Well-Known Member
The horses are being given sharp yanks on the lead rope to make them react. They are also threatened with whips and respond excessively compared to what most horses would do which indicated they have been prepared by ACTUAL hitting with the whips. I could waft a whip in front of any of the horses noses at my yard and they would hardly blink. These horses on the clip have obviously been abused with whips.The video is so blurry I can neither see whips clearly (odd shots where you can see them waving about) nor determine exactly how they're being used. The "yanking" is something I commonly see in in hand classes and on yards where people have issues bringing in from the field so don't actually find it that shocking. Or rather, no more so than I find it elsewhere. I don't actually agree that they have necessarily been abused with whips - they have been conditioned to respond in that manner (the same as yours are conditioned not to react). I could poke mine in the face with a schooling whip while I am riding and get no reaction, or poke him with a crop while standing in front of him while he's loose in the field with no response - he's conditioned not to respond to those cues. If I stood in front of him with a schooling whip, he would behave differently - backing up sharply if I pointed it at him and rearing up if I raise it. He's never been hit, but he IS trained to react in that manner (and I bet I get a slating for that, but he's my horse, my business!).
eta - Faracat, that does put the tugging in a different light - but is it any worse than a NH halter? I have one (left on my yard when I started renting it) which has a similar action. I've seen horses on yards yanked about in those too.
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