Best falls- off horse


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9 February 2010
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Most ridiculous fall wasn't even a fall, obviously.

Horse with whom I did PSG (so clearly not a beginner here!). Horse tacked up. Put a foot on the stirrup, somehow lost balance and ended up on the floor even before I got on him! Later found out I have arthritis on both ankles so I now suspect it had something to do with that... but it was utterly ridiculous! Oh, and to top it all up, trainer and groom were there and laughed their asses off!

Gladly it has been my only fall in the last 5 years, even though I mostly ride wb youngsters... so not much to complain about!


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2 July 2012
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Jumping is NOT my forte - and at the time had a very tricky TB who I wouldn't take near a jump, so decided to borrow a friends fairly elderly but steady and reliable horse and have a jumping lesson....I ride into the jump (all 1ft 6 of it), and don't really commit enough to convince the oldie he should go over it. So he stopped - not really a dirty stop, just a 'no, I don't think so'. I however, was going, and I did - up his neck, off the side and landed STANDING ON THE JUMP POLE IN MIDAIR WITH ONE FOOT AND WITH THEOTHER FOOT STILL WRAPPED ROUND HIS NECK!!!!!!! If i tried to move at all the jump pole started to slip, so I had to wait for my instructor to stop killing herself laughing and come and physically lift me off the jump....luckily she was a bit bigger than me! The old horse, bless him, just stood there as if to say 'another fool...'........


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3 October 2012
West Midlands
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Best fall was off a little piebald Arab cross type. Cantering round the school, duck quacked in the bushes.

Bronc, buck, spin, I went over the top, horse jumped me. Sat up laughing because I was relieved to not have been hurt.

10 minutes later, put said horse back in stable. Went to get a drink, utterly confused when it ran down my chin and soaked me.

Turns out I'd bit through under my lip straight to the other side. Had to drink soup through a straw for a week.


15 October 2012
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I have fell of a Mini Shetland twice now. The first time I took him out for a walk in hand. He was having a munch of the grass and saw something better and shot between my legs and trotted off with me slowly falling forwards seeing his tail and ground getting closer and splat. The second time I had taken one pony out of the paddock and the mini wanted to come too. He had escaped twice as I tried to put the tapes up, and the third time he again shot between my legs and cantered of with me again facing backwards. I managed to put my feet on the floor this time and the pony dissapeared, and due to the speed I had been going I promptly fell flat on my back.
Will somebody please tell him that, I am much much too heavy for him, and he should not keep trying to get me to ride him. He will not believe me. Lol.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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Many many years ago when I was a teenager, we had a lovely steady ride and drive cob, for sis and I to share. A neighbour had a little welsh A who was too fat for a saddle that needed someone to ride him, he was only a youngster and though well handled had done nothing ridden wise. Of course we agreed to give it a go, it meantwe could ride out together :D Big sis rode our cob and I rode the welshie, all went well until we decided to teach him to canter. We had no school, so put him behind the cob on one of the bridleways and sis set the cob off in his sedate canter, cue over excited welshie putting in a massive buck and me sailing through the air, pony had to stop when the cob did as there was no room to pass :D I think of it now and wonder what the heck we were doing hacking an unbroken five year old, with no saddle, for an entire summer :eek: :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
29 July 2007
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this was one of my best!


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29 July 2007
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I have the whole sequence in video and photo! Yep was fine, was xc schooling a baby and she jumped the tyres but avoided a puddle on landing!


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11 June 2010
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Having a lovely gallop with a friend riding her TB. She was in front even though my little man was having fun trying to keep up. It was lashing with rain, we were whooping and making silly "isn't this a blast" type noises, when suddenly I realised I'd lost a stirrup - my wellied :)o) foot just lost its grip and slid out. Rather than drop the other one and hope for the best, or better still attempt to pull up, I numptily tried to regain it at full speed, thus putting myself off balance - and off the side door I flew!

I was laughing all the time, so my friend just thought it was a continuation of our constant banter, and only realised I wasn't on board when the galloping stretch ran out!

I haven't worn wellies on fast rides since!


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7 September 2008
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When I was younger I used to ride a pony bareback as I didn't have any tack for her. She could be a bit of a ****** at times and if she wanted to go somewhere she would! One day I was riding her in the top paddock and she decided that she wanted to go into the next field. The gateway was slip rails at the time but I had only closed the top one, not realising that she could fit under it. She took off with me, and headed straight for the gateway. She went under it at speed but obviously I couldn't, my leg was sort of trapped between her and the one closed slip rail as she disappeared from under me. I ended up in a heap on the floor and was badly bruised down the inside of both thighs! I was only about 10 at the time!

Another time, on the same pony, I was jumping bareback in the field when she once again decided to take off with me. We were heading towards the hedge so I tried to pull her up by turning her sharply, unfortunately it didn't work though and she slipped over landing on my ankle. Luckily it wasn't broken but I spent the rest of the day hobbling around with my foot squeezed into a jodhpur boot trying to convince my mum that I was fine to go and try another pony that we were thinking of getting on loan!

More recently I was galloping my TB up a very steep hill in a forest. Thankfully, due to the steepness of the hill we weren't travelling at full speed as half way up the hill he took a dislike to a branch/leaves (We were in a forest so you'd think he was used to them?!) and slammed on the breaks, gallop to stop in a split second! I was lucky to land on my feet but saw the funny side (as did the two children I was riding with :p ) so I hopped back on and raced them up the rest of he hill!

My most embarrassing was when I was exercising a really fun pony for someone. I'm 6'1, pony was 14.2hh. I would occasionally ride him bareback (re-living my youth :D ) and had been practicing vaulting on to him. That day I vaulted on first time, I was on for long enough to feel pleased with myself before promptly falling off the other side. The poor pony just stood looking very bemused at me :eek: :D


Well-Known Member
26 October 2010
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Best one was when my old loan mare was coming back from a hack, in front of a very elderly (and nervous) companion. I suggested a trot along the path but horse had other ideas and went off full pelt for home. Lady behind kept calling 'Please slow down, please slow down!' and I thought, 'It's ok, she'll stop in a minute!' (she was usually very good). Then we got to the end of the lane where it took a 90 degree right hand turn with a gate directly in front - I thought I would aim her at the gate and she'd stop. Well, instead she took the right hand turn at full speed and dumped me in a blackberry bush out the side door! I was knocked out for a few seconds and luckily lady behind's cob stopped to see what the heck I was doing!

I woke up and walked the cob home.

When we arrived back at the yard, YO said 'It's ok, horse is back in her stable. We wondered where you were!' Then I looked down and saw that I was covered in blackberry splodges - looked like I had been paint-balling!

(She got me off a couple of weeks later, breaking my leg!)


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12 March 2008
Who Knows Moved That Often
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Wow Mrs Hutt you were lucky that you came round :eek:

I once took a hack out and the yard owner told me the ride could walk trot and canter so we had a little canter down a lane, you know the way you turn around to check all is well so i did this just after we started and the two people had big grins on there faces so i kicked on it was not a long canter and we were at the top of the lane before you knew it. as i turned around all was not right one of the chaps had come off and was standing waving at me laughing :eek::eek:
I felt terrible but he was delighted that was his first canter :D:D they always say you never forget your first time lol :D:eek:


Well-Known Member
27 October 2010
central scotland
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I think my most amusing falls have all had an large audience, unfortunately they were back in the mists of time when hardly anyone had a video camera. I once had my cheekpiece snap as I went through the finish at a jumping class, pony stumbled,we were going fast, and I pitched over her shoulder into the ground. We still won :) . Came off the same pony at a different show when I forgot to turn and she had to choose between jumping the ring rope(and crowd) or dirty stop.She stopped and I rolled under the rope,we were eliminated for leaving the ring:eek: . The strangest was in a group lesson,I passed out and came to,sitting on the ground using her leg as the back of a chair!I asked what happened, I had kind of collapsed onto her neck,she slowed to a stop and I slithered off. I was lucky there, not a bruise on me and the passing out was just low blood sugar.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2008
Who Knows Moved That Often
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I think my most amusing falls have all had an large audience, unfortunately they were back in the mists of time when hardly anyone had a video camera. I once had my cheekpiece snap as I went through the finish at a jumping class, pony stumbled,we were going fast, and I pitched over her shoulder into the ground. We still won :) . Came off the same pony at a different show when I forgot to turn and she had to choose between jumping the ring rope(and crowd) or dirty stop.She stopped and I rolled under the rope,we were eliminated for leaving the ring:eek: . The strangest was in a group lesson,I passed out and came to,sitting on the ground using her leg as the back of a chair!I asked what happened, I had kind of collapsed onto her neck,she slowed to a stop and I slithered off. I was lucky there, not a bruise on me and the passing out was just low blood sugar.

WOW sounds like your pony looked after you when she needed to :):)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Hehe this thread is fab!
My most spectacular falls were all when I was still attempting to jump doodle.
The most embarrassing is the one at the water jump... I'd been popping a few of the small jumps at a local xc practise day, all had been going well Doodle was going great, when we came to the very small water jump. We canter through a few times, again no problem, I was beginning to think we'd got this cracked this jumping xc lark! When I decided to try the teeny tiny step into the water. Well Doodle was not keen, we danced and jiggled with no forward motion even has a little snort and suspicious peering of the bottomless well I was now asking her to throw herself in from great height (seriously it was about a foot drop). So as there was a crowd and a queue at this point I half turned round and said to my mum I'll try just cantering through again, Doodle decided at that precise moment that maybe it wasn't actually bottomless and launched off the step!
I had no chance of not getting wet, I came off the back still looking at my mum behind me but my foot got stuck in stirrup. Doodle just sort of looked at me in disgust that I'd fallen when she actually jumped and stayed on all her impressive sliding stops, and walked off dragging me through the water do I got extra wet all over. My mum was beyond useless and was crying with laughter, I did not find it that amusing, and to top it off we had hacked there so borrowed an empty trailer ( there was literally no where else to get changed) to get changed in with mum on guard duty. Half way through the lady came back who was clearly the owner of said trailer and opened the jockey door to the sight of my bare behind! I will be forever mortified by that day!!! My mum had wandered off to graze Doodle inhand...

The most spectacular apparently was again jumping Doodle xc. We were at the xc stage at a ODE and the third fence was a portable on a hill, I knew she wouldn't like it as the hill made it look bigger, but determined I kicked on. we got to the fence on a lovely stride Doodle went to take off, and then thought better of it with her front legs off the ground she whipped round in a sort of circus move. I went flying up and off with this new flick method of disposal she was trying out, did a lovey star jump impression apparently and landed with a thump on my back. My very supportive friends gave it a ten out of ten for creativeness but said my landing could have been better... I was fine though luckily.

There have been other falls including going through a hedge with the horse, then getting stuck and then the horse landing on me unable to get up. Or the time I got wizzed off in the paddock and neatly slotted through the post and rail, that did hurt! Or Topaz's second hunt where she buckaroo'd me off in the car park before we had started, the hunt still remember that a couple of years later, they said it must be a record to fall before actually starting!


Well-Known Member
12 June 2009
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Spectacular fall yesterday, I went up to ride some racehorses, something I've only done about 8 times. Slightly shocked to find I was down for 4! First 3 went fine, number 4 was warming up on the circular gallops at a lovely hack canter second in the string being held back off the first horse who tries to race with a shadow. My horse decided at the last second she would rather cut the corner, ducked into the bank and lost all her legs sideways. I flew forwards and headbutted the solid chalk bank with full force. Ouch ouch ouch! It took 40 minutes before my vision stopped spinning, this morning I can't move. Think I'm back down for 3 next weekend :)


Well-Known Member
29 June 2009
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Trying a 4yr old a couple weeks ago, I got on and did 1/4 of a lap round the arena, still sorting myself out in the saddle, tiny little drainage ditch that the horse had already gone over (in the opposite direction) and horse stopped dead, spun and dropped a shoulder, I flug off and landed in a puddle, got mild cocussion and mild whip lash, how I fell off I don't know!

Another one, riding my sisters horse, who was the safest sweetes little mare you could ever meet decided that while I was standing still adjusting my stirrups, to bronk across the arena (whilst I still had both hands on my stirrup leather) put her heaf between her knees and buck me off, my sister (who was riding my pony about ten feet away from me) saw me on the floor and asked why, when I explained, she didn't believe me what haf happened. It was so funny! Haha.

Same horse, my sister and I doubled up on her when my pony lost a shoe in a hack and got a little foot sore 10 miles from home with no parents yo pick us up. We got to the point where it's verges all the way back and decided I should ride my little pony, my sister got off and Missy put her head down to eat, I slid down her neck and landed on all fours! We couldn't stop laughing about it the rest of the way home!


Well-Known Member
24 June 2012
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Love these, especially Susie Stokes's one!

I was in a jump-off once indoors and what I didn't realise was that the roof leaked and there was a wet bit... horse slipped as we went round a corner, his nose hit the floor at the same time I did. He recovered and carried straight on over the next fence, then I saw him suddenly click and look round as if to say "why are you still back there?" The look on his face was priceless...!


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11 July 2010
Hawkesbury/Blue Mountains NSW Australia
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Was riding a horse for someone that was cold backed. Needed to be walked around till he relaxed before you got on.

Boy from college was talking to me and I thought I would wait till he was gone because did not want to get thrown off in front of him. 45 mins later I was running really late, boy left, I jumped on and 2 seconds later was flat on my back on the ground. Yep, forgot about walking him around. Just lay there a bit thinking I can't believe I just did that. :)

Then hopped on and went for my ride. All good.


Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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Not a fall but a good 'stay on'... Had about 6 weeks with no saddle last summer so was riding bareback and getting increasingly confident. We went for a canter in the field and my pony put in a little 'woo-goo' buck. I automatically gripped to stay on but was wearing spurs and gave poor pony a jab. Pony responded with another buck. I very quickly learned NOT to turn my toes out!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2008
Who Knows Moved That Often
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Not a fall but a good 'stay on'... Had about 6 weeks with no saddle last summer so was riding bareback and getting increasingly confident. We went for a canter in the field and my pony put in a little 'woo-goo' buck. I automatically gripped to stay on but was wearing spurs and gave poor pony a jab. Pony responded with another buck. I very quickly learned NOT to turn my toes out!

OMG !!!! not sure what else i can say :eek::eek:


Well-Known Member
27 October 2010
central scotland
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WOW sounds like your pony looked after you when she needed to :):)
Not so much really, she would buck me off all the time at home! It was the rare occasion that i fell off,rather than being dumped. When I did she would look at me with pure contempt,like I had let the side down by not staying where she wanted me :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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Where do I start?

riding ex racehorse in an indoor school, when a horse behind me took off, felt my lad coil up, knew he was going to either buck or go, as we were going into the corner he launched one of his famous catapults, I went head first into the wall....but rolled up it, but my legs made a fantastic noise, only time I ever saw that teacher leg it accross the scool! I was fine though. Same horse decked me so often, he had to come home with me!! Another of his favorites was as he went to take off jumping, you would get the arch, hocks under to push off, then he would slam fronts down and go 90degrees from where he was....
Taking another to a show, jumping her, she slammed the brakes on at a small wall, threw me forwards, over her neck, taking her bridle with me. watched as she legged it....grrrrr
Mounting another, as my leg is in mid air (in front of friends) she takes a step towards me, I go straight over the top, and off the other side with my left leg still in stirrup...
Riding my boy, who was having a spooky day, he spooks, drops shoulder, I hit deck. he watches me, waiting to see that I am ok. I get my breath, reach for his reins. he keeps them out of range. I get up, he backs off, sees I'm fine, starts trotting off. I now fret, cause I am on land there are escapes to main roads, so am on phone to friend who lives there, to keep an eye out. I follow his hoof prints, he does the EXACT route we were going to take at gallop (we were going on steady plan) I get to the gate, and he looks at me as if to say what took you so long. good as gold about being caught. Didnt know weather to laugh or cry.
Backing my friends pony, he wouldnt canter round the ends of the school. So one determined day, we were going to do it. We did. he just took off coming out, at gallop accross the school. I'm trying to turn him left, take in how fast the turn coming, and we not going to make it, and dont think I am going to get my balance to not take saddle out with me. I bail summersault into the fence, smashing a new rail. Blood everywhere, totally winded. Pony comes back over eventually to check I am ok. I get on. go through a few things with blood pouring down me. Cant see wound, just feel it on back of head. Go to hospital. get glued together.
Another near miss, riding mac, all 18hh of him, he starts broncing on the spot, i hook on a tree, which saves me. he stops puzzled, i unhook from tree and carry on.....
and my favorite of a year or so ago, riding down a track with my girlie. duck under a branch, but a low hanging vine caught my shoulder. Now shes brill but just a little slow on reactions, with huge striides to boot. Halt. nothing, getting pulled backwards. halt (heading to home probably didnt help here) another stride. almost out saddle. so went for my emergency one rein stop, of course on the rein the shoulder caught. Not my brightest move. she stops, turns her head, her whole body bends away from me, finishing the deal, and putting me past the point of no return. But what made it for me was her expression....."WHAT?!!!!" I slithered unhurt to the floor, laughed so much at that one, and had to walk an age as couldnt get back on for laughing.