Comberton Clancy - is it true? :-(


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Tickles. Let's be quite clear. Your post has caused a huge amount of unnecessary torment to the owners and grooms of Clancy. Your speculative and offensive thoughts should have been kept to yourself.

May I say that my sister (who has two hearing aids and avoids using the phone for anything considered important) did NOT speak to the H&H reporter about Clancy and therefore could NOT say that she declined to comment.

This is a very distressing time for her and your ridiculous comments have made things so much worse. I don't know the reasons you have for your vitriolic attack - I have no idea who you are and neither does my sister. Our yard has work experience students, liveries, vets, competition winners and any number of visitors coming in on a daily basis - often without warning. If we did ANY of the things about which you have speculated, I am sure it would have been noted long before.

The fact that our horses are happy, fit, and after their showing careers go on to have long second careers in whatever sphere is deemed most appropriate should be given far more weight than your ill considered (and entirely without foundation) comments.

FMM to be fair to Tickles, your sister placed the horse firmly and squarely into the public domain of her own free will and presumably enjoyed that massively while it was a positive experience.

I am sorry that she lost the horse and sorry that speculation as to the cause of his death is hurting her. But the way for her to stop it is to accept that she made the horse 'public property' of her own volition and tell people what the cause of the recurrent lameness for which he was pts was.

PS The reporter had little need to actually speak to your sister to write 'she declined to elaborate on his problems' since it is perfectly clear from this thread, also in the public domain, that the statement is 100% correct.
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Well-Known Member
13 August 2008
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FMM to be fair to Tickles, your sister placed the horse firmly and squarely into the public domain of her own free will and presumably enjoyed that massively while it was a positive experience.

I am sorry that she lost the horse and sorry that speculation as to the cause of his death is hurting her. But the way for her to stop it is to accept that she made the horse 'public property' of her own volition and tell people what the cause of the recurrent lameness for which he was pts was.

PS The reporter had little need to actually speak to your sister to write 'she declined to elaborate on his problems' since it is perfectly clear from this thread, also in the public domain, that the statement is 100% correct.

Good grief, you really are the depths! The horse was NOT "public property", he was privately owned by two very lovely people, who competed him in events that a small percentage of equestrians enthusiasts take an active interest in. This doesn't give anyone the right to demand an explanation as to why he was PTS.

Really, the Vulture Squadron on this forum should take up knitting, or some other interest, instead of badgering people who are incredibly distressed at the loss of a much loved horse.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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This doesn't give anyone the right to demand an explanation as to why he was PTS.

Really, the Vulture Squadron on this forum should take up knitting, or some other interest, instead of badgering people who are incredibly distressed at the loss of a much loved horse.

No, but I do think it gives them the right to speculate about the horse's death just as they showed interest in his life.

The owner has no duty to answer to that speculation.

But if it is hurting her, then she either has to ignore it or answer the question, whichever she thinks will cause her least pain.

No one is badgering anyone on this thread. There is no obligation on anyone to open it and read it.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2007
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Please can we bring this thread to an end.
Not only did Clancy suffer but now the Vulture Squadron are hanging the owners grooms and all connected to Clancy out to dry.
The VS probably have never lost a horse in tragic circumstances but like to speculate the reasons which is none of their affair.
I really can understand the grief and despair that all those connected with the beautiful horse are going through. I lost my show horse Diamond White in 2007 to a twisted gut and still today memories bring tears to my eyes.

So please please stop and let the connections grieve in peace.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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No it isnt :confused:
My much loved horse died in 2009. When did I feel like discussing his death with nosy norahs, vultures, sticky beaks and the 'just plain curious'?
Not at any point so far... probably never.
My business is my business, not everyone wants to share the details with all and sundry. If you and your neighbour are happy discussing your business that's fine, but there's nothing strange about those who don't want to :rolleyes:
I don't get this attitude of entitlement people seem to have. None of us reading this forum are entitled to demand answers from the owners of the horse, and if that makes you jump to worst case scenario conclusions about an animals death, well that says more about you in my opinion.
Absolutely agree with this, I do wonder where the notion of privacy has gone! Some people are so convinced that their life has no validaty unless it is lived through social media, that they presume that everyone else is as shallow as them.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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I am absolutely shocked at the attitude of some of the posters on this post. It is absolutely no-ones business why a privately owned horse had to be PTS. Anyone who has lost an animal - be it fish, hamster, dog, cat or horse needs any one to question their decision - they are heart broken enough without that.

By all accounts this was a very much loved horse and the "outrage" on this thread by certain individuals should be directed at animals that have never know any kindness.

Love and best wishes to the owners and carers of "Clancy" my thoughts are with you. xx


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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What a fuss. People and animals that are loved all the time, in the last couple of years my mother died and I have had to have two horses PTs. Did I talk about it yes, was I upset yes, did I think peoples questions intrusive ,no as its human nature and with magazines and social media everyone thinks they know you. I had a man break into my house with an axe and what I was most surprised about was so few asked about, I live in a village and everyone knows of you but it never made the local papers.
I am really sorry that their really lovely horse has died but today perhaps a lot of lovely horses have died, suddenly or not and some people will post on tributes on social media and that's their way of coping with the grief and loss Clancy's owners way is to keep it to themselves and that's their prerogative buts its just human nature to ask why and not a witch hunt.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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And that's very human. That's how we learn, yes its sometimes uncomfortable when they are talking about you, and I have had that. I would rather have someone say something to my face but that's because I am ' wonderfully northern'.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
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FMM please pass my condolences on to your sister and Clancy's connections.

I am very sorry you and you family have been subjected to the kind of insensitive comments on this thread.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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I am really sorry that their really lovely horse has died but today perhaps a lot of lovely horses have died, suddenly or not and some people will post on tributes on social media and that's their way of coping with the grief and loss Clancy's owners way is to keep it to themselves and that's their prerogative buts its just human nature to ask why and not a witch hunt.

This is completely a witch hunt, and as far as I can see totally unfounded. The accusations of insurance fraud are so totally shocking it is unbelievable. People claiming that the horse is "Public Domain" when it is so obviously a privately owned horse, leaves me gobsmacked. No-one on this forum has any rights to question anything that happened to Clancy unless he was badly treated - which is obviously not the case


Well-Known Member
9 November 2007
I am totally shocked by the way 'grown' 'adults' have acted.
It is no one business but the owners why he was pts.
I'm 100% sure that it was a hard decision for them and not an easy one to make.
In the terms of injury-two weeks is a long time for things to happen.
Been there, done that with a pony who was shown at the Royal Welsh (does that make him public property)
Its not an obligation to make a comment for magazine.
They have lost a horse. I've PM'ed FMM in the past and commented on posts. I have never had the pleasure to meet yet but FMM has always been polite, open, willing to help and willing to 'share' her beautiful animals with the likes of you and me.
Why kick someone when they are already down?


Well-Known Member
8 June 2005
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*Wanders in after substantial break* I see this place is still full of insensitive ****wits then!! *Wanders back out*


Well-Known Member
7 June 2008
Lancaster, Lancashire
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Wow. I thought HHO was going down the toilet but this thread takes it to a new low. The heat must have sent the keyboard warriors especially vile and thoughtless this evening.
FMM, condolences to all connected with this wonderful animal. Please don't let this disgraceful thread upset your sister any more. Perhaps ask admin to remove it. It must be bad enough to come to terms with without having this nasty insensitive speculation to deal with on top of it.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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Today on our local face book horse page it has been reported that a horse has been killed unfortunately not outright by car, in the few hours that this has become known the speculation and accusations have been rife. This is a very small public incident but I bet the owners of the animal will be very upset about the animals death and the speculation about it.
As I have said before we live in an age when we think we know people by social media and where as once gossip and innuendo would have been exchanged on the doorstep and would have circulated with streets it is now communicated over the internet, its the same gossip it just spreads further. I don't think people have changed that much its just the methods of communication that have changed. Lets face there is big money in gossip, magazines , whole programmes on tv which are mainly based on speculation, somebody watches them and buys them so there is a huge appetite for it.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2009
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No it isnt :confused:
My much loved horse died in 2009. When did I feel like discussing his death with nosy norahs, vultures, sticky beaks and the 'just plain curious'?
Not at any point so far... probably never.
My business is my business, not everyone wants to share the details with all and sundry. If you and your neighbour are happy discussing your business that's fine, but there's nothing strange about those who don't want to :rolleyes:
I don't get this attitude of entitlement people seem to have. None of us reading this forum are entitled to demand answers from the owners of the horse, and if that makes you jump to worst case scenario conclusions about an animals death, well that says more about you in my opinion.

Well said!!!!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
FMM to be fair to Tickles, your sister placed the horse firmly and squarely into the public domain of her own free will and presumably enjoyed that massively while it was a positive experience.

I am sorry that she lost the horse and sorry that speculation as to the cause of his death is hurting her. But the way for her to stop it is to accept that she made the horse 'public property' of her own volition and tell people what the cause of the recurrent lameness for which he was pts was.

PS The reporter had little need to actually speak to your sister to write 'she declined to elaborate on his problems' since it is perfectly clear from this thread, also in the public domain, that the statement is 100% correct.

Orrr, everyone could just mind their own business??


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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I have admired Clancy for many years when he was coming through the in hand ranks and was absolutely delighted to see him make a successful transition to ridden. He was a truly stunning animal and gave me a standard to aim for when producing my own horses (not that we will ever get there but good to have someone/body to look up to )

I too have lost my mare this week - she was put to sleep by my own choice as I felt her problems were too great to overcome. I have been forced to justify my choices to various people ( I would chose the word friend but some have proved this week that they definitely aren't ) - I know my mare better than anyone as Clancy's owners/riders/handlers know him better than anyone from the outside. I doubt that this has been a lightly made choice and they should be left to discuss what they want to be in the public eye and left to remember what a truly stunning animal who I am sure has brought them many hours of pleasure.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2007
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Having only just seen this I would like to echo those who have passed their condolences onto the owners of Clancy. He was simply stunning and must have left a huge hole in their lives.
As for some of the more unsavoury comments on here sometimes I really do wonder whether some people leave their sensitivity at the door when they enter this forum.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I am very sad to hear about CC, he was a gorgeous horse.

I haven't read all the comments on here but I do think there is no reason why people shouldn't ask what was wrong with him, nosey or curious it is a human trait. I wouldn't say asking 'why' was offensive. He was in the public eye and therefore the public are interested in him.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I have read all the comments and really don't see anything that offensive? I agree with cptrayes in all of hers tbh. I see people speculating about why and a lot of people getting very hysterical and overexcited about those specualtions!

If the owners decline to say why then people will assume the worse, and in showing the worse is usually laminitis. That may be completely wrong and off base but...I think therefore I am.

I have no intention of being offensive either, but why don't they just say!


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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If people follow a horse whether its showing, eventing racing etc, and the horse suddenly dies/PTS , people are going to ask why.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2010
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And people are entitled to ask why. However they are not entitled to an answer as those affected are entitled to privacy.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
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If people follow a horse whether its showing, eventing racing etc, and the horse suddenly dies/PTS , people are going to ask why.

And let them ask, but then after asking, also accept the answer. The owners choose not to say, its their choice, but for people to then speculate and rumour monger in an attempt to force people to give information to "shut them up" thats really as low and hurtful to the owners and grooms


Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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Very sorry to hear of the loss of Clancy, what an upsetting time for everybody close to him and his owner.

I'm also very sorry to see the distasteful speculation but unfortunately it isn't the first time it has happened on here and sadly it probably won't be the last :(


Well-Known Member
8 June 2010
A very superior place.
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I wasn't going to contribute to this thread, I think the owners are probably upset enough without having to read unpleasant speculation, but.
Last night I picked up a copy of H&H's review of the year 2012, a paragraph under his photo said he had lameness issues before last year's Royal international and HOYS. So not so sudden after all.