Cheeky/ridiculous posts you see on Facebook.


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21 June 2011
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Ha ha. That's the stupid girl who said she was very experienced but couldn't get her cob to move. I dared to suggest that perhaps she wasn't so experiencedafter all and her fellow friends were very angry. She put an advert up this week. She wants spurs as cheap as possible. But you have to deliver them to her!

Yes she wants everything for "cheap as possible and has to be delivered to her!"

I actually got really angry with her as she had agreed to buy some jump wings from a chap who hand makes them, he told me he had agreed he would deliver them even though it was out of his way but when he turned up she didn't have the agreed money and offered him a "bag of pick and mix" to make up the extra cost - she was dead serious too. After that incident she put a post on the group basically complaining that jump wings were so expensive and people were trying to rip her off etc.

I just find her incredibly rude and blind to the fact that lots of very experienced people are offering her help and advice and she just throws it back in their faces. She is also very delusional as to how much experience/knowledge she has.

Sorry if it sounds like I am having a bit of a personal attack on her but I have had the pleasure of meeting her in real life and believe me, her posts are nothing when you hear what she harps on about in person!


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29 September 2013
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Two today:

Wanted - someone to come and school our young pony and teach her to jump. No financial contribution required.

Wanted - can I borrow someone's horse to have a lesson with my instructor?

Someone replied to the second one advising her to go to a riding school.
28 February 2011
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One has just cropped up on mine and I feel really sorry for he poor little blighter! Pic is of a clipped out, just bathed Shetland pony and they owner is asking if people have any rugs that they can send her for free as she doesn't have any. I know it is in theory coming into summer now and a Shetland wouldn't need rugs but I am sitting here having been snowed on today and can't help but feel for the pony!


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21 June 2011
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There was one a couple of weeks ago during easter Half Term. A young girl put a post on asking for someone with 2 horses she could borrow for the day so her and her friend could go for a hack.
Someone suggested booking a riding school hack and she said 'yeh but we don't want to pay, just want to have a day out hacking'


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18 January 2006
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Ah the delightful MM is back. Horse won't move, can't even get it into trot. So far suggestions to help have been a plastic bag on a stick & Parelli.
Obviously my suggestion of a vet & a good instructor were 'a bit rude'....well actually I was a bit rude but its getting beyond a joke now!


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31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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My favourite recent post on my local page was a young girl, aged about 13 or so, looking a tenner an hour to school horses. The attached pictures did not fill me with confidence.. I wish I earned a tenner an hour in my real job ffs!


Well-Known Member
21 June 2011
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Ah the delightful MM is back. Horse won't move, can't even get it into trot. So far suggestions to help have been a plastic bag on a stick & Parelli.
Obviously my suggestion of a vet & a good instructor were 'a bit rude'....well actually I was a bit rude but its getting beyond a joke now!

Haha just read through that - a good giggle to start the day! I did wonder if a certain person on there was on here also so I think I may have sussed who you are!
I actually laughed out loud when you (?) said you're clearly experienced when you can't tell diaganols and can't get a horse to move forward and she replied with "even highly accomplished riders can't always tell their diaganols"

I don't understand the people sticking up for her, she's been given loads of suggestions there but doesn't seem to want to try any of them. Oh apart from she's going to give her some turmeric even though she says she doesn't know what the horse is being fed....


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24 December 2011
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Been a lot of these on my local page recently but I'm having a mind blank at the moment.

Although there is one teenage girl that drives me insane. She is always banging on about how she is a VERY experienced and good rider but put a post up asking for advice as she couldn't tell if she was on the right diagonal when trotting. LOADS of people gave her advice and she shot down every single comment. If someone said to look at the horses shoulder she would just say she couldn't see the movement. If people told her to feel the movement she would say she couldn't feel it. If anybody dared to suggest she might consider getting an instructor out she would take it as a personal insult as she "already knows how to ride and doesn't need lessons!"

Tbh, I don't know why she asks for advice in the first place!

Ah you must be in the same region as I am....I believe this person (initials MM?) has featured on this thread several times :D
I suspect she's very young....either way she's a bit if a PITA with her ridiculous posts!

Yes she wants everything for "cheap as possible and has to be delivered to her!"

I actually got really angry with her as she had agreed to buy some jump wings from a chap who hand makes them, he told me he had agreed he would deliver them even though it was out of his way but when he turned up she didn't have the agreed money and offered him a "bag of pick and mix" to make up the extra cost - she was dead serious too. After that incident she put a post on the group basically complaining that jump wings were so expensive and people were trying to rip her off etc.

I just find her incredibly rude and blind to the fact that lots of very experienced people are offering her help and advice and she just throws it back in their faces. She is also very delusional as to how much experience/knowledge she has.

Sorry if it sounds like I am having a bit of a personal attack on her but I have had the pleasure of meeting her in real life and believe me, her posts are nothing when you hear what she harps on about in person!

Well she obviously got the spurs. Has just put a post up on all things Norfolk. 160 comments later and she still can't get it into her head that she hasn't got a clue what she's doing. Oooh, I see. I remember that post about jump wings.


Well-Known Member
30 December 2011
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Well she obviously got the spurs. Has just put a post up on all things Norfolk. 160 comments later and she still can't get it into her head that she hasn't got a clue what she's doing. Oooh, I see. I remember that post about jump wings.

I've just gone onto that group, and found who you are all talking about straight away!

Horse refusing to move, complete change in attitude and energy levels (having previously bolted with her and ditched her) but can't afford lessons, won't get a vet, insists there's nothing physically wrong. It's alright though...she's putting her on turmeric. Phew!


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27 August 2014
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I've just gone onto that group, and found who you are all talking about straight away!

Horse refusing to move, complete change in attitude and energy levels (having previously bolted with her and ditched her) but can't afford lessons, won't get a vet, insists there's nothing physically wrong. It's alright though...she's putting her on turmeric. Phew!

I just found her too! It would be hilarious if a poor horse (with something very wrong) wasn't the subject of the conversation!


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15 April 2015
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A saw a post with a 'fund me' link. Poster wanted people to contribute money to pay off her last months livery as she had defaulted on paying it and didn't want to have to sell her horse, think I might try that!!

christ, we should all try that one :S


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8 June 2008
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Preloved - looking for a loan. Must be practically a saint (ie hack jump etc)

Willing to pay up to £20 per week must be able to move yards.

Who wants to move from the yard they chose so someone can full loan their saint for £20 a week when that wouldn't even cover the rent in new yard so presumably owner is paying for the lot???



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23 September 2008
Over the wild blue yonder
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How about posts for loaning young horses, riders must be experienced to help further horses education and they expect payment! So hang on I spend time improving your horse (which you normally have to pay for) and I get to pay you for the privilege? What happens when you sell? Or what happens if you get it going nicely and then suddenly they want it back?


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21 April 2010
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Tonight seems to be a special night for some reason!

"looking for a stranger to go out of their way, spend many hours of their own time, using their own car and trailer - take me and my horse to a class, but I will pay for petrol!" ( ok ok, not in so many words ;) )

Then on an advert - a flash strap not even a millimetre above the nostrils, done up tight of course.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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My favourite one I saw recently was someone complaining they'd been looking for a horse to loan for the summer "for ages" and weren't having any luck ... cue lots of people pointing out that most people want to enjoy their horses in the summer, not give them to someone else until the weather turns to cr*p again!


Well-Known Member
27 June 2013
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My favourite one I saw recently was someone complaining they'd been looking for a horse to loan for the summer "for ages" and weren't having any luck ... cue lots of people pointing out that most people want to enjoy their horses in the summer, not give them to someone else until the weather turns to cr*p again!

I saw that one, and she replied with a typical teenager response showing why people don't want to loan to her (regardless of the summer).
28 February 2011
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The ones that really annoy me are the people asking for ridden shetlands, including tack and transport for free or under £100 for their dear little daughters 5th birthday. Must be 4-10yo and be of show quality too.


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12 March 2010
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I saw that one, and she replied with a typical teenager response showing why people don't want to loan to her (regardless of the summer).

Was it the one who said something along the lines of being happy to do the summer and "the run in to winter"? What a cracker!

(says the person whose horses are stabled at night 12 months of the year ... hello, 5.30 starts all year round!)


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11 October 2006
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This one from preloved made me chuckle

'I have horses that I could do with some help with,,,exercising mainly but there will be mucking out in winter ,,,poo picking needs doing now.... My horse I am needing a rider for is a 16.2 t/b ....she has had a little time out but now she is ready to hack out with my others,,,I am asking for monies it's going to be £25 it will be for a hack which could take one hour or 4 hours I do have a ménage so u can ride ******* in there first ,,,,she will need a positive children,,,the help will be from Friday through to Saturday and yes it's £25 per day ,,,.

So basically get my horse going for me, poo pick and muck out plus pay me £25 for perhaps an hours hack you have no choice in.
I didn't bother replying to that one ;)


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7 June 2007
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Same horse I've posted about before on here is still being advertised for sale on a Facebook page.
It's a 4 year old pony who can never be ridden due to shockingly bad confo and has been advertised since last year as the person who has it now can't keep it. They keep "bumping" the post up to the top of the page but no interest. Plenty of people have suggested that they give pony to rescue centre but owner never seems interested. I've suggested that they give pony to private rescue person who keeps a herd of about 40 ponies on their land but no response from owner.

They seem to want a good home but everytime someone suggests a good option for pony it's ignored - just gets frustrating when people are trying to help but always shot down!


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16 July 2011
North East, UK
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I saw one sometime last week, a breeder looking for someone to work/school their 4yo pony over 145cm courses, ready for 4yo classes. While nothing cheeky or ridiculous about this request, I just feel sorry for the pony!
28 February 2011
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There is one that keeps getting bumped up into my newsfeed every few days of someone who wants a sharer for £25 a week to work with their very bolshy, obnoxious mare who is opinionated under saddle and thus hasn't been ridden for 6 months or so. You would also need to muck out and do other yard chores until the end of September when the share would stop.

Yup! Someone is really going to pay YOU £25 to sort out your horse that is clearly taking the mick out of you!


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5 May 2012
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Was it the one who said something along the lines of being happy to do the summer and "the run in to winter"? What a cracker!

(says the person whose horses are stabled at night 12 months of the year ... hello, 5.30 starts all year round!)

I think it is the same one I am thinking off and she must have found something as has since been posting looking for transport to hers. Needed asap obviously!


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24 September 2008
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FOR SALE: Super safe horse, you could put your dead grandmother on him he's that safe she'd come back to life, so nice he donates all his money to homeless orphans, you couldn't ask for a more confidence giving safe horse.
*click through to owners facebook page*
OMG!!! Look at my helmet from where horse reared up on the road and fell on top of me because he saw a leaf.
I really miss my old horse as this horse keeps trying to kill me.
It's ok, once we got to hospital they managed to reattach the limbs that fell off.

And owner wonders why no one wants to buy the horse!

And so on and so forth...