Anyone else want to shed some lbs?


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28 July 2008
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How is everyone going about it? I'm doing 1200 calories a day, 2 x 30 min runs, 2 x circuit training plus the usual yard chores and riding. Hope I can drop this weight I've put on!

Think a weekly check in would be good motivation...maybe on a Monday?

I'm trying to keep it relaxed.. so as long as I have under 1500 a day I'm happy. I find rigidly doing the 1200 calorie a day thing usually ends in me relapsing with a few days of eating anything/everything in sight and feeling awful...

Being careful about carbs and having plenty of veggies and protein, making sure i do something a little active everyday, and do at least 3 days of exercise... if a journey is under a mile, walk! Or get off the bus a few stops earlier.

Agreed - weekly check in would be fab! I'm going snowboarding for a week on Sunday so I'm hoping in 2 weeks I'll be a little leaner!! I don't know if people want to do it with how good they've been or a weekly weigh in?


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3 July 2014
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I will also join :) I think I'm about 11 stone and have just about gone up a dress size, so I'm now a size 12. I know that 9 stone is very very hard for me to maintain, so if I can get down to 10/9.5 st I'll be happy :)

I've put a lot of weight on in my thighs/hips which I really don't like, I'm a 10/12 on top and a 12/14 on bottom and as a result lots of my dresses and nice clothes don't fit as well anymore or look as nice.

I have a very painful bad knee which will probably need to be rescanned soon, so can't do much running or really physical stuff (as well as weights) but have found already there's a difference as I am now riding most days and I'm not looking thinner, but am starting to look more muscular again :)


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16 December 2013
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I have a dilemma- quite a serious one in all honesty...

Christmas chocolate. Scoff it all to get it over with then start diet seriously, or keep and have it taunt me? (Nb typed whilst my chocolate Santa mocks me)


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8 April 2015
East Lancashire
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I'll commit too.. I'm about 11 and half at the moment which is about the cusp of acceptable, at 5'4 I feel flabby and am a size 12 which is big for me. I can't be anything less than about 10 and a half without starving myself, and I love food. So I'll aim for 10 and a half. I'm not blessed with a naturally slim build, I would describe my figure as hourglass meets carthorse, I've got legs like a rugby player, I've never been able to wear knee high boots of any description. My weight goes mainly on my hips, and at the moment I'm quite triangular in that section, I'd also like some weight off my chest and face.
I'll be watching my portions, running where possible, and not snacking. A big thing for me is making myself a lunch when I'm at work, otherwise I have to go out and get something and it's hard to buy anything that isn't crap.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I have a dilemma- quite a serious one in all honesty..

Christmas chocolate. Scoff it all to get it over with then start diet seriously, or keep and have it taunt me? (Nb typed whilst my chocolate Santa mocks me)

I've gone for the scoff it all approach. Just eaten the last of my Scottish shortbread and chocolates gone last night. 😂


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25 October 2010
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I think in order to get me going I will need to be publicly shamed by my weight. I know it is around 16.9st and it's horrific. I'm quite muscular anyway and people who are "bigger" than me weigh significantly less but if I could loose the fat.....

Esp my boobs. My boobs are humongous. I've no end of back pain and balance issues with them.


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22 January 2014
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Yep! I am usually between 9 stone and 9stone 7lb. Currently about 10 stone 5/6lb so I would like to lose about a stone which is what I've roughly put on in the last year.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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How is everyone going about it? I'm doing 1200 calories a day, 2 x 30 min runs, 2 x circuit training plus the usual yard chores and riding. Hope I can drop this weight I've put on!

Think a weekly check in would be good motivation...maybe on a Monday?

I'm going to make lots of soup and live off it lol!


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28 June 2012
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I'm a really annoying morning person so joined my local gym, started in ernest today by going for a half hour swim at 6.30am before doing the horses. I've decided to try not to get hung up on the exact weight I want to be but am determined to be fitter and healthier not only for my half marathon,eek, but also my 40th this year!


As excited as Kitty about to be a bridesmaid
9 March 2011
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*wobbles in flops down on sofa squishing dog* Me! About 2 stone needs to go (again!) Thinking of taking up running or similar as diet works to get weight off but then it doesn't stay off even with riding :mad3:


Well-Known Member
5 May 2015
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*wobbles in flops down on sofa squishing dog* Me! About 2 stone needs to go (again!) Thinking of taking up running or similar as diet works to get weight off but then it doesn't stay off even with riding :mad3:

This is my problem. I lost 2st last year through slimming world but in the last few months its crept back on.

But onwards and upwards. Start fresh from saturday.


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16 January 2006
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the boring trouble with diets is................although they work, reducing calories, fat, sugar, things start to shrink etc. Once you have shrunk and trust me i am someone who should shrink, you relax and the bad habits return.................and you start to go up to the weight you were beforehand.

the only boring way to prevent this is to change the bad habits for life, reduce the amount of sugar, fat, refined carbs etc and and keep moving more. i made a decision last year and for the last 9 months i have not had refined sugar or inverted corn syrup, except one slice of xmas cake this year, sugar was becoming a drug. That's no cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sweets, sugar added yogurts, baked beans, processed foods etc. i have dropped 2 dress sizes, joints move better and i find bananas too sweet now. but still eat curries, etc

The challenge i have added to my self this year is to reduce refined carbohydrates, increasing rye and spelt in the my diet, reheating pasta as this reduces the available carbohydrates, more pulses etc. not very drastic changes but i make sure i cook more and freeze more, so i know what is in it. My aim is to reduce the sugar rush and crash which was taking over my life due to long hours i work and ride.

But i am making sure it is interesting what i eat, spice and herb up everything, the aim to try and eat this way and kick the habit of the crash diet and the "i can't do this any more i must eat chocolate cake" ( a big weakness)

will this work, i hope so, will this work for everyone nope but everyone is different. This is not meant to be preaching just observations that hopefully will work for me.
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28 May 2015
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My ideal weight is 8 1/2 stone and I'm currently over a stone heavier than that. Doesn't seem like much to others but I am only 5'1 so it really shows. I would like to put on more muscle so not too bothered if I am over as long as its that and not fat. Particularly on my stomach.

I am aiming to get back into running this year, as has been the plan since October but I keep getting ill and not being able to go.

I will also be trying to cut out snacks as I am a chocoholic which will be difficult with uni exams approaching but I will give it a go


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
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I'd like to join in. I only have a few kgs to lose but I'd like to get control before the creeping weight gets out of hand. A year of injury and poor self discipline has lead to me going from very muscular to a bit squishy in the middle and mentally I'm struggling with it.

The things that have worked best for me in the past have been crossfit which got me really ripped, and pole dancing. My neck won't tolerate quite that intensity yet but I am taking aspects of them to train at home. I have built up a little home gym in the shed with a pole, pull up bar, hoop, Olympic Rings, Olympic barbell with 80kgs of plates, skipping rope, and kettlebells, so all I need is a group of people to hold me accountable and motivate me to get out there!

My plan is to focus on the things that give the biggest bang for my buck, i.e. Work the most muscle groups in one go but that i enjoy so pull ups, barbell thrusters, deadlifts etc for weights, running and skipping for pure cardio and then one pole training session a week. I find it hard to stay motivated on my own so I'm setting myself 20minute challenges, for example tomorrow, every minute on the minute I'll do 5 pull ups and 5 heavy deadlifts. Whatever is left in that minute once I've done those is my rest time. I'll do that for 20mins, so it's short but so tough I'll be wiped out at the end. If it's not tough enough I'll add more weight or reps the next time. I'll write these on a calendar so I can keep track of what muscle groups have worked and what need to rest.

I'm also starting Krav Maga in a few weeks which is an Israeli street fighting class. Can't wait!

Oh and a tip from me, I was always dead set against running with headphones in, but I started it this year and music really does help so much! When I've had enough I tell myself I won't turn round/start walking until the end of the track then I often add another track and another before I walk.

Good luck everyone!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I am also almost 50, and weight has piled on since I hurt my back in 2012.

I made a start in June, do not count calories, but try to just be more conscious of eating healthily. I have also made myself exercise, as my horse has been off sick. So, since June I have been either swimming, cycling, running or to the gym or Pilates at least 4 times a week, mostly more than that.

Until Xmas it was going swimmingly, had lost 1 1/2 stone of the 3 stone I wanted to lose (which would still be a stone heavier than I was at 42 - but I was a bit skinny back then).

Over Xmas I did still exercise, but sadly the Pringles, chocolate, mince pies, Prosecco, sloe gin, cheesecake, roasts, etc etc have put 4 lbs back on!

So, back to almost 2 stone to lose.

As I have managed to keep going with exercise I have entered a fun run/cycle/run in Hull next weekend, and a mini Triathlon at Castle Howard in July. I also hope to do some 5K Park Run events, but am only running up to 3K so far.

Of course, I am looking for a new horse right now, and if I find one the exercise routines may be cut back!

Crosshill Pacers

Well-Known Member
4 May 2012
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Count me in.

I weighed myself back in October and I was the heaviest I've ever been - bang on 15 stone. I'm 5'11 and a size 12 top, size 14 bottom (although my jeans were getting a bit tight).

I did the C9 cleanse for 9 days and lost 10lbs, since I came off that I've lost a further 4lbs so I'm now bang on 14 stone.

My goal weight is 12st 10lbs (or 81kg).

It dawned on me at 23:55 on NYE that I haven't ridden all year; work, racing and my mare being in the herd at the moment are all factors but quite frankly I'm too heavy now anyway.

I've been a member of my gym for over 12 months but again, work and racing prevented me from going during the summer and then I slipped into the usual feelings of lethargy etc. Determined to get back into it as soon as this cold does one! I've got an exercise bike in my living room though in front of the telly so I'm getting on that for a minimum of 30 minutes every evening which definitely helps.


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
I'm another with around 2 stone to lose :( All put on in the last 2 years, I need to get back to where I was in 2015. I had already made a start in Aug, then I injured my back and put it back on, probably more over Christmas I haven't checked yet.

I'm not anywhere near 20% for my cob, but I'm hoping to start doing a bit more than just the odd wander around we have been doing and I know both of us will need to get much fitter before we start getting out and about doing schooling / galloping again.

We've been doing a major house renovation project for the last 2 years, started off living in a tent for a few months and had no kitchen for just over a year. I got into some terrible habits with ready meals etc and haven't got back out of them.

My plan is to continue what I was doing in Aug, taking packed lunch rather than buying lunch (which usually includes chocolate), getting back to cooking now I have my lovely new kitchen, and making use of the exercise facilities right outside my work in my lunchtime since I'm not walking to the shops - there's a jogging track and outdoor gym.


Well-Known Member
30 December 2010
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I need to do this too. Have put on 2.5 stone since I bought Humfrey and feel so awful for him. I have wasted so much of my life not doing things because of my weight and it has got to stop. I'm still about 15% of his weight but that is without clothes or tack and he is a big boy and only 5. I don't feel comfortable to school him, he finds it hard enough, and he has already had hock issues due to his own obesity problem before I bought him. His weight is coming off nicely so I need to keep to my side of the bargain. He'll be 6 this year and we need to crack on and do some proper schooling and have some fun!


Well-Known Member
31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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I've just joined WW (online). Feel a bit tooooo squishy at the moment! I am fairly active and run a fair bit, but need to shed a few (many lol) pounds too.


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24 April 2013
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Yes please me too. I'm just checking in now as I'm away for a couple of weeks as far as my nearest SW is concerned but I WILL DO IT WHEN I COME BACK OH YES. I lost more than 2 stone with them omg was it 10 years ago yes it was. Ok guys see you in 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
19 August 2011
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Add me to the membership please. I did really well losing weight before we went on holibobs in November - just over half a stone, but I'd managed almost 1 stone over twelve months, sadly between the holiday and Christmas I'm back to square one again. I'd like to lose half a stone, but in my wildest dreams, one stone would be perfect - as well as get fitter and more supple whilst I still don't need to take joint supplements. I started tonight with a dancersize class - totally insane with an instructor exactly like the woman in the gym class on the Specsavers advert. She was so manic she made it fantastic fun. Next class is Friday, which gives just enough time for the muscles to unseize themselves before round two...


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28 May 2009
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I wont bore you with my own weight battle (but frankly you all look like a bunch of anorexic bitches to me ) Take a look at Dawn French and what she has achieved. Bloody marvelous. Not too thin ,just right . I watched her on tv the other night and at first thought "she reminds me of D F"Flabergasted when I realised it WAS her . YOU CAN DO IT TOO ,and I am trying to.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2015
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I've already posted in here but I thought id better actually make myself able to be shamed because lets face it, thats the only thing thats gonna make it work.

I'll be 21 in a little over a week. I am 5'11, and weigh 130kg. Thats 20st or there abouts. Its horrendous.

For me, I am focussing on less sugar, less carbs, smaller portion sizes and more movement and water. I'm also making sure that I actually eat proper breakfast, lunch and dinner. The breakfast and dinner things are major issues as I find if I dont eat brekkie then I binge later on, and as I work nights, if I dont eat dinner I eat s**t at work that night (oh dear friend chocolate, is that you...).

I have several weightless goals, the most pressing one is 10kgs gone before surgery which is soon (hopefully anyway, as a bum knee is no help to weightless), and then after that it's making sure I dont pile the weight back on and making sure I'm down to at least 115kg before my mare comes back into work (so that I'm just under 20%), and then working my way down slowly to under 90kg.

I laos want to be able to run 5km by the end of the year, and just in general be fitter. Nothing worse than having to stop mid jumping lesson for a breather when you're only jumping 65cm.

ETA: does anyone else use any apps to help them? I've found the MyFitnessPal is really good for monitoring calorie vs exercise, and you can also log water. I have a fitbit (Charge HR), and the fitbit app links up with the myFitnessPal app which is awesome.
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30 November 2005
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I'd encourage people to get the tape measure out - especially if you're upping the exercise as well. I'm not bothered what I weigh, I want to be back in my size 10s which haven't fitted since early December!

I'm doing dry January which will be a great kick start, cutting out sugar but keeping my good fats, low carb and plenty of protein. I measure waist, hips, bottom, busts and the tops of my arms. I do a lot of weight based exercise in the gym so weighing myself is not going to help me if I'm upping that.


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25 October 2010
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My Fitbit was stolen recently which I'm pretty bummed about. It really helped me make sure I did my steps. I'm going to try and get a second hand one if I can find a cheap one.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I am also doing this. On 17 painkillers a day for back problems, my joints are sore, I am out of breath, I can't tie up my laces, just feel like a bloated hippo! I lost nearly two stone last spring and felt so much better for it, healthier, less pain relief, not out of breath, could ride my horse for more than 20 minutes, etc, etc. My energy levels were awesome. But I was going out with a bloke who turned out to be a psycho, and the stress and problems he caused, made my weight plummet. Now I'm back with my partner of 16 years I have put the weight back on again, as you tend to do when you are in a happy contented relationship!

I am not doing slimming world but I am doing some serious cutting down on my food intake. I joned a gym in October last year but unfortunately can't find enough time to go, although I am going to make an effort as my membership expires at the end of the month.

Gallop Away and everyone else, I wish you all the very best x
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Crosshill Pacers

Well-Known Member
4 May 2012
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I'm in, I need to lose at least 2st to be comfortable. I'm also going to try gluten free as of tomorrow. My system feels a right mess which I put down to IBS but I'm not so sure it is. It'll be interesting to see if I start to feel better. I'm also going to get fitter.

I had to cut dairy out as part of a trial to see if I was lactose intolerant and lo and behold all my digestion problems cleared up - I'd been putting down the constant heartburn to stress but even when things were less stressful it wouldn't go away. The other digestion problems I'd associated with IBS (something my dad suffers from) but seemingly everything was related to the lactose intolerance. Since I've cut dairy out of my diet (and replaced with a variety of alternatives - still a trial and error exercise to see what I like!) I have felt a hundred times better. I've inadvertently cut bread out of my diet as well, for no reason other than I just don't seem to eat it anymore!

For me, I am focussing on less sugar, less carbs, smaller portion sizes and more movement and water. I'm also making sure that I actually eat proper breakfast, lunch and dinner. The breakfast and dinner things are major issues as I find if I dont eat brekkie then I binge later on, and as I work nights, if I dont eat dinner I eat s**t at work that night (oh dear friend chocolate, is that you...).

A colleague used to be a pro-athlete and when I first started trying to lose weight he advised that all I needed to do was 20-30 minutes a day of light exercise - light meaning that I could hold a conversation with someone or sing to music etc. throughout. All I did was balance my ipad on my exercise bike and watch half hour shows on Netflix whilst chatting away at the characters or having a conversation with my OH (who wasn't listening) and cycling at the same time. It definitely worked (I've been a bit lax on the exercise front these last few weeks but still managed to lose 1kg over Christmas somehow!).

As for the water - YES! I've got a 2L bottle which I fill up from the tap when I get into work; my goal is to drink it all by the time I finish (8-9 hours later). It's easier than you think when it's in front of you. On my days off I never drink as much water because I'm out and about but I keep meaning to take bottles in the car/to the stables etc. We don't have any fizzy drinks in the house so the temptation isn't there but I do tend to order a Coke if we go for a meal (which isn't very often).

I find that planning my week's meals in advance really helps. My breakfast and lunch are straight forward as I'm still using elements of the C9 cleanse programme (aloe vera gel, fruit and protein shake) but on a Sunday night OH and I decide what we're having for the meals in the evening - it helps me plan my food shop on a Monday after work and it means I don't suggest a takeaway or cook something less healthy at the last minute.