Anyone else want to shed some lbs?


Well-Known Member
14 August 2016
South. Very south.
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I've already posted in here but I thought id better actually make myself able to be shamed because lets face it, thats the only thing thats gonna make it work.

Oh sweetheart, no. Been there, done that! Shaming doesn't work. Not long term, anyway. It's not healthy. The most useful thing I have found is to have goals, which you've got. (I mean apart from general ones like looking and feeling better. Surgery and getting back on your mare are good things to focus on. I've had smaller milestones I've been focusing on and have hit, but my first major milestone to hit is a riding weight of 90kg.)

I'll be 21 in a little over a week. I am 5'11, and weigh 130kg. Thats 20st or there abouts. Its horrendous.

For me, I am focussing on less sugar, less carbs, smaller portion sizes and more movement and water. I'm also making sure that I actually eat proper breakfast, lunch and dinner. The breakfast and dinner things are major issues as I find if I dont eat brekkie then I binge later on, and as I work nights, if I dont eat dinner I eat s**t at work that night (oh dear friend chocolate, is that you...)

I'm 5'3 and started at 125.6kg in September, so you're not alone looking at a big weight loss or knowing how it feels. I'd lost 20kg by just before Christmas (I don't dare look at what I've put back on over Christmas until Monday!). No sugar or starchy carbs and small portions is a major thing I've done. 2L water per day minimum. Working on the yard mucking out and the rest has proven to be sufficient exercise. And NO alcohol. It's fatso kryptonite for me. I used to skip lunch - my dietician told me to start eating lunch again and it's been a good thing. A little planning so that all your meals are organised and you're not making it up as you go along goes a long way.

ETA: does anyone else use any apps to help them? I've found the MyFitnessPal is really good for monitoring calorie vs exercise, and you can also log water. I have a fitbit (Charge HR), and the fitbit app links up with the myFitnessPal app which is awesome.

I used to use MyFitnessPal but since using Fitbits (I'm using the Charge HR now, it's the 3rd different one I've had) I've just been using the Fitbit app. You can log water on that too, it works out calories vs exercise and all the rest. I've also got the Aria digital scale that wirelessly sends my weight to the app, so there's no fudging any figures. I love the app and how it works with the Fitbit and the Aria. You can drill deep into the info so I don't find I need anything else.
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23 September 2009
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I had my first session this morning with my Personal Trainer - stage = fitness test

I lost!! I've never been this unfit ever and I hate it so that's my motivation, to get fitter.

So three sessions a week for the next four weeks then if I feel I'm getting somewhere I'll sign up for another 8 week block.

I now have to complete a food diary taking me through to Monday and she'll help me organise my diet a little better


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I am in, joined SW on 1/11/16 and dumped 1 stone 3lbs by Christmas week. Put 4lbs back on over Christmas - s h one T ! but I suppose several bottles of prosecco, plenty of chocolate and god knows what else it was going to happen.

The SW books have lots of nice meals but do take time to prepare. I must stay focused. Good luck everyone. I have a target of showing my cob in the summer. It has been 12 years since I did my own competition riding and 12 years since the boots and jacket have seen the light of day.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2011
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Count me in!! I'm 5ft 11" so get away with my 15st 7lb reasonably well but I would like to be back down to around 12st (I look silly if I weigh much less than that due to my height!!).
I'm giving my mare another month off so I can lose a few lbs before getting back on. She is more than capable of carrying 15 st or so but only for short hacks and I'd like to do more this year with her.
I also have Fibromyalgia/depression/ME so medications don't help with my weight. I do have a high family history of diabetes too so it would most definitely be beneficial to lose weight and be more healthy :)


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11 September 2007
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Yep, count me in. I'm not particularly heavy, I'm a size 12 and teeter currently at the higher end of 9 stone, but only 5ft4, and quite small in frame so I know I should be nearer the lower end of 9 stone.
I only want to lose half a stone, but my medication has made it virtually impossible up to this point. I tried coming off the meds just before Christmas, a few pounds dropped instantly, but my pain levels were so severe that I couldn't get dressed or undressed properly because I couldn't actually lift my arms up at all so I'm now back on them.

I have Lupus, fibromyalgia and Ménière's disease, the latter I had got into remission with but have since relapsed just before Xmas. I put 1 and a half stone on since being put on drugs for it when I was diagnosed in 2012. They think I have actually started with it all in 1995, when I was 11, but I was diagnosed with ME instead. My main issue isn't food, it's milky coffees! I can't get enough of them!

Unfortunately I can't got to the gym as I'm in too much pain, so my exercise is the horses, riding and walking the dog. The pain clinic told me that I actually do far too much and need to cut down on exercise, but I dread to think how large I would get if I did!


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3 July 2014
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I now have a bad cold and what feels like tonsilitis - I can't swallow anything without being in a lot of pain! I've taken the anti-inflams I was given for glandular fever (they are still in date) and those haven't worked at all so I'm just going to have to stick to a liquid diet for a while.

Brother has also been throwing up day and night, so hopefully I don't catch that as well :(


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2 July 2009
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I'm just going for small hopefully sustainable changes. Done WW, Done SW, done gym and personal trainer but none of them are really sustainable for me. I began to loathe the gym after awhile as I'm not going at 5am or 8pm when there is less people there and obviously is manic at peak times. Also I just got really muscly arms and despite going 3 times a week and running in between (up to 10k) I didn't lose much weight at all although did feel fitter. Plus in the summer I'd rather be outside riding or walking on the beach. I'm just not motivated by "I've smashed it" kind of talk either. Plus it cost a fortune on top of keeping a horse. I liked running but I began to get sciatica.

SW works but some of the substitute foods are just ghastly like cheese scones made from Smash instead of flour and rice pudding made with cream soda. Their own brand sausages are also like dry leather and tasteless.

I'm not massively overweight so really only a stone or at absolute max 2 to lose.


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
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I'm in! I want to lose 4 stone. I was already too heavy when I had my fall, in which I came close to removing my arm. It's been a long road to recovery (still a long way to go) and the only thing that I found that I could still do well was eat! I have signed up to do the Wobbleberries challenge and this is part of my journey.

I feel horrible, fat and useless so I just know that this is the right thing to do.

Even as my recovery goes on, I am refusing to get back on any of my horses until I have lost two stone.

On Monday I will be going swimming. I am terrified of getting my flab out in public and offending anyone but a friend is coming with me to hold my hand and I know that it's the only way that I'm going to change things so have got to suck it up.

Then on Wednesday I'm joining Slimming World and we're having an induction at a gym on Thursday.

Just putting these plans into place has made me feel so much better. I know that it is going to be desperately hard but now that I can drive again I have no excuse to get out there.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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I'm in!

I'm 10st 5 currently (down from nearly 11st at the back end of last year.... I lost 1 stone before Christmas but have piled most of it back on).

My goal weight is 9 stone - or around this anyway, it's more about how I look/feel than a number on the scales. Best measure is progress photos, really.

My plan is to follow the principles of Joe Wicks' "Lean in 15" plan (but not follow it religiously, as I just don't have time). The general ethos is: eat high protein, high (good) fat foods, and only have carbs after a workout. That way I'm not ruling out carbs altogether, I just have to earn them. He has great recipes in his cookbooks, it's all my kind of food. Everything made fresh, plenty of veggies, filling and delicious.

For workouts - not going to follow his HIIT workouts just yet, as I'm waiting to see my physio. So for now, just Pilates and running (and riding, of course). Going to book to do a 10k cross country run in June so I have something to aim for. I really want to get involved in Canicross but am skint and don't want to splash out on equipment unless I know I will stick at it!

If my physio gives the go-ahead, I will start doing some HIIT workouts - maybe 3 times per week? Got to be realistic about what I can fit in around working 6 days/week and having dog and loan horse to see to!

Good luck everyone - we should give progress reports and encourage each other on :) post here for moral support if you're feeling tempted to pick up that chocolate haha!


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3 April 2008
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Absolutely! I was doing really well this summer but injured my ankle when laid me up for a few months as I could barely walk! Then winter darkness arrived and I never got back into it so have piled it back
on :(
I weigh 10 stone but my ideal natural weight (i.e. What I'm comfortable at and look normal at) is about 8 and a half stone. I'd be happy with 9 😳


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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Joined SW last night. All seems good and not too difficult to stick to. I did make a bit of a boo boo with the wrong yoghurt at breakfast using up too many syns, but should be good to finish around 10 syns today. Steak veg and sw chips for dinner tonight, which I'm looking forward to. Have got a banging headache though, which I always seem to get when I diet, probably not drinking enough?


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Joined SW last night. All seems good and not too difficult to stick to. I did make a bit of a boo boo with the wrong yoghurt at breakfast using up too many syns, but should be good to finish around 10 syns today. Steak veg and sw chips for dinner tonight, which I'm looking forward to. Have got a banging headache though, which I always seem to get when I diet, probably not drinking enough?
Cutting out sugar and carbs can give a headache and probably general thinking about it.

I do have to correct you though - slimming world is not a diet. My lady has drummed into us if you set out thinking it's a diet you've already failed. It's a new lifestyle.

Hat being said I've been going for years and never lost anything - but then I've always been thinking of it as a diet. My weight is very gradually creeping down now instead of up and I find I try to have more good days than bad.


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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I need to lose up to a stone! Though I've been thinking that for ages but not managing to... :-(
A friend of mine has been doing really well with Slimming World, good steady weight loss and keeping it off.


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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Joined SW last night. All seems good and not too difficult to stick to. I did make a bit of a boo boo with the wrong yoghurt at breakfast using up too many syns, but should be good to finish around 10 syns today. Steak veg and sw chips for dinner tonight, which I'm looking forward to. Have got a banging headache though, which I always seem to get when I diet, probably not drinking enough?

Yep, we take in a lot of water in our food, so you need to drink extra water when you eat less. I once did a sponsored fast and gave myself a dreadful headache because I didn't up the water intake!


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24 April 2013
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I lost weight 10 years ago with Slimming World. But I did adapt it a bit, and it still worked. Particularly, I didn't use any of the artificial sweetener or the yogurts and other processed food they suggest. The syn counting works if you just use normal home-cooked food. After a while you can see how much the weight looks like, which makes it easier.


Well-Known Member
1 October 2008
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I'm in.
Currently around 11 stone which is a stone more than my usual weight was. Would love to get under 10 stone
I will be doing LCHF. I have PCOS and I'm insulin resistant.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2012
Green and pleasant land
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I'm in too. I've piled on the pounds over the past 8 or 9 months since I started a job where I work really long hours and then don't have time to exercise properly and stress eat. I've put on 2 stone since this time last year and it needs to go, plus more. Ideally about 3.5 stone in total.

With the extra weight I'm up to about 17% - not good for my mare. Poor girl having to heft me about the place.

My yard owner and I are joining a SW group next week, but I've done it before and know the diet so I started it on Tuesday. Amazing how much better I feel in myself for eating well :)


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I'm going to Slimming World for the first time ever tonight. Have done Weight Watchers in the past but it doesn't seem to do the trick any more so hoping a different approach might work. Lost 1 1/2 stone last year by going low carb which was surprisingly easy but I had a 2 week break in September that led to a 4 month one (no point starting before Christmas was excuse) and it's all gone back on :(. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and am feeling it with pain in my knees and some more embarrassing issues that I won't go into detail about :redface: .

I need to lose 3 stone. 3 1/2 would be great, 4 would be amazing but probably really hard to maintain. Although I haven't gone up a dress size (I'm weird like that and can put on or lose weight without changing shape that much - I think as I put it on all over rather all in one place) all my clothes are really tight and uncomfortable and I REFUSE to buy a bigger size when I really shouldn't need it. I'm currently about 15 % of my boys' weight with tack but they're both old and one has arthritis in his elbow so I'd like to get down to 12% for him.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2008
I'll join in. I'm trying to get fitter and more toned after a few years of having a bit too much flab round my middle - I want clothes to fit better and possibly drop a dress size. I need to sort my diet out, I eat out a lot (both socially and through working away) and have way too much of a sweet tooth!

I've been doing HIIT training 2-3 times a week for 6 months now and (as someone who hated the gym) I'm actually quite enjoying it! At my classes, you can choose to focus on cardio or toning by doing a double lap of those exercises (so you do 3 laps in total), and they change the routines every 6 weeks so you don't get bored. If anyone's in the North East, look up Skinnypigs!

That said, I nearly chucked my guts up after this mornings session, had 2 weeks off over Xmas with being away or classes being limited and I'm really feeling it now, my legs are like jelly! :(

I'd encourage people to get the tape measure out - especially if you're upping the exercise as well. I'm not bothered what I weigh, I want to be back in my size 10s which haven't fitted since early December!

Agree with RTE - I've lost 3 pounds in the last 6 months doing HIIT but have lost over 7 inches off various parts of my body. Don't just look at the scales!


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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I love this thread! Find it so comforting to know that I'm not alone in my flab... Went to the gym this morning but haven't weighed myself yet!

Christmas Crumpet

Well-Known Member
30 August 2007
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Me!! I have gone from 8.5 stone - 9.6 stone in less than a year. I just wobble a bit everywhere and so am determined to get down to 9 stone. I am 5'4". I know giving up smoking is a main part of it but I'm happy I've done that and feel so much healthier.

I already do Pilates but am going to try Equi pilates instead and also do one swim session at the gym. Not to mention eating less rubbish. OH also keen to lose weight so we are in it together!!!


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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Better day today, don't feel half as rough as I did yesterday. Made a yummy SW chicken curry for dinner with rice and green beans. So far the OH has not complained about the food he is getting (which he always did when I tried WW). So far so good!!!


Well-Known Member
17 November 2016
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If you find something that works please let me know. When I passed my 40th birthday I was a size 8-10 weighed less than 9 stone and ad a 26 inch waist. Now thanks to the menopause I weigh over 11 stone, have a waist that is well over 30 inches, enormous boobs and am currently a size 14. I don't recognise myself any more and my face looks like i have been on steroids. I only eat 2 meals a day and am on very restrictive calories (healthy food though).'m not starving myself because I don't feel hungry. I also eat in a small window so just a handful of nuts for breakfast, porridge at around 1pm and my tea by 6pm. I I only have 2 units of alcohol a week, don't have a sweet tooth and have never eaten rubbish. I work out every day, use lots of weights and walk about at considerable speed. But the very best I can do is not gain any more weight. I have had endless blood tests which have revealed that I am now borderline for type 2 diabetes, have raised cholesterol and dodgy liver numbers. I can't cut anything out of my diet because I don't eat anything unhealthy. I have a gut like you've never seen which makes me very concerned about visceral fat. Short of radical liposuction I just don't know what to do. Answers on a postcard please!


New User
11 August 2016
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Awe I like this thread , 2015 was a terrible year here, bad lungs so steroids then depression , was completely swallowed by the black cloud!
All the doctors etc tell you to take some 'you' time, then I was working two jobs had three kids and a slick arse husband !
Anyway long story short , summer 16 I decided enough was enough . I quiet my second job and told my husband he could make up the money lost ( this sounds brutal but in what I earn a month he could earn in one shift if only he would do the overtime !) I said I needed some time and he would just have to suck it up. I was selfish ! But I needed it. I still work full time but I ride every other week. I love it ! I'm 31 and had never even been near a horse really until the day I walked into my riding school . I told them my weight (14.5 😞) and asked if they could help, they said yes!! I have had some great lessons on a beautiful beast of a horse, but I no my weight isn't fair on him. I lost half a stone before Christmas but I've put some back on 😢
I've joined slimming world too, I will make bobs work load lighter , I will get fitter and in turn be slimmer and healthier! Bring on the Diet Coke chicken tomorrow 👊🏻

Good luck to everyone on your journeys , if any one wants any help or a slimming buddy feel free to get in touch

Go us :)


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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If you find something that works please let me know. When I passed my 40th birthday I was a size 8-10 weighed less than 9 stone and ad a 26 inch waist. Now thanks to the menopause I weigh over 11 stone, have a waist that is well over 30 inches, enormous boobs and am currently a size 14. I don't recognise myself any more and my face looks like i have been on steroids. I only eat 2 meals a day and am on very restrictive calories (healthy food though).'m not starving myself because I don't feel hungry. I also eat in a small window so just a handful of nuts for breakfast, porridge at around 1pm and my tea by 6pm. I I only have 2 units of alcohol a week, don't have a sweet tooth and have never eaten rubbish. I work out every day, use lots of weights and walk about at considerable speed. But the very best I can do is not gain any more weight. I have had endless blood tests which have revealed that I am now borderline for type 2 diabetes, have raised cholesterol and dodgy liver numbers. I can't cut anything out of my diet because I don't eat anything unhealthy. I have a gut like you've never seen which makes me very concerned about visceral fat. Short of radical liposuction I just don't know what to do. Answers on a postcard please!

Have you had your thyroid levels checked?


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
Between the Moors and the Dales
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I only eat 2 meals a day and am on very restrictive calories (healthy food though).'m not starving myself because I don't feel hungry. ... I work out every day, use lots of weights and walk about at considerable speed.

Hi. Forgive me, but you sound more than a little cheesed off and extremely unhappy.

Menopause is a ******, isn't it? I feel your pain because I could almost say the same. Except I was 9st 7 lbs at 40 and now at nearly 46 I am 11st 10lbs and pony squishing. As I have a scientific brain I cannot comprehend the notion that not eating enough makes you fat. But read enough around the nonsense and in fact, there is a theory that your body will simply slow down its metabolism and you won't lose any weight. In fact, you'll stop metabolising fat and start using muscle for fuel instead. Even if you are working out with weights.

I like to think that if you also deplete your oestrogen levels, which are a significant part of the endocrine system, which regulates everything from metabolism to cell growth and function and tissue function, you are on a hiding to nothing if you don't eat enough. And enough of the right sort of fuel for your body to do the things it is doing. Even though the beggar is responsible for your metabolism slowing down in the first place.

I am no medic, although in the dim and distant past I did a degree that included immunology and cell biology so have a basic understanding of cell function, but I wouldn't mind betting that part of your health issues are as a result of the wrong sort of fuel and not enough of it for the amount of exercise you are doing. You say you are eating healthily but are you getting enough proteins and fats, and yes, even carbs? Are the medics aware of what you eat? Also, are you on HRT?

There are a gazillion body coach websites out there but, if you can afford it, I would thoroughly recommend you buy into - their 90 day SS plan. It sounds as though it could suit you - as it is high protein and focuses on weights work. The three friends I have who are, like you and me, victims of the menopause in all its sorry guises, who have done it look fantastic, think differently, and one has even fallen off her ADs. I would be at it like a shot if I had £147 spare. In fact, I am saving up for it. I'm just trying to follow the principles until I can.

If you go to: and set the filter at women 40+, scroll down and then 'load more images' you'll find a few stories of women in their menopause who have done this and transformed their lives.

I also have the name of a nutritionist that someone sent me after I poured my heart out on FB about being fatter than ever, working out hard and being energetic and getting absolutely nowhere. Please p.m. if you want it. I can't afford her, either.

Please believe in yourself, and be prepared to change your ways just a little bit. I think we're all here for you. And hope you feel better soon.


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2 November 2006
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I will. am planning to run 3 half marathons this year and lugging my currently fat arse around will make it 10x more difficult.... plus unless I scale down the whale sizing, I will have to buy new clothes, and I hate clothes shopping! I will be losing 1kg per week until ive shifted about 15kg.....


Well-Known Member
7 October 2012
Green and pleasant land
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Woo hoo. Had a sneaky weigh this morning and I've dropped a couple of pounds already.

If anyone is interested there is a whole forum dedicated to losing weight which I find really useful. Just Google minimins