Dunne v Frost


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18 June 2013
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My (male) friends who worked in the UK racing game 30 and 40 years ago are appalled that this behaviour is still being tolerated and are speaking out on social media.

If those still working in the industry are not it can only mean that:

a) they aren't bothered by it.


b) they feel threatened.

Either way it's extremely concerning.


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18 November 2010
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Not sure, however its largely irrelevant. From numerous sources the type of threat offered by Dunne to Frost is common place within the weighing room and whilst this should not be acceptable and changes should be made, if this is the case it would be unfair to punish a single individual.
If Frosts allegations of persistent harassment by Dunne are true then obviously that is different.
The BHA need to put their house in order.

If they had all groped a female jockey would it be ok because all of them had done it and its accepted behaviour?


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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You are not going to believe it .........some idiot has only gone and set up a Go Fund Me page for the barsteward.

That's actually really demeaning to Dunne.

Yay! :D

I guess Frost won't need a Go Fund Me page given that she's a successful jockey who hasn't just been banned for 18 months.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I cannot believe that you don't know ........

Why would anyone who doesn't follow racing know the names of any jockeys but the ones who make headline news outside the racing reports? I don't expect anyone to be able to name the riders outside of the disciplines they themselves follow.

I tell you what though, I'll never forget Dunne or Frost, for very different reasons from each other.

Well done Bryony, brave woman, you risked your career and have done racing a very big favour.

Keep Trying

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3 May 2010
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The PJA must take a breath and accept that there are flaws in their world. Just because they feel their ways are normal does not mean that they are normal in modern life.

Reportedly, Robbie Dunne was arrogant in the hearing. Where was the PJA then and what advice did they give him? Did he not know that that kind of behaviour would only serve to reinforce the allegations against him - what kind of fool would do that or take advice advocating that approach?

The PJA must take and accept advice on how to proceed as they seem to be lurching from one embarrassment to another. The statement given in the press issued on behalf of an undisclosed number of anonymous female riders speaks volumes on its own. Surely they can see that this stance only serves to validate a reluctance to stand up? If their environment was that welcoming and supportive they should be more than comfortable identifying themselves.

neddy man

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23 June 2013
south yorkshire
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Eeek just looked at the fund raising page its aim target was £1000, there are 37 donations raising £ 980 , a number of them are female, personally I think it's a wrong thing to do and he wont be seeing any of my money, and well done Bryony. (wiki.ng says Dunne fortune is approx £1M)
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29 January 2008
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Maybe Dunne is not the only jockey who has behaved inappropriately, if this sort of behaviour is endemic in racing maybe people supported him as they fear if Frost won then it might cause a "me too" situation where others both male and female who have been bullied or intimidated will come forward and others will be in the dock trying to defend their behaviour.

a good outcome but i am very disillusioned about the jockeys who stood up for dunne... i would like to know exactly how they justified his behaviour. i heard that richard johnson was one of them and i always respected him as a jockey but feel very differently now.... the other female jockeys who say they have had no problem are not winning races consistantly so were not given the sort of unwelcome attention that frost had....i hope she can continue to be successful and she has plenty of support as that must have been very difficult for her to go ahead and report him even though her dad said not to..
28 February 2011
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Where are the *nod nod, wink wink, we're the ones who really know our stuff about the inside machinations of the racing world, just you wait til you hear the truth* anti Bryony Frost posters now?

Spending the days trucking and racing the last few days, doing the same again today and tomorrow so I am trying to catch up on the reports when not driving.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Surely they can see that this stance only serves to validate a reluctance to stand up? If their environment was that welcoming and supportive they should be more than comfortable identifying themselves.

For whatever reason they actually did it, the decision to remain anonymous suggests that they fear some kind of retribution if they don't, doesn't it? Not a good message right now.

I'd want to know if they were winning jockies on good horses, and any threat to the men in "a man's game" before I could put any positive interpretation on it.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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On the other female jockeys I don’t think we can or should second guess what others are thinking and why they took the decision to act as they did .
Dunne chose to bully the wrong person, her sex may be incidental ( it’s a big may) she is made of stern stuff and her profile probably was one of the things that gave her the confidence to use the system as she did .
Do I think it was this individuals first foray into bulling heck no I don’t. I think it’s likely he was well practised at it when he ran into BF .
IME people don’t start this sort of behaviour as mature adults they have a pattern they follow learn over the years .


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18 July 2010
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As a little bit of light hearted relief I did get a giggle when I saw the photo of Dunne and his lawyer en route to the hearing both decked out in pink. Presumably to give the impression of being in touch with their feminine sides or show solidarity with their female colleagues who of course all love pink..... The lengths lawyers will go to to try to influence proceedings in a subliminal manner does make me chuckle. I very much doubt the QC was been taken in at all.

As for Dunne being made an example of. Having worked in a very patriarchal environment which has gradually reformed over the last 20 years it's unfortunate but the culture did not change by generalised directives to all employees it was only by the disciplining of the worst offender's that others were forced to examine their own actions and attitudes.


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18 June 2005
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Just to give some balance I have read this on my FB feed this morning from a female jockey

This is my own experience on racing!
I do not condone bullying of any sort!
The amount of things I’m reading about the weigh room and the way us female jockeys are treated is absolute crap!
All the boys and girls at some point will shout when adrenalines are high and we’re trying to get where we need to! The senior jockeys usually have words with the less experienced to help them and tell them what they have done wrong and advice on how to do it in the future!
I have been shouted at and I have shouted at others when out on the course! When I go back in we’re all friends again and get on unless it was a dicition that could have been dangerous then usually it will be discussed then that’s it over!
All the valets I have ever met have been absolute legends! Will make sure your right with everything you need and treat you with respect and kindness!
Every course has a ladies changing room!
Behind the scenes of racing we have the ijf (injured jockeys fund) if we need a councillor, physio, doctor or rehab we get it straight away, we’re constantly asked about our well-being (male and female)
Racing to me is a big family!
I am absolutely sick of reading the lies in the media stating how us women are afraid to talk and how we are bullied on a daily basis by our colleagues!
Don’t believe everything you read listen to the people who are actually in it!"


Well-Known Member
17 September 2007
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Just to give some balance I have read this on my FB feed this morning from a female jockey

This is my own experience on racing!
I do not condone bullying of any sort!
The amount of things I’m reading about the weigh room and the way us female jockeys are treated is absolute crap!
All the boys and girls at some point will shout when adrenalines are high and we’re trying to get where we need to! The senior jockeys usually have words with the less experienced to help them and tell them what they have done wrong and advice on how to do it in the future!
I have been shouted at and I have shouted at others when out on the course! When I go back in we’re all friends again and get on unless it was a dicition that could have been dangerous then usually it will be discussed then that’s it over!
All the valets I have ever met have been absolute legends! Will make sure your right with everything you need and treat you with respect and kindness!
Every course has a ladies changing room!
Behind the scenes of racing we have the ijf (injured jockeys fund) if we need a councillor, physio, doctor or rehab we get it straight away, we’re constantly asked about our well-being (male and female)
Racing to me is a big family!
I am absolutely sick of reading the lies in the media stating how us women are afraid to talk and how we are bullied on a daily basis by our colleagues!
Don’t believe everything you read listen to the people who are actually in it!"
Did they put their name to it ?