Cheeky/ridiculous posts you see on Facebook.


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11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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Great one today ........

5yr old green cob for loan...! 5* home only , no novice riders, must have experience with bring in young horses. NO novices........


Look after and bring on my horse until I can take him back as a finished item....bloody cheek.


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24 September 2008
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"Strong cob for sale, 3 years old, 15hh will make 16hh, good with pets and children... £10,000"
"Is that a typo?"
*huge facebook debate*
"Strong cob for sale, 3 years old, 15hh will make 16hh, good with pets and children... £2,750"


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Did I mention this one yet? Young girl I know offering her backing/schooling on services. A friend of a friend showed a bit of interest, so I had to message her saying the kid is 14, has taught every loan horse she's had to rear and had another loan horse taken off her recently for over jumping it and posting pictures of a normally very well behaved cob rearing all over her FB page!


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11 February 2013
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I see the kids offering backing and breaking services all the time, one last week was looking for a solo use yard to start her business @ about 15, not sure she can even legally enter into a tenancy arrangement at that age. Saw a 12 yr old advertising for a full loan with a list as long as your arm of requirements, surely a parent should be finding a suitable steed for a child- I'm getting good at sitting on my hands ��
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Paint Me Proud

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13 October 2010
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this one came up on my local preloved

Broken in horse, first time buying.. Stourbridge area??
Me and my sister are looking for a horse buy.
The horse must be rideable and we'll behaved as we would like to take it on hacks :)
Any offers welcome..


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4 October 2012
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probably been posted before but this is really annoying me at the minute... *advert for superstar horse/pony with price tag to match*you can nearly guarantee somewhere in the comments will be....

"full loan?"

no.... believe it or not, people advertising horses for sale do not want to hand over their fantastic equines for "free"which is essentially what these people are asking for


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2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Not a cheeky post of fb as I don't have it (I do stalk horsey sites through OH fb though!), but a damn cheeky call a while back from some cowbag who got my number some how. She wants to come hacking with me... Sounds fine I often meet up with other riders from hacking groups or who are new to area.... Oh but she wants to ride MY youngster as she has seen pictures of him and thinks he is pretty and she could handle him no problems ( er from a picture?) Oh and I wouldn't have to walk as I could ride her over weight badly behaved pony that really needs schooling and she has been told I like a challenge!! Is this a silly teen being dumb? Nope twenty something year old who has not ridden her own pony for a year or so after he bolted and chucked her off! Was pretty furious that I don't even know how she got my number but even more so when i politely replied saying no, I don't allow anyone to ride my horses except my kids and my sharer and I no longer offer teaching or schooling services as I have enough to do with schooling my own lot these days but I can recommend some good instructors locally ... Go on peeps guess her reply to that ..... "Oh but I don't want to pay for lessons I want to ride someone else's horse instead!"

What flipping hole do these people crawl out of?

It's as cheeky as the woman who turned up with a list of shows I could take my husbands horse to for her kid to ride (did a friend a favour, two mins sit on a horse, came booted and suited!) and pay all costs as she's doing us a favour! Told her to jog on, got slated on FB for ruining her kids dreams. Hah! Or the bloke whose name I never knew who called me and wanted me to take his kids pony to a show (I wasn't going) in my brand new £3,500 trailer, leave them there for the day and pick them up later! OH told him to jog on....we were accused of being stuck up arses. Yeah right, we worked our fingers to the bone to get that trailer.



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5 July 2007
Beautiful Hampshire
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I am frustrated by facebook at the moment. I have a job lot of tack and equipment for sale with a cheap price for the lot. It is quite simple people either want it or they do not. It is on a local page advertised for collection. So far all I have had is requests to post it, people wanting to buy just one item, and those who want to know what brand the saddle is. Do they really think that if I had a top branded saddle I would be selling the whole lot for the price it is?! So many chancers out there.

You want to join our HHO 2nd hand tack and sale page on fb then! All HHOers! :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I went to look at a coloured cobby type for a friend last year. Young woman selling it, freely admitted she buys a few to sell each year. Advert said all the right things, suitable for novice etc,

I arrived and asked to see it ridden, green as grass under tack and drifting towards the school gate at every opportunity. I asked to see it leave the yard fully expecting it to throw a hissy. It did and on it's hind legs. I was very pleasant to her, said not for me and advised her to be very careful when advertising aimed at novices.

I had found the horse on facebook and watched her pages for a day or two after viewing the horse. She put a comment on which said 'had someone come to try xxxxxx, really peed off because the stupid old xxxxx knew what she was looking at.

Charming !!


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11 May 2014
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People who 'rescue' horses then post asking for rugs/ tack etc making out like they're some kind of martyr :rolleyes3: ermm if you can't afford to look after the horse you've just acquired then why have you got it!

Yes! I'm glad I'm not the only person that gets annoyed by these people! There's one person I keep seeing who keeps trying to rescue horses purely so she can get a free horse and she puts up the same blooming message. "Surely one of my horsey friends can accommodate one little extra horse on their land/stables for free?"
Umm no actually we can't.


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27 June 2013
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Cracker tonight

Looking for a pony my daughter can learn to ride on 2/3 days a week. Will do yard duties and maybe small financial contribution. Want to see if she likes it before getting her own.

Errrr.....that's what riding schools are for surely?!


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12 March 2010
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Cracker tonight

Looking for a pony my daughter can learn to ride on 2/3 days a week. Will do yard duties and maybe small financial contribution. Want to see if she likes it before getting her own.

Errrr.....that's what riding schools are for surely?!

I saw that one and thought the same thing! We're obviously in the same groups :D
28 February 2011
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Advertise half a dozen over priced ponies for sale from your council estate garden, charge people a deposit before they even go and see a pony, swear all over your business page and then slag off the people that asked about a pony but didn't come and see it let alone buy it - all on the business page!

Well done you!


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1 August 2006
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Cracker tonight

Looking for a pony my daughter can learn to ride on 2/3 days a week. Will do yard duties and maybe small financial contribution. Want to see if she likes it before getting her own.

Errrr.....that's what riding schools are for surely?!

That's not all that cheeky. I have sharers on kids ponies, which are very suitable for a capable mum to take out for little hacks to teach a novice child. The mum is offering chores / contribution.
What else do you do with a 20+ 12hh pony, who's a saint and still sound?


Well-Known Member
23 December 2012
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Did I mention this one yet? Young girl I know offering her backing/schooling on services. A friend of a friend showed a bit of interest, so I had to message her saying the kid is 14, has taught every loan horse she's had to rear and had another loan horse taken off her recently for over jumping it and posting pictures of a normally very well behaved cob rearing all over her FB page!

Don't suppose you're on GHR?

Got a child / teenager like this also.. She doesn't look the most experienced as her photos are jumping a supposedly newly broken pony bareback in a headcollar.


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3 November 2004
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this one popped up in one group today
looking for a first horse
nothing to young or old
something thats been there and done it
bombroof !
budget of £900 to come with tack TIA

Sorry but why do people think they can pay peanuts and get a very desirable little horse


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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I've seen a LOT of 15/16 year olds offering breaking and schooling services ...

Funnily enough when I was 13-15 I made quite a bit of pocket money breaking in and bringing in ponies for a professional, 20 years later I gasp at the risks I used to take but we loved it


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22 December 2010
South West
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Ha, I thought of this thread when I went on Facebook for the first time in years. I am searching for a decent secondhand saddle and some fellow liveries suggested local groups to look at. I was amazed.

One person wanted somebody to shoe her new rescue horse for free, she has left loads of messages on various farriers phones and none have got back to her ...

A leather girth was advertised with the measurements and somebody enquired if it would fit their 14.2 cob. The vendor patiently explained that yes it would, if that was the size girth it normally took, only to be rewarded with the reply of "Thank you very much for that, I will look elsewhere then if that's your attitude".


Well-Known Member
5 May 2012
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Sorry to drag this thread up again but just seen something that made my skin crawl!

Girl who runs one of these make up selling pages on Facebook I stupidly joined put photos up of her horse rearing on the lunge, gushing about how she was so happy she had trained him to do it. She is standing there in a field a tracksuit and trainers, no hat or gloves. Loads of folk are telling her how great he looks and how fab she is for teaching him to rear. Apparently she is teaching him how to do it under saddle next for a photoshoot. Head met desk repeatedly!!


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11 May 2015
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I cannot abide the people selling their ancient horses/dogs/pets in general! It really upsets me that somebody could extract all the useful life out of an animal then flog it. It is simply awful.

That annoys me too. I don't care if my horse goes lame tomorrow for life at the age of 6 I will put him in my parents garden and he can be spoilt rotten for the rest of his life as long as he isn't in pain. Would never sell him for any reason.

On a side note these messages are hilarious. Makes me think I should get facebook.