kept up the drinking-water regime throughout, plus didn't have huge portion sizes just a bit of everything as and when. I tried eating some chocolate, but found it too sweet and sickly! and couldn't enjoy the Sherry either as it just tasted incredibly sickly and way too sweet! So your palate will change!!

Since losing the weight, I've taken on a 12.2 Exmoor pony on loan and can see how my riding ability has been improved by losing the weight, I deffo feel less top-heavy and as I've lost weight from my bum and inner thighs area, can really notice the difference, especially on what is a very zippy little pony. I can do more on her, don't tire so easily, and feel more able to cope with her jumping around like a flea underneath me!

Go for it people! You WILL repeat WILL do it!

I did do the 5-2 diet a few years ago and lost the weight, this was when my mother (who I care for and cook for) was in hospital. Unfortunately when she came back home after three months I put all the weight on again, plus some, but it WAS a good reducing diet and would work for you if you don't have to cook for anyone else, or a situation where no-one else is cooking for you...... but really each person needs to find a way of weight-loss that works for them and their situation. I would say do your research, compare & contrast, and go for what you think suits you. Oh and don't forget that your doctor's surgery is a good place to start! i.e. a thorough health-check never comes amiss as there are conditions like diabetes (sorry, being obvious here) or medications that might make it harder for you to lose weight, so always worth a check. The doctor or nurse might also be able to point you towards a weight-loss clinic also, so mebbe worth asking???

Good luck everyone!! Looking forward to hearing everyone's success stories and what worked for them :)


Well-Known Member
5 June 2008
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I'm doing it I could do with losing 2 1/2 - 3 stone 😮 I lost almost a stone in November by 1500 calories and no alcohol but put half of it back on in December . I'm very active for 51 do 12 - 17000 steps daily but need to tone. I'm getting sore feet ankles knees etc so the weight has to come off. I have two 14 hh lightweight cobs that do nothing I either need to part with them ( heartbreaking for me) or lose weight and break them for work. So 2017 is the year I intend to finally overcome my life long weight problem. I'm sure being on here with people facing the same struggle will help me as I haven't got time to go to a slimming group.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2015
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Ok, so how shall we organise this? A weekly thread to check in / congratulate / commiserate / discuss weight loss problems?

Well I'm happy for this thread to be used how ever people want. Updates on progress, good or bad. Support and encouragement if people are feeling low, and any tips and tricks people want to share :)

Maesto's Girl

Well-Known Member
4 January 2016
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How is everyone going about it? I'm doing 1200 calories a day, 2 x 30 min runs, 2 x circuit training plus the usual yard chores and riding. Hope I can drop this weight I've put on!

Think a weekly check in would be good motivation...maybe on a Monday?


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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I am going about things in a different way - I want to be fitter and healthier so that means more exercise and eating less fat, sugar and processed foods.

I have decided to work with a personal trainer who is coming to me 3 times a week for 4 weeks initially and if it's working I will extend to a 12 week programme

It's my first session tomorrow! Eek!


Well-Known Member
25 January 2015
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I would like to loose 3.5 stone to get back down to 10st. I am struggling with all the bad times I have been having recently, and to get this weight off would be a massive help. Count me in.