Cheeky/ridiculous posts you see on Facebook.


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24 April 2009
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Oh and on FB this girl keeps pestering me who goes to the RS two villages away from where I keep my horses. I had just bought another horse at the time so she says
"Hi, I see you have got a new horse. Can I hack him out or have your other one to ride?"

But it didn't stop there! she carried on :/
"Can I take one of your horses to pony camp this weekend?"
"I am a very good rider, Can I hack your horse out tomorrow"
"Can I have your horse on full loan?"
"My friend wants to go cross country, can I take your horse and go with her?"

These are just some off the top of my head,
(and just to add, she really can't ride very well and certainly not on a horse that isn't a dead to the leg RS plod! my horses are safe, but she'd get killed on them as she wouldn't know how what to do)

I have been very polite to her... she's younger than me but not by much! So I am careful with what I say, however if she asks again she may notice that my answers are getting less tolerant. Luckily she seems to have shut up now

Can't condemn this, sorry, you have obviously never been pony-mad but pony-less - lucky you. Can't blame her for trying, you know what they say, if you really want something you have to be proactive, not wait for something to fall into your lap. And by the way, you ought to wear a hairnet out hunting.
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17 January 2014
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One that sticks in my mind was a post from someone who wanted advice on which gadget to use to 'bring her horses head in' (sorry, actually that should have read as follows: cn sum1 recomend sumat 2 bring mi ponys head in). When suggested that maybe decent lessons would help rather than just using gadgets, it was met with a barrage of abuse saying she 'don't need lessons cos i no wot im doin i am expiriance n ad ponys all mi lyf so shut up u h8ter'.

Omg! Can you send her a friend request for me? I sooooo want lessons from her.....


Well-Known Member
23 December 2012
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Another thing that annoys me is 'does anybody have X for sale?' (insert rug weight and size/saddle make/accessory)... I always want to reply 'Yes! The local tack shop!'

Can i ask why? Where do you expect us to put things when we no longer need them, in the dump? Some times we can't always afford a certain thing but it is the right for our horse.. why not buy it 2nd hand?
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8 August 2012
Border of Cheshire/Wirral/ N Wales
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Can't condemn this, sorry, you have obviously never been pony-mad but pony-less - lucky you. Can't blame her for trying, you know what they say, if you really want something you have to be proactive, not wait for something to fall into your lap. And by the way, you ought to wear a hairnet out hunting.
Yes but that's not other people's problem
Can i ask why? Where do you expect us to put things when we no longer need them, in the dump? Some times we can't always afford a certain thing but it is the right for our horse.. why not buy it 2nd hand?



Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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I have no problem with the requests for tack etc. As a keen ebayer I do it myself! My personal grind the teeth moment are when someone has put a well worded ad for a decent competition horse and the first comment is nearly always "would you consider full loan?" Appreciate that god loves a trier but really!


Well-Known Member
4 October 2012
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Can't condemn this, sorry, you have obviously never been pony-mad but pony-less - lucky you. Can't blame her for trying, you know what they say, if you really want something you have to be proactive, not wait for something to fall into your lap. And by the way, you ought to wear a hairnet out hunting.

Actually I have, I only had my first pony when I was 13 and I saved up very hard for that pony and worked very hard to keep her. The girl in question is very well known for her cheeky comments and is the sort that regularly posts on horses for sale asking if she can have them for free. Not sure what kind of person you think I am but nothing has every fell in to my lap and nothing has come easy in the slightest! I actually regularly let others ride my horses (under supervision) that are not lucky enough to have them, however I keep that limited to friends who talk to me other than to ask if they can have my horse. Sorry to have offended you but as you may notice, I said i was very polite in my replies and not sure what else I am supposed to do when my horses are far from riding school plods, didn't want to be responsible for killing someone really...

Yes I do know that, I was wearing one (as was my sister) until it fell out- didn't really have time to dismount and adjust our hair, but I'll bear that in mind! :rolleyes:


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22 October 2008
Near Bristol
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Can i ask why? Where do you expect us to put things when we no longer need them, in the dump? Some times we can't always afford a certain thing but it is the right for our horse.. why not buy it 2nd hand?

Sorry I should have explained myself better.

What annoys me is people asking if anybody has something for sale instead of taking the time to look through the adverts. Not sure why, but it just winds me up! I have nothing against buying and selling second hand (I do that myself).


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28 September 2009
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I largely avoid facebook, but this thread has made me smile, can't believe the front of people.


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22 May 2010
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I can understand people wanting second hand rugs and saddles etc as they aren't cheap but what gets me is the " lead rope wanted but must be cheap" or "cheap haynet wanted". Those items are cheap enough new so are they that skint and if so how do they afford the upkeep of their horse.

I must amit I have in the past put a ad out for a cheap project to work on and had so many replies it was stupid, ended up with a 7 yr old stunning warmblood mare which had a really good history after speaking to her first owners so something went wrong, paid £200 and took her home both the vets and farrier was shocked at what I paid and she's fine it was the new owners |o| she's working her way up in eventing slowly and wins most events but jumps anything at any hight, real amazing horse


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11 April 2011
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Roughly translated:
'Does anyone know who owns the pony/ponies near the QE (no idea what that is) in Fav (Faversham maybe?). Please can they be instructed to message me immediately. Please spread this message to your friends'. :p

I bloody hate chav speak.

Had more stupid adverts today. Woman that inspired this thread has been mouthing off on her post about how she can't believe no one has taken her offer up and it's 'soooooo tipical of horsey ppl these days!!!!!111!!'. One more post and I'm going to comment on how ridiculous she's being.

Yep that would be Faversham still not sure what the QE is? Might have to have a drive around and find it!


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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Miss C.......why should it be cheap. Things cost what they cost. We are discussing the ridiculous posts on FB not people wanting to do things on a budget. So some kid wanting transport to some far flung show....must be cheap! I want a 14.2hh, school master, 10 years old, good to do, must be bomb proof, must come with everything, must be suitable for a child, must be a winner ......must be cheap! Why must it be cheap? Because some one is being cheeky and wants something for nothing that's why.


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20 January 2011
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ive seen 2 different BHS instructors teaching a horse aged 18-24 months of age including canter riding lessons with the owner.
Said owner now joined riding club and will they be brining the horse aged 2.5? Will the club permit them to ride?


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24 September 2008
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This one young girl who is known and has been chucked off a couple yards, is not very experienced, obsessed with Justin Bieber (She at one point had her job as "Justin Bieber's Bed - classy right?!?) is constantly looking for horses to "join her team" constantly makes up stores about her mare and about how she "rescued" her from an awful state. And recently bought a 5 year old warmblood mare bred for show jumping 1.10 tracks.. wonder how quickly it is 'till she sells this one or gets thrown from it..

I have a feeling I know exactly who this is!


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26 June 2013
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ive seen 2 different BHS instructors teaching a horse aged 18-24 months of age including canter riding lessons with the owner.
Said owner now joined riding club and will they be brining the horse aged 2.5? Will the club permit them to ride?

That's so sad :(. Poor thing will be crippled by the time it's 6.

If it's an official RC they won't be allowed to join until the 1st Jan in the year which the horse turns 4, so 2016. Same for PC, BD, and BS. I think in BE you're not allowed to compete over a certain height until the horse is 5...? Might be wrong.

Nightmare before Christmas

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10 June 2009
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I keep seeing someone (well two sisters) advertising on the BSJA page for horses to compete or schooling livery from £20pw. Riders have jumped to fox (they havnt and are about 12). This annoys me as its hard to make a living doing this job without 12 year old kids advertising at an impossible price.


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24 September 2008
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Ohh, most likely. :D

Oh, she's off to the stallion show as she's going to breed an eventer, I assume this is from the thoroughbred she rescued from gypsies? The one that kicks trailers to bits but she'd like people to give her a lift please..?


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28 July 2010
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Now maybe this is just me who can't quite believe the stupidity in this one, but someone has posted saying they are looking for a riding hat and has anyone got one they can have. Why don't people just go and buy a new one rather than risk their heads (or even worse that of their children if that's who they are getting it for) getting a second hand one from a stranger?


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8 August 2012
Border of Cheshire/Wirral/ N Wales
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Now maybe this is just me who can't quite believe the stupidity in this one, but someone has posted saying they are looking for a riding hat and has anyone got one they can have. Why don't people just go and buy a new one rather than risk their heads (or even worse that of their children if that's who they are getting it for) getting a second hand one from a stranger?

I have just seen that I was so tempted to reply!


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12 December 2014
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One I saw last night: want to breed from my mare because I think she'll have a good foal. Can you suggest a stallion. Don't care what I get as long as it's nice.

Um.... right because that's totally the reason to breed. when asked what she wanted to achieve with the foal etc she said she didn't know. 2 people advised her to wait until she knew what she wanted to breed, or to buy a foal in.(mare wasn't the best). 20 odd people offered their stallions or their friends stallions and got shirty with the people who had advised her not to


Well-Known Member
23 December 2012
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Oh, she's off to the stallion show as she's going to breed an eventer, I assume this is from the thoroughbred she rescued from gypsies? The one that kicks trailers to bits but she'd like people to give her a lift please..?

Yes, that's the one! I actually thought it'd be for her new warmblood 5 year old if she's going to breed, I do hope she isn't! Don't think the mare was actually from gypsies, she does like to make up a whole load of *****! pm me. :)


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5 November 2012
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The ones along the lines of 'I'm 14 can trot, and want to go to shows but am bored of lessons so can someone teach me on their horse please? Oh and I've got no money and you will have to pick me up. Ones get me a bit. If you can't be bothered to learn in a RS horse why should anyone let you loose with their animals?! Also personal safety!


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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I keep seeing someone (well two sisters) advertising on the BSJA page for horses to compete or schooling livery from £20pw. Riders have jumped to fox (they havnt and are about 12). This annoys me as its hard to make a living doing this job without 12 year old kids advertising at an impossible price.

I've seen that one. Their ponies seem in good nick so not all bad but I cant see how they are insured as they claim to be - I cant think of a company that would insure a 13 year old to run a business looking after, schooling and competing other people's ponies


Well-Known Member
6 September 2008
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I keep seeing someone (well two sisters) advertising on the BSJA page for horses to compete or schooling livery from £20pw. Riders have jumped to fox (they havnt and are about 12). This annoys me as its hard to make a living doing this job without 12 year old kids advertising at an impossible price.

Oh dear, just looked this one up, spelling is appalling for starters. Never heard of Electronic water troth's, I think they mean automatic water troughs but who knows. Competition photos are for about 2ft3 and home is only 3ft (polyblocks) Makes you wonder why there parents would let them put an advert up without checking it first.